National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 496 The Arrival Of The Seven Dragon Palace

All the people in the Seven Dragon Palace looked at the protective cover that isolated everyone, and glanced at each other. This was the first time they had encountered such a situation in such a long time.

In fact, they didn't know what to do for a while, and this time they brought people here to give to Meng Wang.

Those who increased their strength a little did not expect that all of them would be isolated outside in the end.

The water dragon asked the fire dragon.

"Then what should we do in the current situation? Should we go straight? If we go straight, we won't be able to get in."

Shuilong shook his head, let out a long sigh, and began to speak.

"Now I have no way to open this protective cover, and it seems that the city gate should not be opened from the inside.

"We can't get in at all, and now there are two layers of protection, no matter how hard we try to get in, there is no way."

Everyone else heaved a long sigh, and all the players who followed Lin Feng.

They also didn't know what to do for a while, and now they can't get in, and they can't leave.

They can only wait here, which is their only way now.

Waiting for Lin 26 Feng to open the door from the inside, but this is really unbelievable for them now.

Because there were only 7 people who went in, even though they all knew that these few people were very powerful.

But no matter how powerful the entire monster city of the department they are in, it is hard to beat many monsters.

The first player of krypton gold looked at the monster city filled with blue light as if nothing happened, although he was also a little distressed.

What should I do now, but seeing that everyone couldn't think of a solution after thinking about it, they sat silently on the ground and began to close their eyes and rest their minds.

Lin Feng in the city was also constantly moving towards them.

The fishermen who kept rushing launched various attacks.

Even after launching all his moves, the entire ground was covered with all the murloc corpses, but these murlocs still kept coming.

Murong Wuwu had almost run out of strength at this moment, looked at the language that was still walking towards them, and asked Lin Feng.

"What should we do now? According to our current strength, it's hard to beat the public."

"These fishermen seem to be rushing towards us like a steady stream. If we can't find a way, we won't be able to defeat them at all, and we will be directly dragged to death by them.

Lin Feng actually knew what Murong Wuwu was thinking this time, but now that Jindu has come in, it is simply impossible to retreat completely, unless the protective cover is broken now.

"Or let's all gather our strength and see if we can break this protective shield."

"It just so happens that Murong Er'er's long-range combat can temporarily isolate those murlocs outside. We will immediately set up an formation here, and then launch a unique move to see if we can directly open this protective cover."

The others looked at each other and nodded, Murong flew towards the void without hearing anything, and made a sudden move with both hands.

A huge array of murlocs approached the king and the others, and there was a booming sound and five beams of light shot up from under them, directly blocking where they were going.

"My defensive cover can protect us for a short time, and it can only protect us for about 5 minutes temporarily. We must directly destroy this protective cover within these 5 minutes."

Lin Feng nodded, and the seven people instantly stood in different positions, forming a seven-pointed star.

Each launched their most powerful moves, and gathered their strength towards the void.

The 7 people's bodies also exuded lights of different colors and instantly gathered together, and the rays of light soaring into the sky rushed to taste again.

The blue protective cover covering the monster city was washed away, and a strong sense of majesty even directly permeated the monster city.

The Seven Dragon Hall and the players, who were very anxious outside, saw that the blue protective cover covering the monster city had disappeared, and they instantly gained momentum. They looked at each other as if they saw hope.

"Oh my god, someone actually broke the protective cover. It seems that the city lord and the others have found a way to open the city gate inside. We should be able to enter soon. Everyone must be prepared at all times."

"I thought the group masters and the others would kill this monster this time. Didn't I expect the city masters to be so powerful, and even the protective cover was opened. Just now, I saw that the protective cover can explode with such rebound power. I didn't expect In the end, it was opened, so that’s good, that’s good.”

"It seems that we all think too much. Compared with all of us, the monsters are still stronger than our city lords. Everyone, get up and get ready."

"I knew that the place where the city lord is there will definitely be able to win. I thought this time it would end the victory points of the city lord so many times. I didn't expect this time to be shocking!"

"At that time, I must kill and kill inside. I will not let these murlocs run out, and I am here. I am deeply worried. It is great to see them gone for so long."

"Everyone from the Seven Dragon Palace also came to help, and it also added a little bit of strength to everyone 367. At that time, I think it should be with the help that we can quickly win this time."

The big fellows in the Seven Dragon Palace looked at the protective cover that was broken by the seven rays of light just now, and they also surprised me.

Because they all thought that a few people inside would not be able to defeat the army for punishment.

Unexpectedly, even the protective cover was opened by them in the end, which shows that their strength has already surpassed the existence of many people.

Shuilong couldn't help sighing.

"My God, I didn't expect there to be such a powerful person."

"I thought they would fail this time, but it seems that I was overthinking."

Huolong said with a smile, and patted his shoulder.

"I've already told you, most of the time where Meng Wang is there, it's impossible to lose.

"Besides, from the day I met her, I never told him that she will always be number one. Such a small thing can't be blamed. How could she defeat him!"

"It seems that our Seven Dragon Palace really worried for nothing, alas."

"It really scared me to death, but this cute king really has such a big deal, so he doesn't call us Seven Dragon Palace."

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