National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 495: Quarantined Outside

All I saw was that Xiao Hei and Dan Dan Beast jumped into the city in an instant!

Once again, the two pets unleashed their own move, Frozen World.

Before all the murlocs attacked him, they were all frozen in place, with lots of ice spreading all over their bodies.

Lin Feng saw that the murlocs within two meters were being stared at by Xiao Hei's frozen world, and immediately said to the people around him.

"Quick, it's now!"

"Must hurry up!"

"Everything is frozen now, which is the best time."

Moreover, in Xiao Hei's moves, the speed of all monsters will be greatly reduced.

Lin Feng jumped out from the city wall with the others, and the Purple Lightning Frost Sword in his hand also released moves at the position of the murloc in front!

Guardian Angel Slash!

"Seven-five-three" with a whoosh!

I saw, a ray of purple electric lightning, like a sharp blade, passed by them in an instant.

The originally frozen murloc was split in half.

The blood volume disappears.

When the murlocs two meters away saw this situation, they all started to back away.

It also seems to be indicating something...

Frozen World's skill special effects also disappeared.

All the frozen murlocs were not killed, they returned to their original state, and started walking towards everyone's position.

Everyone's skills also need buffering time!

Quite a few murlocs began to chop at them with the long pearl swords in their hands.

Murong Er'er instantly summoned a huge red formation diagram, directly generating four meters!

Many murlocs who stepped into the burst were directly crushed to death by the flying red flames in the void of the burst.

However, there are too many murlocs, even those murlocs who were bombed and killed a lot in the formation.

But the murloc still desperately rushed towards Murong Er'er, as if he was not afraid of death.

The seven people continued to display their skills, but these murlocs rushed forward as if they were not afraid of death!

"What kind of situation is this murloc?"

"Why do you keep rushing towards us without fear of death?"

"If this continues, I feel that my blue will be spent."

"This has been delayed until it has turned into a protracted battle!"

Murong Sisi asked Lin Feng.

Now among them, only Lin Feng is the most powerful.

If he doesn't think of a way, then there will be no chance at all.

Lin Feng felt a little helpless as he watched the murlocs constantly rushing towards him.

He found that these murlocs appeared continuously at all, and if they couldn't find the root cause to eliminate them, they would still continue to appear.

Could it be that the boss this time has the ability to regenerate?

This not only made him a little suspicious, but now all doubts can't be solved, and now the only way to destroy this city is to win!

Outside the city, many players also began to try various methods to open the blue protective cover this time.

But no matter how powerful moves are made against these protective covers, they still cannot be opened.

Many players began to sigh and feel lost.

After all, if it goes on like this, it will be a kind of torture to anyone's psychology.

All the city lords of his own are inside, and all these ugly soldiers are outside.

"What should we do? If we can't open it, I feel that this siege battle must not last long, and we must lose, but I can't think of any way at all!"

"That's right, I don't think this city is much stronger than the one we encountered back then. What should we do now...We... can't just fail AB like this... ..."

"I don't know what's going on with them inside. I guess the city lords must be holding on. I hope they can really take down this city. I didn't expect that the opening would be like this..."

"It is estimated that this matter will be spread to the forum soon, and our comments will be overwhelming at that time. In fact, I am also a little helpless. I really don't know what to do.

"Everyone, please be happy, don't be stumped by a little bit of trouble, now they are supporting us inside and fighting for us, we naturally can't relax outside, maybe the city lords are also constantly trying to find a way ah!"

"You are right to say that, and I think so too, but...but, I think if this thing continues like this, the city lord and the others will definitely die in it, we are now There seems to be nothing we can do but pray to God...."

"Hey, hey, I really didn't expect that after this game update, the difficulty of the entire game has been greatly enhanced. Now those of us who are not high enough can only stay here in a daze."

Everyone kept discussing, thinking of ways, thinking of what kind of method to use to open the city gate.

But no matter how I think about it, I can't seem to think of any way, which is really tormenting.

"Why don't we go ask for help from the people in Seven Dragon Palace?"

"I feel that the Seven Dragon Palace has cooperated with us, and the cooperation is quite good."

Suddenly, a player's proposal made many people see some hope.

However, there are also many people who disagree with this approach!

"I don't think we can get our wins in this way of pleading with others.

"Although the relationship between Seven Dragon Palace and us is indeed very good, but after all, there must be no one like us to find someone else?"

"Now that the city lord is not here, I don't think we have the right to make any decisions at all."

However, other people who supported some people to find Seven Dragon Palace also quarreled with each other.

"What do you mean without any decision?"

"Please, we can't get in now, and this is the only way we are here is better than waiting for 2.4, right?"

"What is begging others? I think if the city lord is here, he will definitely agree with what I said."

When everyone started to quarrel, the water dragons in the Seven Dragon Hall and others brought some soldiers to the gate of the monster city.

However, seeing the huge blue protective shield covering the outside, they all frowned slightly.

"Where's the cute king?"

Shuilong asked hastily.

Others saw that the people from the Seven Dragon Palace had come one after another, and quickly pointed to the protective cover in front of them and said.

"Now they are all inside, and those of us who are outside can't get in at all."

"Your Highness Seven Dragons, you are finally here, what should we do now to get in?"

"We've all been racking our brains here for a long time."

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