National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 515 Yashan City Was Attacked By The Sea Monsters?

Murong Er'er and Murong Shanshan shook their heads.

"No, we have no complaints."

"I think your idea is very good."

Seeing that everyone agreed to the plan, Lin Feng didn't say anything more.

"Okay, since everyone agrees."

"Then let Yiyi handle this matter?"

"If anyone needs me, please let me know."

"In terms of money, I will also find a way. You can tell me how much you need."

After all, Murong Yiyi is good at management, so it is best to leave this kind of thing to her.

Murong Yiyi made an OK gesture to Lin Feng.

"I'll do these things myself."

"However, we still need to think about what kind of entertainment facilities we want to build.

Lin Feng also nodded, this "043" is indeed.

However, the goal has been set, and it is relatively simple to do anything.

Just think about the entertainment equipment that needs to be built, discuss it, and if you think it's okay, you're done.

Murong Wuwu suddenly thought of something, she should say it.

"Since it's an entertainment facility, can't we just build it as an amusement park?"

"It will be done for a fee."

"And you can also get rewards in exchange for points."

Lin Feng, Murong Yiyi, Murong Er'er, Murong Shanshan, heard what she said.

I also think this is really a good method.

"Wuwu, you're right."

"It is indeed better to do it this way."

"Easy and fast.

"However, the most important thing is that we need to greatly enhance the fun in order to retain everyone.

"The rewards must also be sorted by ranking points. The first place must be difficult to obtain equipment and other things...

Murong Yiyi nodded, and had already remembered every opinion they said in her heart.

When he was about to speak, Li Yuan called.

Lin Feng pressed the answer button, only to hear Li Yuan's anxious voice.

"By the way, something happened to us in Yashan City."

"If you can go home now, hurry up and play the game.

Lin Feng frowned. It had been a long time since he heard Li Yuan's anxious voice.


After speaking, Lin Feng hung up the phone.

Murong Yiyi also noticed that something was wrong with Lin Feng's face, and asked.

"What's wrong?"

"What happened?"

Lin Feng shook his head and said seriously.

"Just now I received news from my friend that we have a big problem in Yashan City."

"I need to go back and see what happened to Yashan City.

When Lin Feng said this, Murong Yiyi's originally flat brows were also drawn together.

"Did you say what it was?"

"Is it serious?"

Lin Feng shook his head.

Others couldn't sit still when they heard the big news in Yashan City.

Everyone went home.

After all, parties can be held at any time, but if something really goes wrong, it will not be worth the loss.

Murong Shanshan looked like she wasn't full, and was directly dragged away by them.

Lin Feng left the Alice Hotel in a fast car, and drove all the way back home.

After parking the car, he opened the game cabin, sat in directly, and entered the game.

When I came to Yashan City, I didn't expect to receive an email notification.

"Yashan City angered the Sea-Monster Clan, and the Sea-Monster Clan will send troops to take back the lost land!"

At this time, all the players gathered in Yashan City.

Seeing that Lin Feng is finally online, everyone asked questions.

"President, what should we do now?"

"That's right, monsters are attacking us now! Recover the monster city we just recovered."

"President, I feel that this is likely to be a fierce battle! Now that we have recovered the monster city, there are no buildings to resist.

"That's right... What should we do now... If this is taken back by them, the sea monsters, then wouldn't we be beaten for nothing?"

"That's right! Now when I think about the hard work of fighting back then, I feel that we can't go on like this."

"President, what exactly are you thinking?! Please make your plan as soon as possible. If this continues, it is estimated that those things that need to be done are really going to attack."

Lin Feng looked at everyone who was so anxious, and knew what everyone was thinking...

"Don't worry, everyone.

"Since they want to collect the monster city, naturally we are not so easy to bully.

"As many sea-monsters as you want to join us, we can kill as many as possible. Is there anyone who wants to continue to fight with us?"

Lin Feng put all his words here, and at this time the entire trade union group exploded.

Everyone began to discuss this battle of defending the city.

"Is there anyone who wants to join? Anyway, I definitely want to join. After all, the guildmaster has said that it is scattered, and I joined the world's number one guild, and I will definitely contribute to this guild."

"Me too. I will definitely contribute to this guild. I will also participate. I think it's better for everyone to join together. This will greatly increase our chances of defending the city."

"Don't worry, as long as the president is there, no matter what kind of opponent you encounter, you will be able to calm down. Besides, besides the president, there are also very powerful vice presidents and Seven Dragon Hall."

"The words upstairs are very true. If there are Seven Dragon Palace and the vice president, we don't really have much pressure. Otherwise, let's go together.

"Such a good opportunity must be taken together. If it is wasted, I really don't know when it will be. Let's take it together."

"The vice presidents and the others haven't come yet. I think we should wait for the vice presidents to come to make a conclusion on 2.4. Although the president is here now, I think everyone needs to work together to formulate a battle plan."

"That's true, let's wait for the vice president and the others to come and see what they will say."

"I didn't expect the battle to defend the city so soon. I haven't come out of the shadow of recovering the city yet. Alas, it seems that joining the world's number one guild is not such a simple matter."

"What happened to this, there is such a large shadow area, I think it's okay [I feel that the monsters you encountered are not very powerful."

Everyone in the guild was talking about it.

Lin Feng looked at the problems that everyone in the guild was talking about.

I really think it's better to wait for Murong Yiyi and the others to come to the meeting before discussing. .

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