National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 472 The Game Of The Girl's Heart

Murong Wuwu looked at Lin Feng and said with a smile.

"How about it?"

"Do you think this gift from me is very good? I have liked dolls since I was a child, but they feel that this doll is too childish, so they won't play with me!"

"I think you should play with me, right?"

Lin Feng didn't know what to say for a moment.

Regarding dolls, in fact, his thoughts in his heart are the same as those of others, a little naive.

But watching Murong Wuwu open her eyes as big as copper bells, looking forward to playing with dolls with her, this feeling is really tormenting!

She must be too childlike...  

I don't know if Murong Er'er and Murong Sisi have finished their quarrel, so hurry up to save me...

Outside the door, Murong Sisi and Murong Er'er pressed their faces against the door, wanting to hear what was going on inside.


can't hear anything...

Murong Er Er sullenly blamed Murong Sisi: "It's you who insisted on arguing with me, do you think it's okay now? Let's see how you want to clean up this mess now

Murong Sisi rolled her eyes and said to Murong Er: "How did I know that Wu Wu would be so impatient?!"

"I'm talking about a pure and beautiful love affair. How could I know that it was Murong Wuwu who took the initiative!"

Murong Er'er also asked anxiously: "Then what should we do now?"

"Why don't we just rush in now?"

Murong Sisi thought for a while, and various inappropriate scenes began to appear in his mind.

If it was really like what Murong Erer said, wouldn't it be embarrassing to see something that shouldn't be seen? Wouldn't it be embarrassing to see Lin Feng in the future?

"No, I don't think we can do this, otherwise we will have seen some things that we shouldn't have seen later, how embarrassing it is that we still have to play games in the future

When Murong Er Er heard what Murong Sisi said, she didn't think much about it at first, but now "suddenly those thoughts flashed in her mind...

The originally calm face suddenly turned red, and he said to Murong Sisi.

"I just feel like we need to get on now!"

"Otherwise they must have already had everything!"

"So what if it's embarrassing? Listen to see if there are any voices inside. Maybe nothing happened to them. We still have time to go in now!"

Murong Sisi frowned, and replied: "This question..."

"I think this problem may be because they have already happened. After all, you also know the first time. It is inevitable..."

Murong Er'er's face flushed instantly when he heard it, and he didn't know what to say for a while, so he just spoke hesitantly.

"Can you stop being so specific at this time, then should we break in now? Or should we not break in?"

Murong Er'er and Murong Sisi were both lost in thought, and Murong Yiyi and Murong Shanshan who were standing beside her didn't know what to say.

Looking at the closed door silently, he couldn't help but speak.

"I think you should not think too much, after all, she may be a little girl, but Lin Feng is a big man anyway, and he doesn't know how to do things in the team.

Murong Wuwu and Lin Feng who were in the room at this moment started to play the doll's cross-dressing game.

Lin Feng was playing with Murong Wuwu helplessly, Murong Wuwu looked at Ling Feng's helpless expression, and put a small skirt on him.

"Hurry up and help him take off his clothes, now we are going to change clothes."

"I see that you don't seem to want to play with dolls with me very much. Do you also think I am a childish and boring person?"

Lin Feng quickly shook his head, and immediately said to Murong Wu.

"How come? I think your game is quite girlish."

Immediately wanting to take off the clothes of the doll in her hand, she took down her hand, slid it lightly, and Yang Yang fell directly to the ground, Murong Wuwu screamed immediately, looked at the doll that fell on the ground and groaned.

"How did you accidentally drop my doll on the floor!"

The four people standing at the door became nervous after hearing the screams inside.

Murong Yiyi frowned slightly, he originally thought that the two of them would not do anything.

After all, Lin Feng is a man who pays more attention to and is more conservative, no way, maybe he thought it was wrong, it seems that this man can't stay.

Many flames also appeared in Murong Shanshan's eyes, and the eyes became more and more cold.

The originally open palm was ground into a fist in an instant, and he said to Murong Yiyi who was beside him.

"I think Lin Feng might bully me, now we can't keep this man anymore, hmph, I thought how good he would be to me, but we didn't expect that we were wrong."

A murderous aura was revealed in an instant, and Murong Sisi couldn't help but took a deep breath, but even though she stood in her heart, she still believed in Lin Feng.

In fact, they didn't do anything to Murong Wuwu, but they were too nervous.

But looking at the reactions of Murong Yiyi and Murong Shanshan now, he suddenly felt that Lin Feng seemed to be dead this time.

The two of them started fighting, so don't start too hard, it seems that now I can only pray for them silently in my heart.

Lin Feng in the room also felt the murderous aura coming from the door.

I always feel like I feel a little cold when I remember the back (of the money), but I don’t know why...

Hearing the movement outside the door, he frowned slightly, probably thinking of it, the four of them probably eavesdropped on their conversation at the door.

Seeing Lin Feng in a daze, Murong Wuwu quickly rubbed his clothes with her hands and said.

"What are you in a daze for? Let's continue quickly!"

With a bang, the door was kicked open at this moment, and Murong Wuwu was stunned.

Lin Feng looked at Murong Shanshan and Murong Yiyi who were standing at the door, both of them were covered with flames.

They already knew in an instant that they might have mistakenly thought that they had done something that they shouldn't have done with Wu Wu.

Murong Wuwu stared blankly at Murong Shanshan and Murong Yiyi standing at the door.

I don't know why, it always feels like they are going to eat themselves now. .

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