National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 477: Receive The Reward From The World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament!

The game prompt sounds.

"Congratulations to the player for successfully clearing the Kraken Dungeon, Death Mode."

Lin Feng took all the pets back together and left the Siren's Dungeon.

Since there is no change in the dungeon, the most important thing now is to go back to Yashan City to see the changes.

Lin Feng came to the teleportation array and teleported directly to Yashan City.

Something unexpected happened, and everything in front of me became a little unbelievable.

The data of the entire Yashan City has disappeared, and the construction of the city is also very different from before!

Now the entire city is already, almost close to reality.....

Here, it is even a little unclear whether the place I am in is reality or illusion.

Lin Feng walked into the palace of Yashan City.

I want to know how to expand or build the city if all the data is gone now. …

Came to the side of the recruiter npc.

"I want to expand Yashan City."

The recruiter replied: "If the city wants to grow, it needs to be designed by an architect, and then constructed by npc or players using materials."

At that moment, Lin Feng was stunned.

According to this, don’t you need a lot of workers?!

And if the cost of design is added, then an npc architect must be added.

Guards, etc., must also be indispensable.

Although the rules for expanding the city have not been changed much, in fact they have been changed more or less.

Changing it can even be said to burn more money!

There is still a row of small wooden signs hanging on the back of the recruiter, indicating civilians, workers, guards, instructors, blacksmiths, etc.

It's just that these prices are a little bit more expensive than before.

Originally, level 10 guards are the cheapest, only needing 1 gold coin, level 20 guards need 2 gold coins, until level 100 guards are worth 10 gold coins.

Now the level 10 guard is the cheapest, only needs 2 gold coins, the 20 level guard needs 4 gold coins, and the level 100 guard is worth 20 gold coins.


Although it seems that it is only a little bit more expensive, it actually looks cheap, but it is not cheap.

Today's Yashan City can accommodate 3,000 guards, that is, if it is equipped with a full number of 100-level guards, it will need 60,000 gold coins!

Then after upgrading the city, what you need is 120,000 gold coins!

Lin Feng turned his attention to the architect again.

There is no fluctuation in the value of junior architects and intermediate architects, and it is still the same as the original price.

Junior architects are worth 50 gold coins each.

Intermediate architects are worth 500 gold coins each.

Looking at the worker's price, there hasn't been any change.

It seems certain that the only thing that has changed now is the change of the guard.

For the current Lin Feng, these numbers only tell him that he is very short of money at the moment!

Walking out of the palace, they saw Murong Wuwu and Murong Shanshan looking around not far away. After Lin Feng walked out from the main hall, they quickly came to Lin Feng's side.

Murong Wuwu glanced at the surrounding city and sighed.

"I really didn't expect that this game update would erase so much data~".

"Even looking around in this Yashan City, everything is real."

Murong Shanshan nodded and said.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that in this update, personal data will also be erased, but it feels more participatory, and everything becomes real.

Lin Feng saw that Murong Wuwu and Murong Shanshan both agreed with the changes in this game update.

In fact, for him, this update has to be said, it is indeed very good.

At least the sense of participation is getting stronger and stronger.

In the world's number one guild group, everyone has also started to discuss the changes they are facing after this game update.

"I really didn't expect that all the personal data disappeared this time, so in this case, wouldn't the distance from others only be the level and blood volume?

"I feel that if only the level and blood volume are left, it will make people feel more eager to surpass others. This update is very good."

"For me who is weak, it seems that whether this game is updated or not, I am still so good..."

"This.....These words make people a little speechless! What do you call a dish that is the same even if it is not updated? In fact, I feel that after the update, people will feel more fully invested.

"In this update, I have seen my own miracle. I feel that after the update, I have gone further and further on the road of fighting monsters!"

"Yes, yes, yes! I think so too, and I am going farther and farther on the road of fighting monsters! I feel that after the update, the whole game experience is completely different from the original one. It is better to be sure.

"This kind of game is absolutely unprecedented, there is no one, this time I feel that I really created a new deed!"

Lin Feng saw that everyone in the guild group was talking about the changes after the game update. Generally speaking, most of them were positive.

Since these data were erased, in fact, I felt as if I was completely immersed in this world when I was fighting monsters.

In the past, if there were data, there was still a feeling of not being in this world, and it would still be a bit of a drama.

At this time, the reward was received in the mailbox, and a notice was also sent out on the global announcement!

""The World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament has come to a successful conclusion. Congratulations to Meng Wang for winning the first place in the Huaxia District's single match, first in the double match, first in the six-player match, and first in the ten-player match!"

"Global Explosion!"

All the posts above are all the posts of Lin Feng winning the championship this time.

[Meng Wang won all the championships in the Huaxia District of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Competition! The following are the highlights of Meng Wang's battle!】

[Shocking news! The champions are all cute kings. The following video directly touches people's hearts. Everyone is welcome to watch. 】(Li Qianhao)

[A summary of all the highlights of Meng Wang, everyone is welcome to watch. 】

[How many people bet on Meng Wang to win in the end? How many people are sorry? Please see the blooming of Meng Wang's bright moments every time!】

All posts are about Lin Feng

There was a slight smile on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth, and an envelope appeared in the mailbox, which was an official award.

After opening it, I found that I got four pieces of dark gold level equipment!

The first one is the dark gold-ranked Purple Lightning Frozen Sword!

The second item is the God-Piercing Crossbow of the Dark Gold level!

The third piece is the Nine Phoenix Chaoyang Black Gold Helmet of the dark gold level!

The fourth piece is the Fiery Silver Dragon Armor of the Dark Gold rank!

Everything is a baby!

His Archangel Sword can only be regarded as a gold-level sword.

Unexpectedly, now I directly own a dark gold level weapon... Fang...

This is something that many people dream of......

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