National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 478 Expansion Of Yashan City

Lin Feng immediately pressed the acceptance document and pocketed all the official rewards he got.

Seeing that Lin Feng had finally returned to the game state, Murong Wuwu immediately asked curiously.

"I have just received the reward from the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference."

"Although it is fifth place, it feels very good.

"What about you, you are the number one in this World's Number One Martial Arts Tournament, what kind of gifts did the officials give you?"

Lin Feng replied with a smile: "Guess?"

Seeing his mysterious look, Murong Wuwu snorted.

"If I can guess it, do I still need to ask you?"

"Tell me, what gift did you receive?"

"The official didn't release it this time either, maybe the presents are very different this time?"

Seeing that Murong Wuwu was so curious, Lin Feng felt a little bit entangled in whether he should tell her or not when he thought that he had obtained all the equipment of the dark gold level.

After all, according to Murong Wuwu's temperament, she must be the first to feel her own gift, how could it be so different.

Then regret it, why don't you work harder.

Looking at Murong Wuwu's curious look, she still spoke slowly.

"It's just two ordinary equipment and two offensive equipment."

Murong Wuwu pursed her lips and said, "Oh, that's not what I meant.

"I want to know what level it is?"

"I got three pieces of gold-level equipment this time, and only one piece of equipment was dark-gold level.

After listening to what Murong Wuwu said, Lin Feng could probably guess that the official Dark Gold level equipment should be owned by the top five.

Those below five should be at the gold level.

After this World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference, Yin's equipment level must have been greatly improved.

"I'm about the same as you."

After hearing this, Murong Wuwu smiled happily.

Murong Yiyi also appeared in Yashan City. After the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament is over, they should also ask Lin Feng what he plans to do next.

"Five Five, are you both here?"

"It just so happens that you are also there, King Meng, so I can save time looking for you. I have something to do with you."

Seeing Murong Yiyi coming, Murong Wuwu came to her side, frowned and said.

"——, what are you looking for from us?"

(cgfe) "Do you also want to share with us what rewards you have won?"

Murong Yiyi stretched out her hand and tapped Murong Wuwu's head suddenly.

"Certainly not."

"What do you think about all day long?"

Murong Wuwu couldn't figure out what Murong Yiyi was thinking for a while.

After all, Lin Feng and Yiyi are in charge of the whole city.

The other people, in fact, did not pay as much as the three of them.

Especially her, in fact, she didn't have much idea about the whole city.

Lin Feng looked at Murong Yiyi, seeing her serious look, probably guessed what she was looking for this time.

It's nothing more than wanting to know the plan behind him, after all, the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament is over.

Everything has to be put on the record.

"By the way, what are we going to do next?"

"Do you have any plans?"

Seeing that Murong Yiyi had already asked this question, Lin Feng didn't want to tell her first, since she had already asked, he could tell her directly, and said slowly.

"Actually, after this game update, I think we should expand Yashan City."

Murong Wuwu frowned slightly when she heard Lin Feng say that she still wanted to expand Yashan City this time.

"Are we going to continue building the city so soon? Are we going to fight those monsters again?"

Lin Feng nodded.

But the most important thing at present is that the problem of the economy has not been resolved.

So if you want to build a city, you need to solve the problem of gold coins first.

This time the game needs too many gold coins after the update.

"However, according to our current progress, the gold coins I have now are not enough to support our expansion of this city, so we need to earn some more gold coins."

After hearing what Lin Feng said, Murong Yiyi understood and nodded. After all, expanding the city this time will indeed cost more money than last time.

Although she has always told Lin Feng that no matter what financial problems she has, she can find herself.

But she also knows that people like Lin Feng actually want to solve many things by themselves, and rarely talk to others.

Murong Wuwu obviously didn't understand the matter of gold coins and said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter, now that we have so many people in the No. 1 Guild in the World, I think it should be very soon to prepare gold coins."

"Besides, you can quickly get gold coins by farming wild monsters, and we all work hard to believe that we will be able to expand the city in a few days.

And the thought of expanding the city this time makes me very excited.

Because this is the first time she has fought since the game was updated, can you not be excited.

I don't know if there will be some updates for the duel with monsters after this game update.

Lin Feng looked at Murong Wuwu who was still so innocent and didn't know how to tell her about this matter.

After all, expanding the city is my own business. As the owner of the city, if I need help from others, I might as well not expand it.

Murong Yiyi has already guessed with a high probability how much money will be needed to expand the city this time.

Although the money is just a trivial matter to him, she also knows that if she invests too much.

Lin Feng certainly wouldn't want to invest so much money himself.

Just when the three of them were still thinking about it.

Li Yuan suddenly went online and there were many messages at the location of the contact person.

Lin Feng clicked on the contact window, looked at the message Li Yuan sent to him, and frowned slightly.

Unexpectedly, it was Li Yuan who discovered another mine.

When Li Yuan attacked the mine, he accidentally discovered a city made up of monsters 10 kilometers away.

Originally, he wanted to expand the entire Yashan tradition first, but now he has gained this idea.

Now that another mine has been attacked so quickly, and there is still a level of monster components.

If he can successfully win it, then he must have another good town.

Then I can save a small amount of money again. Although I have to spend this money at any time, it is better to expand my influence. .

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