National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 513 Successfully Recovered The Monster City!

Murong Wuwu saw that the others were rewarded, so she didn't ask Lin Feng immediately.

"Then do I have a reward?"

"I think I have achieved a lot in this recovery."

"And I was the one who saved it just now, and you also killed the sea monster boss, so you are doing this to your savior?"

Lin Feng looked at Murong Wuwu pouted, asking for a reward, and waved his hands helplessly, really convinced this little girl.

In fact, when I was surrounded by that boss just now, I was able to get out by myself.

It's just that seeing her erupting with such a powerful force at that time made things go smoothly.

"Then tell me, what reward do you want?"

Murong Wuwu let out a chuckle and thought about it.

"If I don't want those equipment rewards, then I will tell you later.

"It took two days and two nights to recover the city in this game, I should go out and take a rest.

"I'll tell you when I think it over, then I'll go first."

After saying this, Murong Wuwu went offline, and Lin Feng saw that everyone else also went offline.

Then I opened the current forum and looked through it to see what they were discussing now.

After looking at it casually, I also felt that 450 had nothing to do and went offline.

Lin Feng came out of the game cabin, stretched his waist, and looked outside, it was about to enter the night sky.

I really didn't expect that two days and two nights had passed.

It's all like a dream.

After simply taking a shower, the phone rang.

Now he didn't even need to think about who was calling him, he pressed the answer button.

Murong Wuwu's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Have you figured out what reward you want?" Lin Feng asked.

Lin Feng, the listener of Murong Wuwu, also felt a little shy when he said this, he didn't expect that he already knew all his thoughts now.

"Yeah, this time I'm here to ask for a reward, so you can take me to dinner that night."

"I didn't taste food for two days and two nights, and I really felt empty.

Lin Feng felt good after hearing her proposal.

It just so happens that I myself feel a little hungry.

"Okay, then I'll pick you up later."

"Where do you want to eat tonight?"

Murong Wuwu hummed and said.

"I don't have any idea about this, I will eat whatever you want.

"Okay, then let's talk about it when we meet. You prepare first, and I will drive you now."

After speaking, Lin Feng hung up the phone.

Just as she was about to get up to find Murong Wuwu, the phone rang again.

Unexpectedly, it was Murong Yiyi who called her.

Lin Feng frowned and sat down to answer.

"What's wrong?"

Murong Yiyi said a little embarrassedly on the other end of the phone.

"If you haven't, don't you just think that everyone has regained the monster city today? How about we make an appointment for dinner tonight?"

For a moment Lin Feng didn't know what to say.

She really didn't expect that Murong Yi would also invite her at this time.

But I also made an agreement with Murong Wuwu.

But this time, recovering the monster city was what everyone did. If this is the case, it would be nice if everyone had a dinner together.

If Murong Wuwu, then I will take her to eat alone next time.


Murong Yiyi let out a "hmm" and said, "Then I'll send you the location later."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Lin Feng immediately called Murong Wuwu and told her about the dinner together tonight

Although I heard the tone of voice, I may feel a little disappointed in my heart, but it soon got better.

After a simple change of clothes, the phone received a text message from Murong Yiyi.

It marked the location of dinner tonight.

Li Yuan also called Lin Feng at this time.

He really (cgfi) didn't expect that he could add so many calls in a day.

Normally, there was no one on the phone except Murong Wuwu calling herself.

"What are you doing? Lin Feng."

"Shall we have dinner together tonight?"

Lin Feng directly rejected Li Yuan's invitation.

"I have other things to do tonight."

Li Yuan had already heard that something was wrong with Lin Feng, and said with a smile.

"Really? Are you busy?"

"Recently, I saw that you didn't have time to talk to me at that time, and now you don't have time to have dinner with me. Did you catch a girl recently?"

Lin Feng was also a little speechless and said immediately.

"No, it's just that the time you just made an appointment is one step behind the time I promised others."

Li Yuan chuckled, after all Lin Feng is his good brother, how could he not know what Lin Feng was thinking?

"Oh, are we still good brothers?"

"As good brothers, shouldn't you tell me your latest whereabouts?"

"Or you just tell me that you have fallen in love recently, and I won't ask any more questions."

Li Yuan Lin Feng was already used to gossip like this, so he said silently.

"Don't gossip like this without you, I will tell you when I really fall in love."

"Let's go out for dinner next time when I'm free."

Seeing that Lin Feng had reached this point, Li Yuan didn't need to continue asking.

After all, if you really fall in love, you can't hide it from your own eyes.

"Okay, okay, since you've already mentioned this, I won't ask, remember, as a good brother, if you really have something, you must tell me.

"Don't be like a log anymore, look at you are still single now, with so many beauties around you, it would be nice if you don't take down the Murong Yiyi who you gave as a gift last time."

"Remember to be proactive."

Lin Feng listened to Li Yuan's advice to him, he had already heard these words, and he was very irritable.

Silently, he hung up the phone. After all, if the chat continued, he would definitely keep asking himself.

Seeing that Lin Feng had hung up his phone, Li Yuan didn't call back.

Lin Feng took the car keys and left the villa.

In the villa of the five Murong sisters.

Murong Wuwu also dressed herself up exquisitely, appearing in front of everyone.

Under a pink mermaid skirt, her graceful figure was set off.

Now her temperament is very noble, like a princess.

There wasn't any makeup on her face, but it couldn't cover her radiance.

The other four sisters also dressed quite casually.

She's the only one who looks like she's going on a date.

Murong Sisi raised her eyebrows, looking at Murong Wuwu who was a little shy at this time. .

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