National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 522 A Steady Stream Of Siren Soldiers

At this time, the five Murong sisters in the sea monster city saw that the sea monster soldiers finally stopped pouring out continuously.

I also realized that Lin Feng had already dealt with the boss over there.

Now that Lin Feng hasn't come back, it's probably to see if they can deal with the siren soldiers they used.

Murong Yiyi saw a lot of soldiers, and she was a little tired now, and lost a little low, so she said hastily.

"Everyone, be serious. Now that Meng Wang's side has solved it, it's mainly on our side."

"As long as we kill all the small soldiers in this wave, we will win the battle of defending the city."

After hearing what Murong Yiyi said, the soldiers saw that there was still nothing to see, and some soldiers rushed in front of them, and they all began to question.

"Is what you said true? I'm exhausted from fighting now, and I don't know when I can kill these soldiers."

"I also want to say that I am really exhausted fighting these soldiers now. I think that if Meng Wang really wins, he should come back soon.'

"That's what I said, but no one really knows what it is. Everyone should be more serious now. Killing these sea monster soldiers is the most important thing."

"That's right, everyone's morale is really low now, even if Meng Wang hasn't defeated the monster over there, I think we can wait until Meng Chou kills the boss.

"Hahaha, I think so. After all, the Dragon King is so powerful that he came to this battle of defending the city. I also think everyone needs to take it seriously."

"I hope that what the vice president said is true, I hope that the president can really quickly kill the boss over there, and this battle of defending the city will be over. If it really succeeds in defending the city, I will definitely I need two packs of instant noodles!"

"As for? Eat two packs of instant noodles, you are really miserable, if this battle of defending the city is over, I will eat KFC!"

Murong Yiyi saw that the morale of many soldiers finally started to stand up successfully again, and the big stone in her heart fell down.

After hearing what Murong Yiyi said, Murong Wuwu was shocked in her heart, looked around but did not see any trace of Lin Feng, she was inevitably a little bit disappointed.

"Sisi, do you think what Yiyi said is true?"

"If King Meng really defeated the boss over there, he should be back soon. Why haven't I seen him come back yet?"

Murong Sisi frowned, but when she saw Murong Wuwu's worried expression, she quickly echoed what Murong Yiyi said.

"Wuwu, don't worry, the King Meng is very powerful, don't think about how many levels the King Meng is now, it is still easy to deal with these little bbs

"Besides, what Yiyi said must have meaning here, so don't worry, he must have defeated the boss, it's just that he came back a little slower.

Murong Wuwu still frowned in disbelief.

But there is nothing you can do if you don't believe it now, after all, things are already like this, you can only believe in Lin Feng.

Everyone also started to frantically start a duel against these Kraken soldiers.

Everyone worked together, and soon all the Kraken soldiers had been killed, and not a single one remained.

At this time, Lin Feng slowly returned to the Kraken City, looked at the Kraken soldiers everywhere, and smiled happily.

"It seems that you have successfully defended the city without me."

Lin Feng said.

When Murong Wuwu watched Da Lin Feng finally come back, she hurriedly came to his side, looking unhappy, she pouted and said.

"Why are you coming back now? We are all waiting for you to come back."

Lin Feng looked at Murong Wuwu's unhappy look, and stretched out his hand to flick her head with a smile.

"It's not because I want everyone to work harder."

"In this way, if I am gone one day, everyone can still guard these cities."

"And there are quite a few people who will definitely leave the world's number one guild one day, so it is only when they have to face these things by themselves."

Murong Wuwu, listening to Lin Feng's words, I don't know why I always feel a little uncomfortable in my heart, but I still feel that what he said makes sense.

"I think what you said is quite right, but I think it's impossible for you not to be here, and if you're not here, I won't be here either.

Murong Yiyi and Murong Er'er glanced at each other, everyone looked at Lin Feng in front of them with different eyes, and seemed to have other different opinions on him.

No one has ever said such a thing when he became the chairman, and he never thought that he would have already thought about all these things.

The soldiers all said reluctantly.

"...No way, it is impossible for us to leave the world's number one guild. The world's number one guild has given us so much, we can't leave here with revenge."

"Yes, I think from the day I joined the world's No. 1 guild, I was born as the world's No. 1 collapsed person, and death is the ghost of the No. 1 guild, so I must be here. I hope the president can always keep the world's No. 1 guild Do it."

"That's right, I didn't expect the president to be so kind to all of us, and all of us will definitely not leave the world's number one guild. I will never do such an immoral way."

"I finally understand why some guilds can go on forever, but some guilds will be fragmented all of a sudden. Sometimes it depends on whether the guild can survive or not, and what matters is more important."

"I really didn't expect the president to think so much for us. I thought that he would let us face these monsters, let us defend the city, and just let us level up. I didn't expect that there were so many (deserved) Li's deep meaning, I really misunderstood the president."


Listening to what everyone said, Lin Feng was also very moved in his heart. He didn't expect that his position in their hearts had become so high. This was also an unexpected gain in the world's number one guild.

At this time, the sound of the game also sounded.

"Congratulations to everyone for successfully defending the city!"

"Congratulations to Meng Wang for being the first player to snatch the city from monsters, and also the first player to successfully defend the city, for obtaining the Siren City. Would you like to inform the world?"


Lin Feng replied.

After all, of course such a good thing should be reported globally.

Besides, there are still many people who are curious about their current situation in the defense of the city.

Everyone left Siren City together and returned to Yashan City.

This victory is really hard-won, because everyone has paid a lot.

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