After such a long time, Xiaohei and Dandanmon have met an opponent this time.

So looking at the hatred in their eyes is to understand what they are thinking.

"Little Heidandanbeast, the sea monster dragon behind this will be handed over to you two."

Lin Feng intends to seriously face the sea monster dragon in front of him, and in terms of strength, it is still in front of him, which is much stronger than the sea monster dragon behind him

After all, the two of them are just avatars, and there will still be some disparity in strength to some extent.

I saw Dandanmon and Xiaohei began to continuously send out their own moves to the giant dragon.

The two pets began to seamlessly combine together, coordinating how to launch the most powerful attack.

Seeing this, Lin Feng also moved towards the sea monster dragon in front of him, and sent out his own move, Guardian Angel Counterattack Slash!


The move fell.

The siren dragon actually directly collided with the one sent by Lin Feng, and the guardian angel counterattacked.

Looking at his blood volume, it only dropped a little bit.

Lin Feng was also stunned.

How is this possible? How could it be possible to lose such a small amount of blood as 26?

According to the bosses he fought before, it is impossible to fully withstand this blow from him.

I didn't expect that I was attacked by the sea monster dragon, and I just lost this small amount of blood. What is the problem?

Seeing Lin Feng, the sea monster dragon was in a daze at this moment, and seemed to have seized the loophole at this moment.

Suddenly, a dazzling light shot out, going against the trend towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng subconsciously inserted a flashing event, but the ray of light rubbed against his body, and his blood volume dropped a little.

This time, facing such a powerful Siren BOSS, I was really surprised.

Unexpectedly, this sea monster dragon actually knows how to catch the enemy's loopholes, which is much better than those players.

Lin Feng quickly radiated a protective light array towards the position of the siren dragon!

A powerful golden light appeared in the void, and it began to continuously smash down on the sea monster dragon.

I saw that the blood volume on the siren dragon's body also began to drop continuously, but the blood volume did not drop much, but only a little bit.

It seems that in the face of this powerful siren dragon with such a powerful defense.

You can't just use these simple moves, you must find his weakness, and then you can defeat him with one move.

When Xiao Hei and Dandanshou saw that they were facing the sea monster dragon, but they couldn't defeat it, they also began to think about it and think of a way.

After all, if you stay with your master for a long time, your IQ will also be greatly improved.

Lin Feng began to lure the sea monster dragon, and began to check the weakness of the sea monster dragon around, planning to kill it with one blow.

After all, what he is facing is still man-machine, and cannot have other consciousness.

If this is called a human being, if he can have the consciousness of this sea monster dragon, then he can also fight against it.

All of a sudden, Lin Feng discovered that this siren dragon had a tentacles behind it that glowed when it launched an attack.

Is his weakness in the tentacles;

Lin Feng was also lost in thought, looking at the sea monster dragon in front of him, he rushed towards him again, it was the only way to go.

In an instant, he released his move, Guardian Angel Saint Hammer.

A huge hammer appeared in the air, fiercely looking at the head of the sea monster dragon, and fell down on the tentacles emitting golden light.


I saw that the blood volume of the sea monster dragon was reduced by more than half in an instant.

The clone of the sea monster dragon that Xiaohei and Dandanmon faced also weakened a lot.

A smug smile filled Lin Feng's face, he didn't expect that the weakness of this siren dragon really lies here.

At this time, the sea demon dragon also directly entered an exposed state because of Lin Feng's attack this time, and roared towards the sky.

In the next blow, many boulders began to roll down in the void and smashed towards Lin Feng's body.


Countless boulders came crashing down.

Lin Feng dodged in other directions again, before the sea monster dragon noticed, and at this time dodged behind him.

Facing him, the tentacles glowing with golden light launched an attack again, and the guardian angel counterattacked.

In an instant, the knife fell.

I saw the tentacles fell to the ground, and all the blood volume of the siren dragon disappeared.

Lin Feng chuckled, and looked at Xiaohei and Dandanmon, the sea monster dragon who were fighting at this time.

Under the two attacks of Xiao Hei and Dan Dan Beast, the sea monster dragon was also directly beaten and disappeared.

At this time, the game system sounded.

"Congratulations to King Meng for defeating the boss of Siren City 100 and successfully protecting Siren City!"

A faint smile rose from the corner of Lin Feng's mouth, it seemed that he was right to come to this Kraken 100 city to kill the boss.

Now I have cut off the little monsters who went to Siren City.

Now we just need to kill those mobs in Siren City.

But you can leave the rest to them.

At this time, the forum also began to discuss frantically about Lin Feng's battle to defend the city.

Because many people are looking forward to whether they will be able to defend the monster city 690 they captured this time.

And there are still many people who are counting the time.

See how long it takes them to guard this monster city, and figure out what is going on with them.

"It's been three days and three nights now. I didn't expect that their battle to defend the city would be quite long. I muttered what happened to them inside?"

"It seems that the people upstairs miss Mengwang very much, what happened to them, but I think Mengmeng is so powerful, it should be impossible.

"I guess there are a lot of people who are envious and jealous, after all, Mengmeng is so powerful, there will always be some players who envy those who are better than themselves, so they like to gossip.

"I think it's normal for this monster city to take a long time because it's so powerful, and I heard that King Meng went to the 100 city above the monster city by himself.

"Oh, what are you thinking? If this is really successful, the world will definitely announce it. I have long wanted to join the world's No. 1 guild. If there is no position now, I hope they can really hold on this time. City, so that we have more opportunities to join the world's number one guild."

"Me too, me too. I also hope that I can join the world's number one guild. I hope that this battle of defending the city and they can defend it."

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