National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 506 Giant Octopus Monster

Lin Feng looked at the octopus that was starting to buffer again, and it was full of blood.

If this continues, everyone's attack just now will fall short.

"That's the only way..."

"You all go help those soldiers."

"Leave this octopus monster to me and Yiyi, Erer."

After hearing what Lin Feng said, the others felt that this was the only way to go.

In this case.....

Then keep attacking!

Murong Wuwu, Murong Sisi, Murong Shanshan immediately turned around to help those soldiers.

If you don't protect them, those little soldiers will still need them to fight when they fight the boss later.

After all, if you really fight the boss, you can't distract yourself from begging those mobs.

Now only Murong Yiyi, Murong Er'er and Lin Feng are left to fight against this huge monster octopus.

The three of them landed in different positions.

Murong Yiyi turned to Lin Feng and asked: "Now the three of us attack its head together?"

Lin Feng nodded his head and gave a "hmm" before launching his move!

Guard the Light Array!

And, once again burst out the skill Guardian Angel Counter Slash!

He knew that when these 26 octopus monsters received his moves, they would definitely burst out with more powerful moves, and wanted to die with him.

Sure enough, a glass-like protective light array appeared in front of Lin Feng.

Immediately afterwards, two identical sword glows shone with strange light in the void!


The light hit the octopus monster directly!

The fighting power of the two moves at the same time is definitely incomparable.

In an instant, the head of the octopus was blown out of blood!

The blood volume dropped to less than half in an instant...

It also looks very bleak.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth.

It seems that what I guessed is really the same.

The weak point of this octopus is its head.


I saw that the octopus monster made a roaring sound towards the void, and its body made a huge movement!

The whole monster city seemed to be collapsed by its trembling.

Everyone on the ground shook their bodies, like a magnitude 10 earthquake.

Those tentacles also seemed to be driven crazy, and they whipped and protected the soldiers more powerfully.

bang bang bang!

At this moment, Rong Wuwu's waist was wrapped around the tentacles of the octopus monster.

Seeing this situation, Lin Feng darkened his eyes.


I must not let Murong Wuwu die here!

The head of the octopus that was blown up by them also began to heal slowly.

At this time, Murong Wuwu felt the strength of her body, as if she wanted to be pulled out by something.

I want to stand up and fight with my strength, but I don't have half the strength left.

What should I do now...

This also made Murong Wuwu helpless...

His eyes silently looked at Lin Feng at this moment.

Murong Shanshan also noticed the current Murong Wuwu, the blade in her hand once again stabbed at the tentacles wrapped around Murong Wuwu's waist!


But it just split the tentacles a little bit.

Hard again!

Unleash your skills again!

In an instant! The tentacles wrapped around Murong Wuwu were slashed off.

Murong Wuwu cleared her head, and saw the tentacles of the octopus monster behind Murong Shanshan wrapping around Murong Shanshan's waist in an instant!

Before Murong Wuwu could fully react, the tentacles rolled up Murong Wuwu directly at the same time.

The two were caught in mid-air.

I saw that disgusting Bala's tentacles starting to roll towards Murong Shanshan's body.

"San San, I never thought that one day we would be killed together..."

Murong Wuwu said, her eyes were full of reluctance.

Murong Shanshan snorted and said: "I don't want to die!"

"You have to know how difficult it is to level up!"

Murong Wuwu laughed...

The strength in her body just now has been almost absorbed by this octopus monster.


A golden ray of light opened on the head of the octopus monster!

Come down with a bang.

bang bang bang!

Countless rays of light continuously hit the head of the octopus monster...

Murong Yiyi and Murong Er'er seized this opportunity, and instantly approached the octopus monster controlled by Lin Feng's moves.

Constantly chopped off the head of the octopus monster with the blade.

In an instant, a lot of red brains had exploded from the head of the octopus monster, and it looked very disgusting.

Looking closely, there are many white worms moving inside the red brain, and some brain tissue is constantly beating and expanding.

At this time, both Murong Wuwu and Murong Shanshan couldn't hold on any longer.

The eyes of the two have been staring at Lin Feng and the others now...

"San San, do you think we can still live?"

"How long can you last now?"

Murong Shanshan also felt that all the strength in her whole body was taken away, she said slowly.

"I am now..."

"The me now may indeed be dead."

"Wuwu, as long as you hold on, I still have a lot of supplements in my backpack, and we can recover to full health.

At this time, Murong Wuwu's blood bar has reached 10.

dying soon....

Murong Shanshan's HP has also reached 20, already hovering on the brink of death.

Lin Feng instantly shook the Purple Lightning Frozen Sword in his hand, and once again unleashed his most powerful skills!

Guardian Angel strikes back!

With only the last bit of blood remaining on the octopus monster, 823 was instantly penetrated into the brain.

I saw a purple light flashing across the brain of this octopus monster.

The tentacles wrapping around Murong Shanshan and Murong Wuwu also fell down and disappeared.

The current Murong Wuwu's HP is only 1.

Murong Shanshan only has 5 HP left.

The two looked at each other, but no matter how they used it, they never expected that they were still alive...


The octopus explodes directly on the spot!

Lin Feng released the guardian light array in just one second!

A transparent protective cover with a faint white light directly enveloped the others in it.

Thankfully so......

Otherwise, everyone will die in battle!

Lin Feng returned to everyone's side, watching Murong Wuwu and Murong Shanshan immediately take out all their blood enriching potions.

After the two of them took it, the blood volume returned to the previous state.

Murong Yiyi and Murong Er'er also returned to everyone's side, seeing that everyone was intact, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's good……"

"Everyone is fine."

Murong Wuwu looked at Lin Feng and said with a smile.

"I thought I was going to die just now, but I didn't expect that I was still alive at the last moment..."

"At that time, I had already thought about it. If I die, I will be reborn here and continue to attack the city with you.

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