National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 520 The Kind Of Instant Kill

Lin Feng looked at these and asked for videos, which were completely unrefined gadgets, and said to Xiao Hei and Eggy Beast who hadn't launched an attack yet.

"These little monsters will be handed over to you, you hurry up."

Xiao Hei, who was originally on Lin Feng's neck, flew down for a while, and some of them made grumbling noises unhappily.

But there is still no way to disobey the master's order, so he had to follow the Dandan beast to launch an offensive towards these sea monster soldiers.

Lin Feng only watched the two of them fighting from the sidelines, nodded, and saw that the surrounding thin ice smashed a large wave of Kraken soldiers into pieces.

As for Dandan Beast, it kept standing, its mouth sucked all the Kraken soldiers into its own mouth, and then took a mouthful, swallowing all the Kraken soldiers into its stomach

Soon a large wave of Kraken soldiers had completely disintegrated the "530", leaving only a few scattered ones, and Lin Feng didn't even look at them.


Another loud roar came from the teleportation array not far away.

After this group of soldiers were killed by their own pets, the roar was also particularly frightening and frightening.

After all, the surroundings are really too quiet, and there are no mobs, which makes people feel that this boss will be particularly powerful, but what is the strength of this boss?

Lin Feng is also looking forward to it. After all, it has been so long and he hasn't met a strong opponent for a long time.


I saw a huge blue dragon flying out of it, a pair of sharp teeth hissing and roaring.

There was a golden light in his eyes, and he looked at Lin Feng with a strong pressure.

"Die, little human!"

The blue siren dragon made a sound.

Lin Feng looked at the name on the head of the siren giant dragon, and a faint smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

Siren BOSS- Siren Dragon Monster

And the blood volume is still the experience of the machine, even dozens of times higher than the monster blood volume that Lin Feng encountered before.

Lin Feng sneered and couldn't control the death scythe in his hand.

Cast a move.

Crescent Moon Ghost Scythe!


The death sickle turned into a huge body, and hooked towards the siren boss.

In the blink of an eye.

The siren boss let out an astonishing roar, which directly melted away the Crescent Moon Ghost Scythe cast by Lin Feng.

I saw the English letter miss jumping out of the siren boss.

I didn't expect that this would require a boss. The combat power is quite strong, and the reaction and reaction power are also excellent.

"Damn humans."

"Accept the punishment of the Sea God!"

What's more, the boss made a frightening sound in the direction of Lin Feng, and then his body flew high into the sky and landed with a bang.

A powerful attack wave covered Lin Feng, and even turned into a blue ocean wave, overturning the surrounding walls and rushing in front of Lin Feng.

Facing such a formidable opponent, Lin Feng also raised a smug smile.

Finally met a formidable opponent.

In an instant Lin Feng released the power of steel, and a protective shield fell in front of him.

Blocking the attack of the formidable opponent in front of him, although the blood volume has decreased a little, it is not surprising at all.

Soul Binding Formation!

I picked up the Death Scythe and opened the formation towards the ground.

The black formation continuously flowed backwards on the sea monster dragon in front of him.

next second.

Stimulated by the blade-like light, five of them were put into the body of the sea monster dragon.

Ho Ho Ho!

But this sea monster dragon also soared directly into the sky. Although it received the attack of Lin Feng's soul-binding magic circle, the amount of blood it dropped was not surprising at all.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"After so many years, I have finally met an opponent. "Die, human beings."

Suddenly, the giant siren dragon in the sky turned into two, one appeared in front of Lin Feng, and the other appeared behind Lin Feng.

At this moment, Lin Feng was also a little stunned. He never thought that this sea monster dragon would have such a powerful move, but this is also an unexpected harvest.


A blue flame burned towards Lin Feng's direction, and Lin Feng looked at other positions in an instant.

He didn't expect that the flame seemed to be able to locate it, and it kept following behind him.

Lin Feng quickly rotated the death scythe in his hand, and before the flame rushed towards him in the next second...

After rushing to the middle of the flames, the death sickle slashed down from the middle, and the flames disappeared in an instant.

Suddenly, two blue flames surged out from his back. Fortunately, they flashed fast at that time, otherwise the flames could directly burn him.

It seems that these bosses still have brains.

Lin Feng once again summoned his Seraph form.

A pair of snow-white wings unfolded behind his back, and the black light glowed from the original Xiao Hei and Dandan Beast.

Now also because Lin Feng summoned himself as an angel, he turned into a white light.

Hastily summoned, released the Purple Lightning Frost Sword, once again slashed fiercely at the position of the sea monster dragon, and released his own attack guardian angel cross cut.

After all, in the state of death, he is only suitable for those battles that are suitable for group attacks.

When facing single-player battles, it is much better to use Seraphim.

Two bangs.

Unexpectedly, the sea monster dragon reacted so quickly and flew to the side.

The skill that Lin Feng played just landed on the ground, making a cross on the ground.

It seems that the giant old cloth that he is fighting now may only let him defeat it easily, and he needs to use some tricks.

Otherwise, it may be difficult to pass if you work hard, and it will take a lot of time.

Also in 2.6, I don't know how their current situation in the city is, if they encounter this powerful boss in front of them.

It is very likely to fail, it seems that I have to quickly defeat the boss in front of me.

"Xiao Hei, Eggy Beast, you two immediately attack the sea monster dragon behind me."

"I will fight this sea monster dragon in front of me."

Xiaohei and Dandanmon quickly attacked the siren dragon behind Lin Feng.

However, due to lack of strength, it was blocked by the sea monster dragon.

Lin Feng really didn't expect that the power of the dragon behind this was actually the same as the power of the real body he was facing.

Looks like this battle is going to be a tough one!

The eyes of Xiaohei and Dandanmon are also full of hatred for the sea monster dragon in front of them!.

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