National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 471 In Murong Wuwu's Room...

The two have also reached a state of ecstasy now, unable to hold each other back at all, and the two began to chatter, not caring about other people at all.

Murong Yiyi looked at Murong Sisi and Murong Er'er who were arguing, Lianmeng said.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, both of you, and go back to your room to quarrel slowly after everyone has finished eating. If you keep arguing like this, you won't even have to eat."

However, Murong Sisi and Murong Er'er seemed to be unable to hear at all, and the two still quarreled.

Lin Feng and Murong Wuwu looked at each other with dazed faces, never expecting that the two of them would actually quarrel over such a trivial matter.

Murong Wuwu was a little embarrassed and said to Lin Feng beside her.

"I'm sorry, my two sisters have completely different personalities, that's why they quarreled.

"In fact, most of the time, they can still get along very well, as long as they don't talk about some things, the two people have different answers."

Lin Feng saw 26's embarrassment in Murong Wuwu at this moment, probably because he was afraid that he would find Murong Sisi and Murong Er'er particularly strange.

But everyone has been together for such a long time.

He was more or less used to their weird characters, so he naturally didn't feel much reaction.

"Don't worry, this is normal. After all, the two of them have completely different personalities, and it's normal for them to have some quarrels.

Murong Wuwu also sighed when she heard Lin Feng say this, feeling that this matter was finally relieved in her heart.

"I thought you would mind. Seeing that they are arguing so much now, why don't you go to my room and stay for a while. Well, I just happen to have some toys that I just bought. Can you help me fix them?"

Lin Feng naturally couldn't refuse Murong Wuwu's invitation, so he nodded silently.

Murong Wuwu took Lin Feng to her room, and Murong Yiyi looked at the two of them leaving, feeling a little lost in her heart.

Lin Feng came to Murong Wuwu's room and saw that her entire room was decorated like a princess' room.

I have to say that it really matches his personality very well.

But I don't know why, but I always feel that there are some weird scenes like this kind of scene where a man and a widow live together in a room.

It always makes people think about it, and he asked himself to get her a new toy, what would the toy be...

Murong Wuwu was also very embarrassed, and said with some embarrassment.

"This is also the first time I bring a boy to my room, it might be a bit messy, don't mind sitting around.

Lin Feng nodded, and found a place to sit down, only to see a lot of clothes on the window, and there were several pink bunnies among them!

In an instant, Lin Feng also blushed, and even felt that his body became a little hot for no reason.

Anyway, she is also a teenager who has just turned 20 years old, and she came to the girl's room.

More or less still feel a little embarrassing.

I saw Murong Wuwu began to rummage through the boxes and cabinets looking for the toys he just bought a few days ago.

Lin Feng looked at her who was wearing a long skirt and had some inconvenience in walking, and asked.

"Your skirt is so long, otherwise I'll help you find it..."

Murong Wuwu came to her senses when she heard this, and immediately turned her head and said to Lin Feng.

"Then I'll change my clothes now, so please close your eyes quickly and don't look at me."

While talking, Murong Wuwu's face turned red instantly, for some reason, it seems that Lin Feng's presence here can make her heart beat faster now.

And there are some strange thoughts in my heart.

When Lin Feng heard this, he immediately closed his eyes, not daring to look at Murong Wuwu more.

Murong Wuwu hastily hid behind the curtain, picked up a simple skirt and put it on her body.

Listening to the sound of her clothes falling to the ground, it is inevitable that there will still be some Murong Wuwu in her mind...

"You must not peek at that, I will change it right away, just wait for me to download it."

Suddenly, Murong Wuwu let out an "ah".

Lin Feng opened his eyes subconsciously, and looked at Murong Wuwu who was hiding behind the curtain at this moment.

Fortunately, she is now covered by the curtains, otherwise she would have been completely seen by me, so she asked hastily.

"Is something wrong?"

Murong Wuwu looked at the blood on the ground, she never thought that she would come to her aunt now, and she came so punctually, she said to Lin Feng embarrassingly

"Then can you help me get my aunt's towel!"

"It's in the little box next to where you're sitting!"

It was at that moment that Lin Feng understood, and immediately his eyes fell on the side alley, and he opened the small box.

Looking at the box full of aunt's towels, she randomly picked one and handed it to Murong Wuwu who was standing behind the curtain.

Murong Wuwu also took the aunt's towel he handed to her with a face full of shame, and immediately returned it.

Murong Sisi and Murong Erer, who were still arguing on the first floor, finally got tired of the quarrel, and the two began to drink water one gulp at a time.

Murong Sisi said to Murong Er'er.

"I've already told you. Don't talk about yourself. These are normal things. If you don't believe me, just ask Murong Wuwu. I already know it in my heart."

"We don't need to worry about him at all, it's 30 yuan and you worry too much.

At this moment, the eyes of both of them started to look aside, but Murong Wuwu and Lin Feng were no longer here, they frowned, and asked Murong Yiyi and Murong Shanshan with their brows.

"What about the two of them?"

Murong Shanshan spoke slowly.

"The two of them went to the room. It must be annoying to see the two of you arguing. If it weren't for the fact that I haven't eaten enough, I'm going back to the room now."

Murong Sisi was slightly taken aback.

"It's too fast to leave the room so quickly, no, I'm going to see if the two of them are secretly doing other things behind our backs now."

Murong Sisi ran upstairs quickly, and Murong Er'er also followed, the mentality of the two people was completely different at this moment.

Murong Er's ears and ears seemed to be about to collapse, and he was full of complaints.

Unexpectedly, Lin Feng guessed that he only watched Wu Wu for a long time.

Now it's all about playing hard to get!

What are the two of them doing now? My God, is there really no way for me to stop the two of them?

Murong Wuwu in the room finally changed her clothes and came to Lin Feng, and handed him the toy she bought a few days ago.

At that moment Lin Feng was completely speechless, he never thought that there would be two Barbie dolls. .

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