National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 507 Can Absorb Player Energy? !

When Murong Shanshan heard Murong Wuwu say this, she couldn't help but rolled her eyes.

"I said lady, can you say something that never fails?"

"In this case, if you really lose at that time, wouldn't it be a crow's mouth like yours?"

Murong Wuwu snorted, ignoring Murong Shanshan at this time.

Suddenly, a loud noise resounded all around!

All the soldiers have also recovered their blood volume at this moment.

Now is the time for everyone to face the big boss.

At this time on the forum, everyone was waiting for the news that King Meng and the others attacked the monster city.

One by one, they were very curious about what kind of situation Lin Feng and the others are now.

In the forum, everyone is analyzing the current situation in every post.

"It's been two days, and there's no news from Meng Wang and the others. Do you think they failed?"

"Right? Logically speaking, it shouldn't be! There should be some news? But if it really failed, someone should report it?"

"I think they may still be in the monster city. I also heard that the monsters inside are really powerful, so they should still be fighting."

"I decided that since King Meng is the champion of the world's number one martial arts tournament, if he loses, he will definitely block the news and won't let us know."

"It's possible, but the monster city is still closed, and the battle should not be over yet. King Meng is so powerful that he can definitely win."

"It is estimated that after King Meng regained this monster pool, there will be an insurmountable gap in the Yin family's way of chasing the king."

In the hot pot city at this time.

Seeing that the hot pot with red wine hadn't gotten any news from the monster city, he laughed loudly at the ceiling.

"It seems that this cute king is really abandoned inside!"

"I finally seized this opportunity~!"

"Hot pot with orange juice, now is the time to go all out!"

The hot pot with orange juice is full of successful smiles.

He hated this Meng Wang very much, but now he was finally able to destroy his prestige. How could he miss such a good opportunity?


"Now I have summoned all the soldiers, as long as you give an order, we will attack immediately!"


"Do we really not need to inform other people of this news?"

Hot pot with red wine thought carefully again and nodded.

After all, this matter still cannot be said.

A personality like hot pot paired with Sprite certainly wouldn't support him in doing so.

When the time comes, I will lead the entire Hot Pot City to turn defeat into victory and return to the number one position!

That's the best time to prove yourself!

Hot pot with orange juice already knew all his thoughts from the eyes of hot pot with red wine.

"Then President, let's march in now."

Hot Pot with Red Wine nodded, at this time Hot Pot with Sprite came in from outside the Hot Pot City, looking at the upcoming Hot Pot with Orange Juice and Hot Pot with Red Wine.

A bit of coldness flickered on his face, and he sneered.

"President, if you really did this today, I think that if Meng Wang finds out about it, the whole hot pot city will perish."

"It's not known exactly what their situation is now."

"If you act rashly, it is easy to put Hotpot City to death, and the reputation of our Hotpot City will be even worse.

I am also very upset about the appearance of the hot pot with Sprite in front of me.

What he hates the most in the whole hot pot city is the hot pot with Sprite in front of him.

I always feel that all his thoughts are for Meng Wang and the others, never for Hot Pot City.

If it goes on like this, the Hot Pot City will not be able to develop sooner or later, and there are already many people who are unwilling to join their Hot Pot City.

"I think you are acting like this for Mengmeng and the others, I think you are the undercover agent sent by Mengmeng and the others.

"He said everything was for the good of Hot Pot City, but he didn't do anything that could help Hot Pot City.

"Now that such a good method is placed in front of us, but you prevent us from doing it, what will happen if King Meng knows?"

"Do you think you are really from Hot Pot City?"

Instantly, the hot pot with Sprite was said by the hot pot with oranges, and the anger instantly soared.

He didn't expect that for the things he did for the whole hot pot city, in the eyes of this person, he was actually sent by King Meng.

Hot pot with red wine, I heard hot pot with oranges, I thought about it, it seems that this hot pot with Sprite has always been speaking for Meng Wang.

Now many people have left the Hot Pot City, if Meng Wang and the others secretly put eyeliner, it would be very difficult to be found in the Hot Pot City.

They may also want to push it to the whole hot pot city.

So in fact, it is normal to buy hot pot behind the scenes, and it goes with Sprite.

After all, human nature is always unbelievable, even though he has always followed himself before.

Hot pot with Sprite, looking at hot pot with red wine [the eyes that doubted myself.

At that moment, he suddenly felt that the current hot pot city was no longer something he could bring back, and the current hot pot city had changed.

The pairing of hot pot with red wine is no longer what he used to be.

He has been completely blinded by hatred now, only in his eyes is how to use techniques to pull Meng Wang and the others down.

Hot pot with orange juice, looking at hot pot with red wine, looking at hot pot with Sprite, said again.

"President, I think if hot pot is paired with Sprite, and if he really wants to contribute to the whole hot pot city, he won't stop us this time."

"It seems that hot pot with Sprite is trying to stop us this time. If we don't show up, we will be suppressed by Meng Wang and the others, and our reputation will not be raised at all."

"I would like to ask the president to discuss it as appropriate. Otherwise, we can directly remove the hot pot with Sprite from the hot pot city. I think he looks like a spy sent by the King of Meng."

At this moment, hot pot with Sprite is also the same as hot pot with orange juice. He didn't expect that someone would sue first when he was drunk.

This is so fucking shameless!


"Think about it carefully, think about it carefully, and now Meng Wang and the others are attacking the monster city."

"Although Yashan City doesn't have many soldiers to manage it now, if King Meng knew about it, he would kill our entire Hot Pot City by himself, just like last time.

"Everyone also knows what the real strength of Meng Wang is now...".

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