National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 537 Disintegrating The Second Wave Again

Lin Feng still ignored Xiao Ha, Murong Shanshan said with a smile.

"Xiaoha, you can change to someone else."

"Look at Sansan who ignores you at all."

Murong Shanshan snorted warmly, still ignoring Xiaoha.

Xiao Ha still desperately wanted to tease him, Murong Shanshan came to caress him.

Lin Feng looked at Xiaoha and couldn't help sighing, Murong Wuwu couldn't stand it anymore, and said to Murong Shanshan.

"The Sansan family has been acting like a baby with you for so long, or you can touch him, I think he really likes you very much.

Murong Shanshan took a look, and was still looking at Xiaoha who was acting like a spoiled child. For Murong Wuwu's sake, she squatted down, expecting Xiaoha's head to be patted twice.

However, Xiaoha, who was still acting like a baby in the next second, got this touch from Murong Shanshan.

Immediately, he returned to his original haughty appearance, ignored him, Murong Shanshan walked away from him, and walked towards Murong Yiyi's direction.

At that moment, Murong Wuwu also completely understood what Xiaoha's little thoughts were.

What bad thoughts could he have, he just wanted the beauty to touch him.

Especially the kind of beauties who didn't want to look at themselves at all, but touched themselves.

When Murong Shanshan saw the person walking in the direction of Murong Yiyi, Little Hutton immediately rolled his eyes, revealing a chill in his surroundings.

"Don't stop me, I'm going to beat him now."

After speaking, he rushed towards Xiaoha's direction. When Xiaoha saw Murong Shanshan, he quickly ran towards other enemies.

The two were chasing around, everyone laughed when they saw the two of them chasing Murong Shanshan towards Xiao Ha.

Murong Wuwu just looked worriedly at Xiaoha and muttered to Lin Feng beside him.

"Aren't you afraid that Shanshan will hurt Xiaoha? Shanshan is very violent, if she beats someone, she will be a ruthless person~.

Lin Feng waved his hand, it's time for Xiaoha to try the beauty's offensive, and let him not to rush up the next time he sees a beautiful woman.

"It's okay, let Xiaoha go on like this, it's true that others should take good care of him.

I saw Murong Shanshan running towards Xiao Ha's side at high speed, the speed of the two was actually about the same.

Murong Yiyi looked at Xiaoha who was being chased by Murong Shanshan and let out a long sigh.

"It seems that Sansan will not let Xiaoha go this time."

But these are small things.

"Now the third wave is about to start, Shanshan should wait until this regional battle is over, then you can take revenge.

After Murong Shanshan heard what Murong Yiyi said, she stopped and stopped chasing Xiaoha.

Murong Shanshan returned to everyone's side, and cast a cold glance at Lin Feng, her eyes were filled with fireworks, as if she was about to eat her.

Seeing that Murong Shanshan was not chasing him, Xiaoha laughed, and returned to Lin Feng's side together.

She rubbed her head towards Lin Feng's body, wanting to be coquettish, but Lin Feng silently avoided it.

"it's useless."

"Who made you provoke Sansan?"

When Xiaoha heard this, he screamed towards the sky.

Xiao Hei was much more obedient, he kept wrapping around Lin Feng's neck and refused to get off, seeing Xiao Ha being scolded, he said cheerfully.

"Yeah, eh."

Xiao Ha listened to what Xiao Hei said, and gave him a "proud" sound.

The two seemed to be about to quarrel.

At this time, the teleportation array also emitted a red light towards the void. The third wave of regional battles is about to begin.

Everyone has also recovered, looking seriously at the upcoming 3rd wave.

Murong Wuwu asked Lin Feng who was beside her worriedly.

"Do you think there will be more powerful monsters in the third wave than in the second wave? Or they will also be greatly improved."

Lin Feng nodded, judging from the situation just now, all this is inevitable.

Only three hours have passed now, and there are still 18 hours before 21 hours.

In the end, the monsters you will definitely encounter will become stronger and stronger.

Now on the official website, Lin Feng and the five Murong sisters are in the top 5 of the leaderboard for killing the most monsters.

Lin Feng has always been in the first place [killed a full 200 monsters.

There are still some who have been eliminated, so they will not be included in this regional battle.

The second place is Murong Yiyi who killed more than 190 monsters.

The third place is Murong Er'er who killed 170 monsters.

The fourth place was Murong Wuwu who killed 165 monsters.

The sixth place is Murong Shanshan who killed 160 monsters.

Murong Sisi, who ranked 7th and was at the bottom of them, killed 158 monsters.

Murong Sisi found herself at the bottom of the team again, feeling a little upset in her heart, and shouted to the sky.

"Why? Why am I the last one this time? I think I should be pretty good.

However, no matter how he shouted, he couldn't change the number of Ou killed.

In fact, no one knows, because a small case caused a small incident.

In the forum, everyone also started to erect this husky-like Lin Feng's pet Feng.

"Wow, I didn't expect such a cute wolf to appear. I think he just looks like a husky, but he is a wolf. I didn't expect to provoke Sansan anyway. It seems that this little wolf doesn't want to live anymore."

"Why does King Meng have so many pets? I don't even have a pet now. Where did I get these pets? If I want to know how to get pets, can you tell me, I will also catch a pet Come and play."

"I feel that the Mengwang group is more beautiful, and the other cities are not good-looking at all. I watched Hot Pot City just now. I didn't expect (Zhao Hao) to go to Hot Pot City. He actually snatched other people's mobs and used them as his own achievements."

"Oh my god, I knew that this kind of person is very bad, so those players who followed them into the regional battle in Hotpot City are bad, and some of them may be directly dropped by level 5 by them. It’s a hurdle for many people.”

"That's necessary. I guess no one will want to join the Hot Pot City after the end of the Hot Pot City this time. The Hot Pot City is really going to be cold this time. Now even the reputation of some ordinary guilds can't keep up. It's too stinky, let's improve your ability and join the world's No. 1 guild."

"The world's No. 1 guild is indeed much stronger than other guilds, and the president of the guild is also very good, and is much better than other teams. I think it's better for me to apply to join the world's No. 1 guild."

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