National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 487 Killing With One Sword!

While she was in a daze, Lin Feng raised a disdainful smile, and pointed the God Piercing Crossbow in his hand at the cute Taoist behind her.


I saw that the arrow directly passed by Mengdao Xuemei. Before she could react, the arrow had already passed by her ear.

Murong Wuwu and Murong Shanshan saw that the speed of the arrow was so fast, they originally wanted to shoot, but seeing the situation, they don't need to shoot at all, okay?

Seeing the arrow flying in front of his eyes, the Meng Tao scholar immediately dodged aside, and turned around on the ground several times.

His forehead was still covered with beads of sweat from this powerful aura...

The arrows that Lin Feng fired at him also stuck on the ground, and finally turned into gunpowder smoke.

Unexpectedly, his reaction force is much faster than before.

He took a look at Murong Wuwu and Murong Shanshan, whom he always wanted to have sex with.

Seeing that Lin Feng didn't attack them again, the two of them immediately understood themselves, and summoned the equipment rewarded by the World Martial Arts Conference in their hands.

Murong Wuwu summoned a purple gold ax with a length of two meters.

The ax is very sharp, and the many fine lines of purple flowers are lifelike, and it is dizzying to watch.

A double-edged sword glowing with golden light appeared in Murong Shanshan's hand.

The length of the double-edged sword is about one meter long like an ordinary hand knife, but it is very sharp, and sword shadows will appear from time to time on the sharp edge.

I have to say that this double-edged sword is really suitable for her.

For a short-range attack player like Murong Shanshan, longer weapons will only make her unable to fully stretch her arms and legs.

Meng Dao Xuemei and Meng Miao Tianya, looking at the weapons in the hands of Murong Shanshan and Murong Wuwu, their hearts are also very excited!

"I go?"

"What kind of monster is this?"

"I didn't expect the monster's equipment to be so powerful after the game update...~々..."

"I didn't think of it at all..."

Mengmiao Tianya said slowly.

Junior Mengdao's eyes were completely fixed on the long ax in Murong Wuwu's hand, and she nodded heavily!

"That's right!"

"If I can get the long ax in her hand, then the combat power will definitely be improved a lot!"

Junior Mengdao smiled and said, "We must defeat them this time!"

When Murong Wuwu and Murong Shanshan heard what the two of them said, the corners of their mouths also raised a disdainful smile.

After all, this battle is with Lin Feng, so we must not lose face!

Lin Feng looked at the Meng Dao scholar who continued to dodge, without saying a word, just staring at him with fish eyes.

In fact, although they said that they did not beat themselves this time, they were still in second place overall, and the official reward equipment should be similar.

The Meng Dao scholar suddenly flew up, and summoned a golden sword in his hand!

The light rushing into the sky is really brightening the eyes of blind people.

Lin Feng looked at the divine sword in his hand, and the thought of snatching it appeared in his heart.

And now I am wearing the disguise of a murloc. Think about it, at most it will be reported that it was defeated by a monster and snatched it away.

If I sell this Excalibur at that time, then I will have the money to expand Yashan City this time!

Logically speaking, the equipment obtained by members of one's own team should be better than the opponent's.

So in fact, grabbing the opponent's weapon is not of much use to oneself, it is better to sell it.

Immediately retracted the God-Piercing Crossbow, and summoned a dark-gold level Purple Lightning Frost Sword!

A two-meter-long sword appeared in the eyes of everyone. Looking closely, there were still many lightning flashes circulating in this long sword, which shuttled continuously.

Lin Feng made a gesture to support the sky, and with a bang, the sky changed drastically!

A huge vortex appeared directly in the sky, it was shocking to look at!

The entire grass was instantly filled with dead silence.

Lin Feng was really surprised by this official Zidian Frozen Sword!

I didn't expect it to be so powerful......

Could it cause thunder?

Lin Feng thought about it carefully for a while, and couldn't help but want to launch an attack on the Zidian Frost Sword.

The Meng Dao scholar saw that such a big movement came from the long sword in his hand.

The heart is also very excited.

There are not many opportunities to encounter such powerful equipment, and now you can't easily miss it.

Lin Feng, who was still supporting the sky, held the hilt of his sword with both hands.


Countless lightning bolts fell from the sky with a crack, and then turned into many powers like iron chains, which were transmitted into the purple lightning frost sword in his hand.

This is undoubtedly a powerful attack...



Lin Feng showed his own move, guardian angel cross cut!

Depending on your own equipment, the attacks you move out are also different.


Two cross-attacks glowing with purple thunder directly swept across the body of the budding scholar!

The speed, strength, smashed fiercely on the cute scholar!


Before waiting for the Meng Dao scholar to defend, he swept past him directly!

In an instant, the blood volume of the cute Taoist scholar became 0.

Lin Feng slowly fell from the sky, looked at the dead Meng Dao scholar, and took his equipment directly into his hands!

Mengdao Xuemei and Mengmiao Tianya haven't reacted yet!

In their hearts, they couldn't believe that the monster in front of them could be so powerful.

It seems that now I can only run!

Murong Shanshan and Murong Wuwu quickly attacked them.

A light flashed, but unfortunately, the attacks of the two still missed the two of them.

The two of them ran to other places in an instant.

Murong Wuwu and Murong Shanshan (De Zhao Zhao) originally wanted to catch up, but Lin Feng called out at this moment.

"" Well, stop chasing. "

"We're about the time it takes to get back to how we were."

Murong Wuwu and Murong Shanshan both heaved a long sigh and said helplessly.

"I was thinking of stealing their weapons."

"I feel that their weapons are still okay, I didn't expect

"I never thought you wouldn't let us take advantage of the victory!"

Lin Feng said: "It takes more time to get their weapons."

"You will know later."

I saw a flash of light, and all the things on the faces of the three people disappeared, and they returned to their original appearance.

"I didn't expect this carbon stone effect to be published for such a long time."

"That's right, I didn't expect the effect of this carbon stone to last for such a long time. I thought it was only half an hour before."

Lin Feng said: "Then it's time to go back now."

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