National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 498 Acquiring New Skills!

The murlocs were also stunned seeing this situation!

However, seeing that many people have already poured in from outside.

The murloc captain couldn't care less about the current situation!

"Several of them report to the Fish Emperor immediately!"

"Those who stay behind, start fighting against these attackers!"

After hearing what the murloc captain said, all the murlocs also started to use their unique moves to where Lin Feng and the others were.

I saw, wave after wave of water waves, constantly impacting on the charging murlocs

One after another, like waves in the sea, they directly washed away many soldiers.

A lot of soldiers were blown away because they couldn't withstand the powerful murloc power, and they lost all blood in a short while.

Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi got into a fight with other murlocs.

The two continued to release their skills.

The colorful rays of light are constantly spreading around them.

In the air, at this moment, it seems to be filled with a powerful smell of gunpowder.

"I didn't expect these murlocs to be so powerful after entering the state of critical strike."

Murong Wuwu couldn't help but let out a sigh of emotion, summoned a water bomb in her hand and blasted it directly at one of the murlocs.

Murong Sisi placed the cannonball on her shoulder and blasted at the group of murlocs!

Boom boom boom! 870

Countless shells hit the murlocs!

Bursts of white smoke also exploded with the shells, spreading thousands of miles away.

The murlocs in front of them were all backed away by their blows.


But there are still many murlocs still approaching them continuously...

At this moment, Lin Feng was fighting alone with a group of murloc monsters that were several times stronger than the murlocs.

The murloc monster is twenty to thirty times bigger than the murloc.

Its body was like that of a catfish, with a big mouth and a huge mouth, biting towards Lin Feng.

What's even more weird is that this humanoid monster not only has a catfish-like appearance, but also has densely packed long legs that resemble a mixture of caterpillars and spiders.

Looking at it is really, it makes the scalp numb.


Lin Feng summoned the piercing dome and flew directly into the air, just like a real god.

He gently pulled up the bowstring with his fingers, and began to continuously stab at the murloc monster flying towards him.

I saw that several long arrows with purple lightning flashes pierced straight into the body of the murloc monster.

(Cgaa) instant!

The murloc monster that was stuck into the long arrow disappeared without a trace.

However, there are still many murloc monsters approaching them continuously.

Seeing that there were still so many murloc monsters and murlocs, Li Yuan couldn't kill them all, so he hurriedly asked.

"Meng Wang, how should we experience it?"

"These murlocs and murloc monsters keep appearing like they won't disappear."

"If it continues like this, it will be of great help to our side. It seems that this group of murlocs wants to fight by retreating."

Quite a few soldiers on the side couldn't hold on because of the continuous stream of murlocs.

Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi cooperated to launch a lot of magical attacks.


However, these murlocs still seemed to have not decreased.

"If it goes on like this, my magic value will be gone."

"Although I haven't exhausted a drop of blood, but I have no mana, this is a complete death!"

Murong Wuwu said.

Murong Sisi was still firing her cannonballs.

Countless shells exploded on the murlocs rushing ahead!

Now, she also began to feel anxious in her heart.

"I do not know either....."

"The King Meng is still fighting."

At this time, Lin Feng also glanced at the other people who couldn't hold on.

It seems that I must quickly get rid of these murloc monsters.

According to the current time, the last wave should have arrived.

Many soldiers also looked at Lin Feng and asked questions in a loud voice.

"President! There are too many murlocs, we can't hold on any longer!"

"My magic points are completely insufficient, what should we do?!"

"That's right! President! Our current mana value can't last at all."

"I guess my current magic value can only last through the last wave, when the time comes..."

"Ahhh! President! We really can't hold on any longer! It's not really about to lose, is it?!"

"I feel that if the leader is here, I shouldn't lose, but there are too many monsters in these monster cities..."

The seven members of the Seven Dragon Hall were also fighting bravely, and their eyes were also on Lin Feng who was in mid-air at this time.

Lin Feng looked at the blue mist that appeared not far away, and understood something.

"Now everyone is blocking the last wave."

"After blocking this wave, everyone can take a rest."

When everyone heard this, they regained their confidence.

They started to face the murlocs who were still being used around them, and bravely killed the enemy.

The Piercing God Dome in Lin Feng's hand also shot out countless long arrows, killing the murloc monster quickly...

Today, there are very few murlocs left in their area.

A few minutes later…………

The murlocs were killed by everyone.

Only then did everyone let out a sigh of relief.

Lin Feng fell from mid-air, and he didn't forget to take a look at the blue smoke that started not far away and slowly approached.

"Everyone can now use the mana replenishing medicine."

"Later, there will be a big battle, which is more difficult than the battle everyone just had."

"Come on, everybody."

After everyone heard it, they were a little bit more relaxed in their hearts, but now they are serious again.

The level has finally risen by two levels!

The sound of the game system sounded.

"Do you want to learn new skills?"


Finally able to learn new skills.

Although it is said that I have a lot of skills now.


In general, if the old does not go, the new does not come.

Although the new skills are not as easy to use as the old ones, they will definitely be much better in all aspects.

"Congratulations to the player for learning a new skill: [Arrow of the Skylight]"

"Congratulations to the player for learning a new skill: [Red Lotus Flame]"

[Arrow of Skylight]: Send out countless two-meter-long arrows to the front, causing 700% magic attack damage to targets within the attack range, and slowing down by 50% for 2 seconds. Cooldown for 15 seconds.

[Red Lotus Flame] Sing for 2 seconds, summon red lotus within 100 meters around, the fire will cause 2000% magic attack damage to the enemy, and then 200% magic attack damage per second for 5 seconds. .

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