National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 504 Kill! Giant Murloc Monster!

Murong Yiyi and Murong Shanshan also caught the moment when the giant murloc monster didn't react, and instantly killed it!

The giant murloc monster that was full of blood, instantly!

becomes 0!

In the next second, the giant murloc monster that was instantly killed disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Lin Feng was fighting in mid-air, and glanced lightly at the soldiers who were still fighting those murlocs.

In an instant, it fell in front of them!

Moves released!

Guardian Angel strikes back!

A purple light flashed through everyone's eyes.

A powerful attack wave directly knocked all the murlocs away!

There were also some murlocs who hadn't had time to fight, and were instantly defeated.

Instant kill!

All the soldiers were stunned by Lin Feng's technique at one time...

Everyone now admires Lin Feng sincerely.

Murong Wuwu came to Lin Feng's side and asked.

"So now we are going to challenge the boss?"

Lin Feng nodded, and now they have already killed the current murlocs, if not as he expected.

Now they are about to fight against the boss, but judging from the awakened murloc monster just now.

The boss they encountered this time should be much stronger than the monsters they encountered.

There was only a rumbling sound, which resounded in the hall not far ahead.

It seems that there is a giant in the hall, who is getting up at this moment and walking towards the place where they are.

And the whole monster city shook accordingly.

Lin Feng looked at the soldiers around him, his eyes were full of fear and he said hastily.

"Everyone calm down."

"Now you can replenish the required mana and blood."

"The bloody battle has just begun."

Suddenly, a huge sound resounded around.

The neither male nor female voice made everyone feel goosebumps all over their bodies.


"I really didn't expect that you could survive the two difficulties my subordinates faced. It seems that our murlocs have really met our opponents."

"But the fun is yet to come!"

"I would like to see how many brushes you have that can overcome all the traps of my subordinates."

Murong Wuwu was a little flustered when she heard the voice of the big boss, she hurriedly came to Lin Feng's side, and asked in a low voice.

"The BOSS said that the good show is yet to come. Does that mean that the monsters we encounter next will be stronger than the ones we encountered just now?"

Lin Feng frowned, this time the siege battle was also different from the previous ones.

There is no way to know what dangers they will encounter right now.

"Judging from the strength of the giant murloc monster just now, the one we encounter at the next stop must be stronger than this giant murloc monster."

"However, it is not yet fully determined."

I saw, not far away, a huge black shadow approaching all of them...

Twenty meters away, a giant octopus monster that was bigger than the giant murloc monster just now appeared in everyone's eyes.

The giant octopus monster in front of me is exactly the size of four giant mermaid monsters combined!

It is also twice as tall as the four giant murloc monsters just now!

The surrounding houses and ground, all the places it passed by, were sunken and shattered at this moment, like a disaster scene.

"My mother...this is a wall! It's so big! How can I hit it!"

"I'm going! Isn't this octopus monster too big?! It completely blocks all the places we can dodge... We won't lose this war, right... ..."

"Can everyone calm down a bit, things are not as difficult as everyone thinks! As long as there is King Meng, he will definitely lead us to kill this octopus monster!"

"I think this octopus monster is very difficult to defeat... The giant murloc monster just now is so difficult to fight, and now there is another one..."

"Everyone's mentality can't collapse now! If you encounter such a strong opponent, if your mentality collapses first, wouldn't it be..."

"I suddenly regretted that I came to participate. I feel that this time, I will definitely be wiped out by this octopus..."

At this time, the soldiers began to talk one after another.

Lin Feng looked at the gigantic octopus in front of him, and felt MMP in his heart!

After this game is updated, it is too exaggerated.....


Murong Wuwu took a deep breath, pointed at the huge octopus in front of her and said strangely.

"Boss Meng Wang, how are we going to fight now?"

"I see this octopus monster is really powerful..."

…………… Ask for flowers…

Lin Feng looked at the cowardly Murong Wuwu, reached out and tapped her on the head.

"What's going on in your head?"

"Can you think of something normal?!"

"Do you think you can't win if I'm here?"

Lin Feng hit Murong Wuwu so hard, she pouted her little mouth.

Murong Sisi looked like a melon-eating crowd, and said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, can you two stop spreading dog food at such an important moment."

Murong Wuwu listened. Everyone is shy!


"four four!"

Lin Feng smiled lightly, and his eyes paid attention to the octopus monster that had come in front of everyone.



Seven or eight slender octopus tentacles gushed out from the ground, rolling towards some soldiers!

Seeing this situation, Murong Yiyi and Murong Shanshan quickly started to cut off the octopus tentacles with axes and tentacles!


It's too late!

Those soldiers who were caught in the body, the calendar emperor on their bodies was sucked instantly!

This sucking ability is exactly the same as the giant murloc monster just now!

But the speed is faster, dozens of times...


"help me!"

A soldier yelled at the others!

The tentacles on his body penetrated directly into his body.

Murong Yiyi reacted, when she split the tentacles with an ax...

The soldier's blood volume has already become 0.

Now, many soldiers are starting to back away in fear...

Although it's just a game, it takes such a long time to practice to level up. If you die once, you will return to the previous task...

No one is afraid!

Lin Feng watched as one of the tentacles rolled towards Murong Yiyi's body quietly!

Just one centimeter away!


Lin Feng flew down from the void, seeing the octopus tentacles in two!

"Be careful."

"I observed it just now, and the tentacles of this octopus monster are the same as the giant murloc monster we encountered."

"But fundamentally, the speed has increased a lot..."

"So, their weaknesses are definitely different from the giant murloc monsters just now."

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