National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 514 Rewards For Dinner!

After all, we are quintuplets.

There is still some telepathy in the heart.

Murong Yiyi looked at Murong Wuwu's shy look.

I also know that she is now fragrant~ secretly promised.

Seeing such a situation, Murong Er'er couldn't mention how sad it was.....

I always feel like my sister has never loved me.

She remembered that Murong Wuwu had never dressed herself like this when she was by her side before.

But now she dresses up seriously, just to meet a man.

The contrast is really big enough.

Murong Sisi smiled and picked Murong Wuwu's chin with her hand, and said.

"It's not bad, the recent dress is getting better and better."

"Sure enough, if this girl falls in love with a man, her eyes will become much better."

Murong Wuwu was also very embarrassed by what Murong Sisi said, so she gently pushed Murong Sisi with her hand.

"Oh, don't talk about it, Sisi, I just think this dress looks good."

"Okay, everyone, let's go."

Murong Sisi looked at Murong Wuwu's shy look, and said jokingly.

"Is Wuwu in such a hurry?"

"Do you really want to meet someone you like? You may not have been so excited to see me before."

Murong Wuwu snorted and stopped talking, she was really going to be ashamed by what Murong Sisi said.

Although what she said was indeed the truest thought in her heart, it felt weird to say it in front of everyone.

I just feel that this kind of thinking should not happen to me.

Hearing Murong Sisi's jokes on Murong Wuwu, Murong's heart was filled with prejudice against Lin Feng.

It seems that this person's charm is really quite big.

It seems that if he wants Wuwu to treat him like this again, he still needs to think of other ways.

Now the five sisters left the villa together with different ideas, this time it was Murong Yiyi who drove them to the agreed hotel

Soon Lin Feng also arrived, and they made an appointment at the Alice Hotel.

Just when they were about to walk in, Murong Wuwu and the other five sisters also parked their car at the door.

Just about to get off the bus, we met each other.

For some reason, the moment Murong Wuwu saw Lin Feng, she became nervous and lowered her head, not daring to look at him.

Murong Sisi is next to Murong Wu and me, but she pays attention to her small details quite meticulously.

Lin Feng greeted the five sisters.

I have to say that these five sisters seem to be a beautiful landscape no matter where they stand.

Some other guests who entered the Alice Hotel looked at Lin Feng with envy and hatred when they saw the five sisters at the door.

After all, there are 5 beauties to accompany, this is something that many people can't even think about.

Murong Yiyi said to Lin Feng indifferently as usual.

"Go in when you come."

Murong Er'er didn't plan to talk to Lin Feng this time.

When she thought of Murong Wuwu's soul-like appearance by Lin Feng, she became angry and couldn't beat her.

Murong Shanshan is still dressed indifferently as before, but she can still see his enthusiasm in her eyes.

Lin Feng is not very clear about the personalities of the five sisters.

So I was very calm about their behavior and felt very normal.

We all came to the box together.

The entire table was already full of dishes.

There was light in Murong Sisi's eyes.

"Yiyi is really the best of you, how do you know that I'm really going to starve to death now."

Everyone sat at the dinner table together.

Lin Feng and Murong Wuwu also did something very similar this time.

Murong Sisi deliberately separated Murong Er'er and Murong Wuwu, and made herself in the middle.

A faint smile flashed across Yiyi's indifferent face, and she raised the red wine glass in front of her.

"Then let's toast to celebrate, we finally won a new city today."

Lin Feng nodded, picked up the red wine on the table, clinked the glasses with the four people lightly, and drank the wine in one gulp.

"Since everyone came out this time and recovered a city, why not discuss the future development plan of this monster city today."

It just so happens that this opportunity is also the most suitable opportunity to discuss this plan.

Anyway, it is better to talk about it sooner rather than later.

Hearing what Lin Feng said, Murong Yiyi also felt that this place is indeed a very suitable place to discuss this plan.

...... Seeking flowers 0

"Okay, let's discuss the construction plan of this monster city."

Murong Sisi was not interested in these things, she yelled while eating the dishes.

"Just think about it for yourself slowly, and just ignore me if I say it."

"I just want to eat, I was really hungry, stared at me for two days and two nights. 11

After finishing speaking, I saw her slurping and eating, the kind that didn't even care about anyone.

Lin Feng looked at Murong Sisi eating, and knew that he didn't have any opinions, so he didn't say much.

"The building of the monster city this time, Yiyi, what do you think? What do you want to build it into?"

Murong Yiyi thought for a while, then said seriously.


"I think this monster city is bigger than Yashan City as a whole. We can build another palace like Yashan City."

"It's equivalent to an expansion. This will also allow more people to join our city and drive the entire economic chain."

Lin Feng listened, Murong Yiyi said so, and felt that this was indeed a very good choice.

But if the monster city is also built in the same way, it will be a feeling, but it will lose the main characteristics of Yashan City.

"Yiyi's is really good, but I think now we can build some entertainment facilities to attract everyone.

"Not only did this not make Yashan City lose its own characteristics, but it also added a characteristic of our monster city."

Murong Yiyi fell into deep thought when she heard what Lin Feng said.

She really never thought about building entertainment facilities in the monster city.

After she said this, she suddenly felt that there is really nothing in this game that can be entertained.

Now everyone is fighting monsters, either on the way to fight monsters, or on the way to fight monsters.

If entertainment measures are built, it will greatly enhance the fun of this game, and I believe it will definitely attract many players to play.

In this case, the money earned will definitely be more than that of Yashan City.

"I think your idea is very good, or you can decide to turn the monster city into a game city!"

"What about you? Do you have anything else to say?"

"Or opinion?"

Murong Yiyi looked at the other people. .

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