Another 7 people fell from the sky, and everyone has now taken every beautiful photo of their moves in the forum. It seems that no matter which side it is, it is a very beautiful photo.

I saw another 100 Kraken Generals coming out of the teleportation formation, and the dress of the Kraken Generals was also very similar to that of the Kraken Excalibur.

From the appearance point of view, there is actually no change, only in their height.

The height of the sea monster swordsman is only one meter, but the height of the general is a full 5 meters.

Murong Sisi looked at the 200-character siren monster with disdain on her face, and shouted.

"Why do I feel that these siren monsters look silly."

"If only their IQs were exactly like their looks."

Murong Er said with a smile.

I think you are too serious to judge monsters by their appearance. "

"However, if this monster is really judging by its appearance and IQ, then they don't even need to come out.

"Do you still need to let us challenge them? That's impossible. Judging from the two waves just now, the IQ of the third wave [their monsters] will definitely be much higher.

"Everyone must be serious, don't even compare the IQ of these human machines, it is really embarrassing, it is still in the stage of live broadcast, everyone is watching.

Lin Feng nodded and said seriously to everyone.

"Not all the bosses have come out yet, everyone must save the remaining blood and magic points."

"Although I don't know what the boss will look like this time, I can always feel that the boss this time must not be simple."

Let's go together.

Lin Feng looked at the mobs in front of him, and suddenly he saw Gemini summoned.

I saw a wind-like figure flashing past everyone's eyes, and Lin Feng had already arrived behind the monster before they could clearly see it.

This also made it impossible for the monster to find where Lin Feng was in such a short period of time, and where to determine the target to attack.

Immediately, I saw Lin Feng release his skills towards these monsters, Guardian Angel Cross Slash.

I saw two sword blades that looked like cross cuts, passing directly over these monsters.


Unexpectedly, the monster's health was gone this time, and the defensive power of Oblivion was so great that being slashed by Lin Feng would consume a lot of blood.

This also makes everyone curious, what is so special about the monsters in the third wave this time?

To be slashed by Lin Feng so simply has already lost so much blood.

"Impossible... If these monsters are so simple, they can't be like this!"

Faced with such a situation, Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi couldn't help but said.

I really don't know what kind of situation this is.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be!

After all, it is impossible for the third wave to be weaker than the first and second waves.

Is it not fully stimulated yet?

Now, everyone is a little confused, what kind of situation is this.

Lin Feng was also taken aback for a moment, he didn't have time to think about it like this with them now, the most important thing at the moment was to destroy these monsters first.

Lin Feng immediately issued this order.

Xiao Hei, Dandan Beast, and Blood Moon Remnant Wolf immediately ran to the monsters to pull them.

Only when all these monsters had gathered in front of him did he release his skills!

Frozen world!

Xiao Hei's skills instantly froze the Siren Swordsman and Siren General in place.

I saw their blood volume began to drop slowly.

Eggmon also released its own skills at this moment.

Ground Crack Ice Stab!

In an instant, within five meters, five huge ground thorns shot up from the ground.

Dandan began to spit out icicles to all the siren monsters in the river!

All the siren monsters were instantly killed in the attack of Dandan Beast and Xiao Hei.

At this moment, everyone is stupid.


"how so!"

"According to the logic, it shouldn't be like this!"

When Murong Wuwu was told by Murong Sisi, it seemed that it was true.

But there is nothing to say.

Now that it's all like this, let's file a case that day!

I saw everyone quickly hitting these monsters.

……ask for flowers…

When Murong Wuwu faced the monsters in front of her, she only summoned her spear.

For a long time, she has not used a spear.

In an instant, he waved the spear in his hand, and the sharp spears flashed past the bodies of these monsters.


Under the blue light, the monster's blood volume instantly became 0.

Instant kill!

Many people were stunned by them.

Murong Er'er, Murong Sisi, Murong Shanshan, and Murong Yiyi, who were still hesitating, also quickly launched an attack.

I saw the number of monsters killed on their heads constantly changing...

For the small monsters that can be wiped out so easily, they only need to be pinched and they will die, there is no need to think too much.


The entire northern part of Longyu City was covered by their light.

Players watching their live broadcasts can't find out what kind of situation they are in now.

"What's the situation? What's going on with them now? Why are they killing monsters so fast now... I remember that when the Meng Wang and the others killed the first wave and the second wave, there was no Such a fast speed, don’t tell me they’re going to kill me?”

"What you said above makes sense, and I also feel that the number of monsters they kill has started to skyrocket, and I have seen that the third wave of teleportation arrays is still radiating a lot of monsters. Monster, it seems that I think this level is more like a welfare level."

"There is some truth in what you said, but as long as you can see that they can win this regional battle, this is a thought of a fan. Although they are not as strong as them, I hope they can win!"

"The most fearful thing is this kind of situation. It may also be a setting of the game. If there are benefits, it is very likely that the next battle will directly lead to failure, but this is also a kind of welfare level. I now find that they The number of people who have killed me is not as high as that of Meng Wang."

"After all, they have reached the third wave now, and the other guilds have only reached the second wave, so there is no way to comment on this, can everyone understand?"

"I understand, I understand, I understand, the other guilds are not as powerful as the world's number one guild..."


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