National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 494 Blue Protective Cover

Soon a group of people passed through the jungle and came to the gate of the monster city.

Looking at the tightly closed city gate, Murong Wuwu asked from the side.

"Now are we going to break in directly and start killing?"

Lin Feng nodded, seeing that everyone had reached their positions, they glanced at each other.

Murong Yiyi looked at the murloc on the high wall and asked -.

"The battle is about to start, shall we divide into five paths?"

Lin Feng said: "Yes, when the time comes, we will divide into five paths, and I will take Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi to the middle path, which is also the fastest way to the palace.

"You enter the palace in a half-surrounded way."

"Although I came to this monster city at the time, I didn't go into the palace in the monster city, so everyone must be careful.

"Kill the monsters inside if you can. If you encounter a big boss and really can't win, everyone can retreat a little bit."

The others nodded in understanding.

Lin Feng saw that everyone memorized what he said, and now it doesn't take time.

Leading all the players who participated in this siege battle, they rushed straight into the city gate.

Lin Feng directly took Murong Sisi, Murong Wuwu, Murong Yiyi, Murong Er'er, Murong Shanshan, endless stream, green grassland, and flew directly to the city wall.

Seeing the start of the battle, everyone began to show their abilities!

When the murlocs saw someone coming to attack the city, they rushed out of the city one after another.

The murlocs on the city wall also started fighting with them.

Lin Feng also summoned the Purple Lightning Frost Sword in his hand.

The sense of majesty soaring into the sky instantly hits the face!

The little monster soldier standing on the city wall was a little scared when he saw the purple-gold Tianlei Excalibur in Lin Feng's hand.

Slash at them with the long sword in your hand!


In an instant, all the murlocs in front of him were cut in half.

Seeing a lot of murloc troops rushing towards them, Lin Feng frowned and summoned all his pets.

Both Xiao Hei and the fairy witch began to release their own moves continuously.

The entire gate of the monster city was instantly frozen by the move Frozen World.

Eggmon also began to keep opening its mouth wide, and ate all the frozen murlocs into its stomach.

The soldiers outside the city gate also began to constantly hit the gate at this moment.

However, what people did not expect was that the city gate could not be opened anyway.

Murong Yiyi also continued to display her own moves, and those who killed one person with one hand began to kill others!

However, it is also very strange to see that the soldiers have not opened the city gate one after another.

"Meng Wang, it seems that this city gate cannot be opened!"

Murong Yiyi said.

Lin Feng suddenly remembered that when he came to this monster city yesterday, the gates were opened for him by others outside.

No matter how I use it, I never thought that this city gate is so strong.

It seems that now we have to get rid of some soldiers inside the city wall and open the door from the inside.

"Then the seven of us will open the door from the inside!"

"Because the soldiers are all ordinary little soldiers now, we must quickly open the city gate."

Murong Wuwu looked at the soldiers who started to come, now the city is filled with many soldiers, holding pearl swords one after another in their hands.

"So many soldiers?"

"I feel that if we go down now, we will die easily.

Lin Feng shook his head, and said with a firm look in his eyes.

"No way, this siege is just a small beginning.

"After this game update, the abilities of many monsters have been strengthened a lot."

"But, in order to win, it has to be done."

Murong Yiyi looked at Lin Feng's unwavering expression, and saw that the soldiers she brought could not enter the city. If she used the direction of climbing in from the city wall, it would take a lot of time.

"I feel so too."

"We must make a good start from the beginning to win or lose this game."

"So, everyone, go directly!"


Suddenly, the entire city was covered by a blue protective cover!


Outside the city gate, the players led by Lin Feng were directly thrown one meter away.

The entire city seems to be protected, so that some players who want to try to open the city gate again cannot approach the city gate.

Murong Wuwu reached out to touch the blue protective cover covering the entire city.

Unexpectedly, his hand was bounced off in an instant.

…………… Ask for flowers…

"what to do!"

"My hands can't stick out at all now."

"We won't be quarantined!"

"Could it be that we can only rely on a few of us in this battle?"

Murong Shanshan, Murong Erer, Murong Yiyi glanced at each other.

Indeed, for them now, they don't know what to do...

"It seems that we can only unlock this protection from inside the city."

Murong Yiyi said.

No matter how I use it, I never thought that the start could be so bleak.

Now facing yourself are so many monsters.

There are more and more monsters under the city wall, and some mermaid monsters even have six legs, with steel-like teeth, and climb directly to the city wall.

The whole body is tightly attached to the city wall, looking like a spider.

"I advise you to surrender quickly!"

"Based on your current situation, if you still want to attack the city, let me tell you, it's impossible!"

"You will definitely lose here!"

All the people started to make exactly the same, very ferocious voices.

Even the words of these murlocs were exactly the same.

Listening to it makes people get goosebumps and they all fell to the ground.

Li Yuan also looked at the current situation very cautiously. When he saw a murloc monster crawling towards the city wall, he directly summoned an illusion sword and killed it directly!

Although these monsters are only pediatrics to them, they are very numerous.

"What do we do now?"

"If you go directly, it is very likely that you will be pestered by these mobs.

Lin Feng waved his hand and said.

"Now there is no other way but to download directly."

"After all, we are all locked in this city now, unless we die, we can't get out.

"So, we can only move forward, we can only fight a bloody path."


I saw that the murlocs who couldn't come up from the bottom made all kinds of strange noises.

The trembling eardrums began to sway.....

Almost like going deaf.

"Then let's get on it now!"

Murong Yiyi asked.

Lin Feng nodded, and said to the pets beside him, Xiao Hei and Dan Dan Beast.

"Xiao Hei, Dandan Beast, Ying!"

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