Murong Wuwu finally sighed, gave up struggling, and asked Lin Feng again.

"You'd better hurry up and tell me, what exactly do you mean? What is the meaning of the sapphire you gave me? Tell me quickly, really don't let me guess anymore, I'm going to be annoyed by guessing."

Seeing that Murong Wuwu wanted to know so much, Lin Feng actually had no intention of giving her the sapphire necklace.

It was just a birthday present for her, but he seemed to be looking forward to it, so he couldn't help but tell her.

"I just think you match this sapphire necklace very well."

Murong Wuwu blinked again, glanced at the sapphire necklace on the table, and asked with a smile.

"Is there any more? It can't really be such a simple reason.

Lin Feng nodded and looked at Mu "087" Rong Wuwu and said.

"It's true that I can't think of any other reason now."

At that moment, Murong Wuwu couldn't help but rolled her eyes and handed the sapphire necklace on the table to Lin Feng and said.

"Or you can help me take it now, I don't think it is very likely that I will forget to take it now."

Lin Feng nodded seeing that she had said so, and he would definitely take it with him, so he picked up the sapphire necklace and helped him put it around her neck. Their movements were also very ambiguous, looking like It's like a couple.

After Lin Feng sent the necklace to Murong Wuwu's neck, the two sat back on the chairs and began to eat the unfinished cake.

Murong Sisi was also full of surprise watching from the side, and couldn't help but clapped her hands and said.

"I found that the two of you are indeed a good match, by the way, Lin Feng, do you have a girlfriend?"

"If you don't have a girlfriend, then you can make a pair with our Wuwu. Anyway, you are both quite old, and you should have a serious relationship. What do you think?"

At that moment Murong Wuwu's face turned red, and she didn't know what to say for a moment.

Lin Feng didn't know how to answer Murong Sisi's question at this moment.

Seeing that Lin Feng and Murong Wu were silent, Murong Sisi quickly rubbed her hands together, and the two of them asked again.

"Why aren't you two talking? Asking you questions?"

"Do you like each other? If you like each other, why not take advantage of today's opportunity to be together directly and enjoy the love of your youth."

Among the sisters, Murong Sisi is the one who won't stop others from being together the most. Her personality is different from everyone else's.

She feels that Wuwu is an adult now, and Lin Feng treats her well.

It's time to feel the taste of being in love, instead of being protected here all the time.

Murong Wuwu quietly glanced at Lin Feng next to her, she didn't know why Murong Sisi's words caused ripples in her heart.

But looking at Lin Feng's silence now, it's inevitable that he feels a little disappointed in his heart.

In fact, Lin Feng doesn't know anything, but for the current self, he still doesn't have any preparations.

And now that the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference has been held, the next battle may be other battles, etc., and there is also a battle to defend the city.

I have to improve my trade union again, so I don't have any energy to fall in love at all.

Maybe wait until I have some experience, and then think about these things about falling in love.

Murong Erer, who was drinking the juice, sprayed out the juice in an instant [Looking at Murong Sisi with a face full of shock, he said.

"What are you talking about? What do you mean they are almost the same age now, and what does it mean to be a couple?"

"Dancing dance is still very young, okay?"

"If you round it up a bit, it's a puppy love. I don't care. Anyway, Wuwu, I don't think it's suitable for you to fall in love so early."

When Murong Wuwu heard this, she felt a little upset for a while, she originally wanted to stand up and tell Murong Er'er, but when she saw Murong Er'er's angry look, she immediately gave up.

Murong Sisi sees, Murong Er'er is so opposed to Mo Rong me, and I also said a little bluntly when I was in love.

"I think it's normal, because I'm the same age as us now, you can ask Yiyizan if you agree, I won't talk about dating anymore."

"We can't stop Wu Wu from dating just because we haven't had a relationship before."

"Wu Wu is the first person to meet someone she likes, I think we should agree with her instead of letting her be inferior to us."

Murong Er Er was thoroughly upset, and Murong Yiyi looked on from the side with a very indifferent look.

For her younger sisters, it seems that she is not as worried as Murong.

And because she hasn't been together since she was a child, she still prefers not to have any idea of ​​controlling them.

Lin Feng looked at Murong Er'er's appearance at this moment, in fact, in terms of his character, this is completely a sister-in-law.

And from the gift she gave Murong Wuwu, it can be seen that those comprehensions were all because of seeing the value of the gift she gave Murong Wuwu.

So I changed it temporarily, and gave all my skin care products to Wu Wu, just to give myself a gift.

So it is understandable for his behavior, but Murong Si is different.

And Murong Sisi also has more dance parties with Murong Wu, and exchanges in personality.

In addition, Murong Sisi's personality is more loving and free, so she naturally doesn't like being restrained by others.

In fact, it's normal, so there is, and she doesn't want to see her sister being restrained by other people.

Murong Sisi spoke again. 1.6 "Don't worry, if you want to fall in love, as your sister, I will be the first to support you, and you are definitely the best, "as long as you believe in yourself."

Murong Er'er also spoke to Murong Wuwu again.

"Wuwu, you have listened to me for so long, and I didn't make so many decisions for you. If you were to make some decisions, what would you do if you were hurt?"

"You have to know that those emotional pains are very deep. Although I have never been in love, you have to understand."

"Those on the TV series are more or less adapted from real events. Look at how miserable those people are crying. Don't you want to cry like them?"

It was a good birthday party for a while, but what Murong Er'er and Murong Sisi said went a little off topic. .

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