Murong Wuwu pursed her lips again after hearing what Murong Sisi said, she was very dissatisfied with her statement.

Since so many things have failed, what's next.....

"I feel that many accidents are prone to occur in life. In order to avoid accidents, I think it is necessary for me to help Meng Wang."

Murong Sisi couldn't help but chuckled, looking at Murong Wubiao, who was so desperate in life, couldn't help but said with a smile.

"I think you just miss the cute king, so you just talk about it directly."

"I guess after you finish our current battle, the Meng King has already solved all the cities over there, what else do you need?"

"You don't even think about the strength of the Meng King, what is it like now."

"Just stay here and don't make trouble for others, and trouble others to take care of you when the time comes."

Listening to what Murong Sisi said, Murong Wuwu couldn't help dreaming and hating her life again, and said in her heart ~ a little unhappy.

"Four-four! Are you talking to your ears now? You used to speak for me, but now it's fine, and you don't speak for me anymore."

Murong Sisi waved her hand helplessly.

"I'm telling the truth."

"For now, let's defend this city first, so that King Meng can spend less of his time."

Murong Yiyi and Murong Er were watching and talking, and did not continue the battle of defending the city. Murong Sisi and Murong Wuwu who were fighting these monsters.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and get rid of these monsters, and we'll go help Meng Wang."

"Don't hesitate anymore, hurry up and start preparing for the battle, don't you two want to hold back?"

Murong Sisi and Murong Wuwu reacted to look at the monsters that started to rush out again, resumed the fighting state just now, flew towards those monsters again and again, and started to attack.

The entire monster city was covered by bursts of light, and everyone couldn't see clearly what the situation was like now.

A lot of soldiers also started a crazy journey of killing monsters, but seeing these monsters keep coming out, I feel a little tired in my heart.

"What the hell is going on with these monsters? When will this battle to defend the city really end? I've been here for so long oh my god, I feel like I can't hold on any longer."

"The battle to defend the city usually takes three days and three nights to end, everyone, be prepared, it's just the beginning.

"Be serious, everyone. Although this is just the beginning, the Meng King will definitely give us some good equipment when he sees us working so hard. Everyone is fighting for the city and making our guild stronger.

"That's what I said, but now I'm really tired. I feel like I can't finish killing these monsters. I don't know what's going on with Meng Wang."

"I think since everyone has chosen to participate in this battle of defending the city, then don't say such useless words, and everyone should continue."

Soldiers also began to attack the monsters that were now pouring out again.

Frantically fighting these monsters in front of them.

At this time, the World Forum began to discuss the battle of defending the city.

Now Lin Feng has entered everyone's minds, and everyone will only think that Lin Feng is an insurmountable person.

In this battle of defending the city, seeing that Lin Feng and the others have not come out for a long time, many people have also started to make articles wantonly in the forum.

"I didn't expect Meng Wang and the others to come out of the city defense station so slowly this time, probably because they encountered some powerful opponents.

"I think there is no doubt about the battle of defending the city. After all, the level of King Meng and the strength of the battle will definitely be able to resist the battle of defending the city this time."

"You don't even need to guess, okay?! Everyone has witnessed the strength of Meng Wang, and I want to join now, the number one guild in the world!"

"I have always thought that the name of the guild is very rampant. I never expected that Mengwang is really showing it now. It is number one in the world and powerful."

"I guess after they successfully defend the city this time, they will definitely recruit many more people. I must join the world's number one guild this time!"

"Everyone should work hard to improve their own strength. It is not that easy to join the world's number one guild. I heard that there is still a very powerful assessment.

……ask for flowers…

At this time, everyone in the forum began to talk about how the world's number one guild will recruit people this time.

Although many people are not sure, they are very eager to enter the world's number one guild.

After all, if you can enter the world's number one guild, this is an awesome position!

And, in it, the harvested equipment, etc., will be much more powerful than other guilds.

At this time, it is in Kraken‧100 City.

Lin Feng walked towards the depths of the city indifferently, looking at the golden teleportation array in front of him, he knew very clearly that the real battle was about to begin.

The death scythe in his hand is also ready.

I really want to see what kind of boss is waiting for me in this city.


A loud voice came from the teleportation array.

A lot of Kraken soldiers began to appear around them, surrounding them all.

Now all the Kraken soldiers add up to more than one hundred.

The boss hasn't come out yet, but to deal with these mobs, you can do it with a few tricks.

I hope this time the boss can be a little more involved in the battle, so that I can fight more heartily, so that I won't be killed so quickly.

Lin Feng looked at the Kraken soldiers rushing towards him, and at the iron swords they held in their hands, it was too broken.

With one hand, he waved the death scythe, and slashed past...

Swish it.

More than half of the Kraken soldiers have already been killed by Lin Feng.

With such amazing combat power, many Kraken soldiers began to pour out around them again.

Now all the Kraken soldiers are targeting Lin Feng.

The Kraken soldiers who came out from behind obviously seemed to have a slightly higher IQ.

It soared up and gave Lin Feng an attack in the air.


This attack was too slow for Lin Feng.

I saw Lin Feng half-flying into the void, and kicked off the Kraken soldiers who were fighting with him in the air.

"court death!"

The voice just fell!


With a turn of the death scythe, the Kraken soldiers in the air fell to the ground, dead. .

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