National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 503 Regeneration Function? !

"He actually has the ability to live?!"

Murong Yiyi frowned and said.

Lonely shock flashed across his eyes.

He watched the tentacles roll towards him quickly.

Murong Yiyi quickly jumped towards the head of the giant murloc monster.

Just right..…………

This jump happened to be followed by a blanket coming towards him, and the tentacles just happened to stagger.

When Murong Shanshan saw this situation, she took advantage of these tentacles still chasing Murong Yiyi.

The blade in his hand is also raised and lowered rapidly.

In an instant, the tentacles that were about to wrap around Murong Yiyi's ankles were cut open.

Seeing this, Lin Feng glanced at Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi beside him.

"You can increase your attack power."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Feng turned into a black shadow and disappeared beside them.

Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi also cleverly activated more and more powerful skills!

Boom boom boom!

Countless water polo attacks plus shell attacks bombarded the giant murloc monsters in front of them.

The tentacles that were just cut off by Murong Shanshan grew back again.

The other three giant fish monsters with 520 people.

Followed by one of the giant murloc monsters they were attacking now and sent the same attack to them.

Countless tentacles kept heading towards the direction of the three of them.

There are also some tentacles extending towards Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi who are launching long-range attacks.

I saw that after the blood volume on their heads was bombarded by a powerful attack...

It's only lost a little bit.....

What is even more unthinkable is that after they absorb some of the power of Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi, their blood volume will also be buffered.

I have to say that these four giant murloc monsters are really annoying.

Lin Feng instantly summoned the Purple Lightning Frost Sword.

Murong Yiyi and Murong Shanshan nodded in understanding, and attracted all the targets of these tentacles to themselves.

In this way, it can also ensure that Lin Feng will have sufficient time to attack his opponent.

bang bang bang!

I saw Murong Yiyi and Murong Shanshan launching more powerful attacks, directly causing the smoke from the skill collision to cover Lin Feng at this moment.


Just when all the tentacles were constantly attacking Murong Wuwu and the others.

Lin Feng sent out his skills!

Guardian Angel Cross!

Even though it was surrounded by smoke, it was still possible to see clearly the true appearance of this giant murloc monster.

Countless densely packed spider legs with dense hairs drove towards Lin Feng's body like sharp knives.

Under the Guardian Cross Cut.

It simply chopped off some of the spider legs it drove.

This also completely angered the giant murloc monster in front of him.

Lin Feng thought carefully, frowning, searching for its weakness.

Now, I must kill them quickly.

Otherwise, Murong Wuwu and the others definitely wouldn't be able to hold on for a while.

As long as you find the weakness of one of them, the other three will be easy.

At this time, Murong Wuwu kept bombarding the giant murloc monsters in front of her with her skills.

But he didn't see Lin Feng coming out of the white smoke for a long time, and he became anxious in his heart.

"four four......"

"Mengwang, you haven't come out yet..."

"Why don't I go and see?"

Murong Sisi looked at Murong Wuwu's worried expression, and said hastily.

"You can rest assured."

"My Meng Wang will definitely not cause accidents casually.

"It's not a BOSS yet, what should we do if we actually meet a big BOSS when we bring it back?

Murong Wuwu pursed her lips, and felt that this was indeed the case.

Now we still need to continue to buy time according to what Lin Feng said just now.

At this time, he was facing a giant murloc monster that was more than ten times taller than himself. (cgaa) Suddenly, he discovered that the giant murloc monster's spider legs cut off by himself would not grow back.

Moreover, this giant murloc monster relies on these densely packed spider legs to absorb Murong Wuwu's skill power.

Then you just have to chop off all its legs!

It can't absorb skill power, and naturally it doesn't have the function of automatic blood recovery!

The original frown was flattened, and a faint smile was raised at the corner of the mouth.

The Zidian Frozen Sword in his hand made a posture of supporting the sky!

Five flaming fire lotuses appeared around Lin Feng, enveloping him.

Immediately released his newly learned skills!

Red lotus fire!


Five fire lotus flowers flew to the side of the giant murloc monster, standing in mid-air at different positions.


The five fire lotus flowers spewed out two flames, connecting them into a five-pointed star!

next second!

The raging fire directly submerged the entire giant murloc monster, imprisoning it inside.

If you look closely, you can still vaguely see the tentacles of the murloc monster struggling desperately in the flames!

want to rush out!

Now is definitely the time to kill this giant murloc monster!

A smug smile rose from the corner of Lin Feng's mouth.

The Zidian Frozen Sword in his hand slashed down fiercely!

A purple lightning flashed through the white smoke.

next second!

All the tentacles that were about to wrap around them fell off.


With a bang!

Everyone stared blankly at the smoke that hadn't dissipated.

Murong Wuwu trembled nervously, Murong Sisi who was standing beside her laughed.

"take it easy."

"From the sound of the monster just now, it can be heard that the Meng King should be extinct."

Murong Wuwu nodded, and hoped that it was indeed what Murong Sisi said.

The other three giant murloc monsters seem to have been created by others, and their size has doubled in size!

After the smoke disappeared, Lin Feng slowly walked out of it, and his eyes were on the giant murloc monster who hadn't reacted yet.

"Now everyone can attack with all their strength."

Voice - down!

The Purple Lightning Frozen Sword in his hand slashed at one of the giant murloc monsters on the other side!

As soon as the purple light hit, all the spider legs of the giant murloc monster fell off.

Murong Yiyi and Murong Shanshan also activated their skills!

One held a long ax and the other held a sharp blade, and directly chopped off the head of a giant murloc monster.

It fell to the ground with a clatter.

Lin Feng saw that the second one had been destroyed, and there were only two left, so he smiled calmly.

Still following the method just now, release the guardian angel Qianzi Zhan!

At the same time, he cut off the spider feet of the two giant murloc monsters. .

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