A faint smile rose from the corner of Lin Feng's mouth.

With these two new skills, especially the Skylight Arrow, combined with his God Piercing Vault, it will definitely be able to exert its greatest effect.

At this time, everyone saw a burst of blue mist coming towards them.

A very powerful murderous aura spread for dozens of miles.

Murong Wuwu looked at the blue mist, but couldn't see what was in it, so she hurriedly came to Lin Feng's side and asked.

"What is this blue mist I see?"

"Now I have added everything I should add..."

"It should be able to withstand the next battle."

Lin Feng looked at the blue mist, which was slowly surrounding them.

"Everyone must supplement everything well, otherwise, we will easily enter a passive state in the next battle."

"I think there should be even more powerful monsters in this blue mist."

"If we want to truly take down the entire monster city, we are only going through the second level now.

"The real boss is still behind.

Murong Wuwu pouted her lips...

"Then, shall I still be with Sisi later?"

"I think we could all do it differently..."

"Maybe it can explode with even stronger power, what do you think? Meng Wang boss?"

Lin Feng saw that Murong Wuwu wanted to try other positions, and felt that her proposal was actually not bad.

Murong Sisi took a look at Murong Wuwu, and already knew what was going on in her heart.

My own sister...

It really is......

Now all the thoughts are on Mengwang.


Once a person has someone he likes, he will forget about others!

Now Murong Wuwu is the best case!

Murong Yiyi frowned, and glanced at Murong Wuwu, Lin Feng was in her eyes at this time.

In fact, in my heart, I really understand all of Murong Wuwu's thoughts.


"Then Sisi with me?"

"Wuwu, you follow Meng Wang?"

Lin Feng glanced at Murong Wuwu who was nodding his head heavily. He felt really helpless towards this little girl.

But seeing how she looks like she wants to follow her, then let her follow her.


"Then you just follow me."

"Without my order, you can't rush out casually."


Murong Wuwu lowered her head shyly.

I didn't expect that all my little thoughts would be known by others.


"Do not worry...…..…"

"I will definitely follow you well."

"This time, you told me to go east, I really won't go west.

Lin Feng chuckled, reached out and rubbed her head.

"Okay, everyone, get ready, and follow the battle method just now."

"Thank you to everyone in the Seven Dragon Palace for your help."

Huolong smiled and said: "It's okay, everyone has always come here like this, so why not thank you."

Shuilong smiled confidently.

"Mengwang, you are the best ally of everyone in the Seven Dragon Palace. How can you not help your allies when they are in trouble?"

"If the monster city is successfully recovered this time, all soldiers who participated in this mission will be rewarded!"

When everyone heard this, they all cheered.

Everyone will also be watching seriously, the blue mist that is about to hit our faces.

In the hearts of everyone, they also don't want to drag the entire team back.


A roaring roar came from the blue mist.

This huge sound directly opened up some surrounding houses!

A powerful black breath directly surrounded the surrounding...

Everyone felt this powerful force, and the big rock in their hearts began to waver.

Some soldiers had never seen such a big scene before, and they all began to tremble.

"I always feel that the monster you encounter this time will be more powerful than other monsters..."

Seeing that some soldiers were starting to panic, Lin Feng said.

"Everyone, don't panic.

"Just fight according to everyone's usual performance."

"No need to think too much."

Finished speaking...

next second!

Four huge monsters completely emerged from the blue mist!

The whole body is like a catfish branching out, with a length of more than 20 meters!

There are eight more fish heads on the head, each one is exactly the same, the size is also exactly the same, shaking in the air...

This monster can no longer be described as ugly...

Even at a glance, I feel that my skin is full of goosebumps.

……ask for flowers…


I saw countless octopus-like tentacles appearing densely on the body of the giant murloc monster, approaching the crowd infinitely elongated!

Under these four giant murloc monsters, there are also many ordinary murloc monsters and murloc monsters.

From the number alone, it can be seen that there are twice as many murlocs and murloc monsters than they encountered just now.

Murong Yiyi and Murong Er'er glanced at each other.


"Why don't we divide into two groups and fight a giant murloc monster?"

Murong Er said.

Lin Feng nodded.

After all, we can't let other people fight with the four giant murlocs...

"Let's go!"

The voice fell!


Everyone is approaching their target monsters!

A faint smile rose from the corner of Lin Feng's mouth, and he pointed the piercing dome in his hand at the giant murloc monster in front of him.


"Perform a long-range attack!"

Murong Wuwu nodded in understanding!

She made a seal gesture with both hands in the air, and saw a circular magic circle appearing directly under her body, and a blue water dragon hovered in the magic circle.



I saw a huge water dragon jumping out of the magic circle.

A huge divine power exploded all around!

"Water polo attack!"


Murong Wuwu vacated directly on the body of the water dragon, pointing at the giant murloc monster not far ahead.


"Kill it!"

Boom boom boom!

I saw the water dragon continuously spraying water balls on the head of the giant murloc monster.


next second!

The unexpected happened!

I saw the giant murloc monster...

He actually absorbed the water polo directly into his body!

Then it transformed into its own attacking water bomb!

Boom boom boom!

All the moves emitted by Murong Wuwu bounced back!

Even, it is still accurate!

"what happened!"

Murong Wuwu hastily steered her water dragon to avoid her own water polo.

Fortunately, he hid quickly, and all the water polo didn't hit him. .

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