National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 538 Xiaoha, Who Loves Beautiful Women The Most

The teleportation array of the third wave has now been fully opened.

The eyes of the seven people also fell on the teleportation array.

Li Yuan couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "After this regional battle, I will definitely order something delicious right away."

"It's really hard!"

"I feel that I have lost seven or eight catties now, and I feel that my stomach has been deflated."

When Murong Sisi heard Li Yuan's words, tears welled up in her eyes, she murmured.

"If it wasn't for an urgent task today, I would be eating my cake in a dessert shop right now.

"You can also go to eat a hot pot at night, instead of playing here for three days and three nights and just catch up on sleep, I'm going to fight the regional battle."

Lin Feng looked at Murong Sisi's resentful expression, and felt bitter in his heart!


I just caught up on my sleep for a while, and started to do urgent tasks, okay?

"After this time is over, I'll treat everyone to a meal."

"You can eat whatever you want, from morning till night."

When Li Yuan heard this, he stared at Lin Feng as if he had been enlightened, and asked in disbelief.

"Really married?"

"Are you really planning to treat us to something delicious?"

Lin Feng rolled his eyes at Li Yuan's questioning gaze.

"I said... don't I look like I've never invited you to dinner?"

"What you said is like I owe you a lot of meals..."

Li Yuan said as if he was about to cry.

"You finally found out with your conscience, you finally found out that you owe me so many meals.

"Okay, then I will eat a lot, so you must buy some."

Murong Sisi's eyes were also shining at this moment.



"Meng Wang finally found out with his conscience."

"Okay, then after this regional battle is over, everyone will wait for the King of Meng to treat us to dinner!"

"It just so happens that there is a newly opened hotpot restaurant recently, and I heard that the hotpot there is really good, so let's try it together when the time comes.

Seeing the two of them slapping chicken blood when they talk about food, I feel helpless in my heart.

"I found that the two of you really opened your eyes wider than copper bells when you heard the delicious food."

"But what I said is also true. After winning this regional battle, I will invite everyone to eat delicious food."

Murong Sisi nodded, pouted and said (cgah).

"Sure enough, there are still so many requirements in it, and I thought it was really so good, but they are all fake.

Lin Feng listened to Murong Sisi's muttering, and laughed.

"All right, all right, then regardless of whether we have won the regional championship this time, I will treat everyone to dinner."


Murong Wuwu nodded, looked at Murong Sisi whose eyes were shining brightly and said with a smile.

"I found out that you have gained weight recently."

"If you eat too much, it is estimated that at that time, maybe at that time, you will not be able to wear any clothes.

When Murong Sisi heard what Murong Wuwu said, she chuckled lightly, with a bit of threat on her face.

"Wuwu, if you are so bad, then don't blame me for telling all about you!"

"Think about the weight of our five sisters in the past..."

When Murong Wuwu heard it, her face turned red.

Looking at her shy face, Lin Feng had already guessed in his heart what was going on with her.

It must have been fat before.

Murong Wuwu snorted softly, but still begged for mercy from Murong Sisi.

"Okay, okay."

"You can say whatever you want..."

"Don't tell me about me, otherwise, I will ignore you for the rest of my life!"



"Wuwu, are you going to start threatening me now?"

"I think you are really not good at all now, but I remember you were very good in the past.

Murong Wuwu pursed her lips, and said with a face full of disbelief.

"All right, all right!"

"Whatever you say is what you say!"

"I've convinced you too."

"Tell me, what would you like to eat?"

Murong Sisi smiled and said: "This is about the same, I will tell you after I think about it."

"I don't have anything to eat right now, if I just want to eat, I can't even afford this regional war right now.

In the barrage of the live broadcast, everyone watched what Murong Sisi and Murong Wuwu said, and they all laughed out loud.

"I just said that these two people are definitely good sisters, and I don't know what this little secret of Wuwu is... Could it be that such a beautiful beauty has an unknown past?"

"What are you all thinking, such a beautiful beauty must have no unknown past! I think Si Si's smile should be due to some body problem, but I think the fleshy girl is the best cute."

"Ugh! I think so too, and Murong Wuwu looks really cute, I think he's too skinny now, he should eat more.

"There is a fact that everyone must know, Murong Wuwu is cute, so if you are fatter, you will be cute if you are thinner, but if you are will only be uglier if you are fat.

"I feel like the poster is talking about me. I feel like my heart is going to be stabbed right now. What do you mean? If you are fat, you will only be uglier! We are fat and we have our advantages."

"Advantages...a good-looking person has advantages all over his body, and an unattractive person seems to have no advantages except kindness. This is the real fact."

"I'm so envious of those good-looking girls. There are not only handsome guys around, but they don't look like me. I don't look good. I don't think I'm worthy of this game!"

At this time, the monster team of the second wave ran out of the teleportation array.

There are a total of 100 siren swordsmen, holding a golden iron knife in their hands, walking towards them like a piece of wood.

He looked stupidly and looked like he was not very smart.

Murong Sisi looked at the sea monster swordsman and laughed lightly.

"My God..."

"Why do I feel that this looks so stupid."

"It just doesn't look smart."

"I feel like this fight should be much easier to fight than the others.

"What do you think?"

Murong Shanshan and Murong Er'er shook their heads very calmly.

"If you can see something from the monster, you are very powerful now."

"Although this sea monster swordsman is indeed a little stupid, but it's okay, he can see it.

"I just hope that the boss this time won't be the same as last time."

Lin Feng summoned Gemini and rode on him, this time he also decided to make a quick decision.

"Let's make a quick decision this time!".

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