Lin Feng brought Murong Wuwu and Murong Shanshan back to Yashan City.

Seeing that the three of them had returned, Li Yuan asked with surprise on his face.

"How is the three of you going to explore Monster City?"

"It feels like you guys don't look wrong, have you found anything in Monster City?"

Murong Wuwu nodded, and told Li Yuan everything she knew.

Lin Feng also told Li Yuan what he knew, but his expression changed anytime and anywhere.

In fact, I also know what the real thoughts in his heart are...

It's nothing more than feeling that wanting to attack this monster city this time is indeed a big deal.

And the odds of winning are not certain.

"I didn't expect the Monster City to be so powerful this time?"

"Then do we still need to fight this time?"

Li Yuan asked.

Lin Feng nodded, although he knew that the other party was indeed very powerful, but such a good opportunity itself has certain risks.

If you get the influence of this monster city on yourself, it will be greatly strengthened.


"It's just a temporary risk.

"As long as we can regain this monster city, our power will definitely increase a lot."

Seeing that Lin Feng had said this, Li Yuan could just do as he said.

"Then, when are we going to attack City 457?"

Lin Feng thought for a while, and looked at the current time, which was already eleven o'clock in the evening.

If you attack the city, it must be tomorrow morning, so why not attack directly tomorrow.

Murong Wuwu also looked like he had been injected with chicken blood, her eyes were as big as eggs.

"Yeah, I feel like we should strike while the iron is hot and take it quickly?"

"Just right, I can't sleep tonight!"

Lin Feng said slowly: "You look like you've been pumped out."

"Just because you have time, doesn't mean other people have time."

"We still need to call up soldiers and horses."

"The main reason for going to Monster City this time is to see how many people are willing to go."

Lin Feng opened the chat bar, and clicked on the group chat where the five sisters were.

"The monster city has been explored."

"We need to call up soldiers and horses to attack the city at seven o'clock tomorrow morning.

Soon, in less than a few minutes, I got a reply from Murong Er'er.

"Ok, ok, I also heard about the monster city just now, I just have time tomorrow morning.

"How much do you need to recruit this time?"

Lin Fengli (cgfg) immediately replied: "This recruitment mainly depends on how many people are willing to follow us to fight this city."

"As many people are willing, we will go."

Murong Yiyi's news also appeared at this time.

"It's a good time."

"Then announce the conscription to the guild now?"

Lin Feng sent a "hmm."

Followed by Murong Sisi's approving expression.

Lin Feng saw that they all agreed to him, and Murong Yiyi also took over his task of conscription, so there is no need for his task at present.

It just so happens that the equipment harvested today can be sold directly.

Anyway, selling early and buying late is also selling.

Murong Wuwu asked: "Then what are you going to do next?"

Lin Feng said: "Do the task."

Murong Wuwu nodded understandingly, and looked at the time, it was already getting late.

"Then take it easy, I'll go to bed first."

"See you tomorrow morning.

After separating from everyone, Lin Feng put on a black cloak to conceal his identity.

After all, at that time, he used his identity as a monster to fight back.

It must be necessary to conceal one's identity.

Sit in the teleportation array and go to the player's main city.

Lin Feng came to the exchange and entered an independent space.

First of all, hang out the gold-level golden sword of the Meng Dao scholar he killed.

This time, he didn't call the people from the Seven Dragon Palace to sell the equipment he got this time, but sold it in an auction.

Many people saw that someone was selling a gold-level Excalibur on the exchange, and they rushed to buy it.

Lin Feng first priced Excalibur at 500,000 gold coins.

For current players, the current gold coins are not as valuable as the previous gold coins.

Now a gold coin is equal to one dollar.

This time I sold 500,000, which is a small amount for many people.

But if it can be auctioned for a higher price, that would be even better.

"Someone actually sells gold-level equipment, I want it! I have to! I'll sell 600,000!"

"I'll pay 700,000!"

"I'll pay 800,000!"

"Wow, so many local tyrants came to buy it, it's really amazing, I guess the person who sells it is also a very powerful character.

"I offer 900,000!"

"I offer 1 million!"

"I'll go, these people are really rich to buy this arrow..."

Lin Feng was also very surprised to see these people keep raising prices.

Last few minutes,

Sure enough, I saw my price being raised higher and higher!

In the end, it was directly fixed at 2.5 million

The game voice prompts: "Do you need to sell at 2.5 million?"

Lin Feng thought about it again, and saw the water dragon from the Dragon Palace coming to the trading place.

Unexpectedly, I bid directly!


It's more than half the price!

Simply shocking!

When everyone saw the water dragon coming from the Seven Dragon Palace, they stopped taking pictures.

Only the sound of the exchange was heard.

"6 million times!"

"6 million twice!"

"6 million three times!"

Everyone started to discuss.

"I really didn't expect that the water dragon from the Seven Dragon Palace would come and bid such a high price... Sure enough, rich people are different."

"Yes, I feel that no one will continue to raise the price. This price is quite high, but for many people, gold-level equipment is indeed very good, especially for some novice players."

"I feel that some novice players are really very good, with good equipment but no amazing skills."

"I don't know what good equipment the official will give to everyone in this World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament this time. This time, the Meng King has opened up a huge distance from everyone."

"That's right, some people still have a chance to catch up with each other, and now it is estimated that they will not be able to catch up in half their lives."

"I feel that the official must be that kind of special precious one this time. I don't have to think that there are still some opportunities when I had this kind of thinking before. Now I don't have this kind of thinking at all."

"I want this gold-level Excalibur, and I bid 9 million!".

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