There was a bang, and another flame was seen, heading towards Murong Wuwu's direction and headed up again.

Lin Feng quickly flashed to Murong Wuwu's side like a gust of wind, pulling Murong Wuwu away instantly.

Those flames passed by Murong Wuwu's side directly, only slightly reducing his blood volume.

"Why are you in a daze, don't be in a daze when we meet again, otherwise you will be the one who died just now.

"You have to know that this is a regional battle, and you will lose twice as many levels after you die as usual."

Murong Wuwu was stunned for a moment, and finally pulled back her thoughts from the daze just now.

"I didn't expect that there would be fire in the teleportation array just now!"

"It seems that the third wave this time is indeed more difficult than I imagined. I thought it was really a welfare bureau for us."

Lin Feng looked at Murong Wuwu, and reached out to tap her on the head, hoping that she could have a better memory because of these things.

"Welfare Bureau, Welfare Bureau, think about it with your own brain, it is logically impossible for this third wave to be so much weaker than the previous two waves."

"And if it's really the Welfare Bureau, it will definitely not be put on such an important battle as the battle of District 26, understand?"

Murong Wuwu felt aggrieved in her heart when she heard what Lin Feng said, and she remembered the way Lin Feng talked softly to her at ordinary times in her mind.

Looking at the stern look to himself now, it feels like two different people snorted at him and didn't want to pay attention to him anymore.

What a fierce!


Lin Feng looked at Murong Wuwu holding her breath, she didn't even need to guess, she must have felt that he was training her too seriously.

But there's nothing I can do if I don't thank him. If she is distracted at this time, if she is not here, she will have lost completely.

She has to be good this time, she has a long memory.

Lin Feng also decided not to say a word, and silently watched the boss who was about to come out of the teleportation formation.

Seeing Lin Feng standing aside as if she didn't know anything, Murong Wuwu felt even more aggrieved when she looked at the teleporter.

I didn't expect that he didn't even coax himself, as long as it was the same as before, he would talk to himself well, okay?

Murong Sisi only looked at Murong Wuwu and Lin Feng's angry appearance from the side, raised her eyebrows, and blended in with the two of them, and said with a smile.

"Oh, what are you two arguing about? What a trivial matter?"

"Wuwu, you really did something wrong this time. I've told you many times. Don't be distracted during the battle. You just don't listen. Now someone else will tell you."

Listening to Murong Sisi's words, Murong Wuwu also upgraded for some reason in her heart, feeling a little bit embarrassed and guilty.

It is true that it is not a good place to do this thing by yourself, if you pay more attention at that time.

If you don't underestimate this third wave of battle, you won't let Meng Wang scold yourself.

Murong Sisi smiled and said: "Okay, okay, now you just need to tell him that you will never feel at ease in the future, and you can think about one more thing. This is really what you did wrong. It's really , and are still angry with others here."

Murong Wuwu was completely brainwashed by what Murong Sisi said, and silently came to Lin Feng's side, blushing and whispering in shame.

"I'm sorry, it's indeed my problem. If I had kept what you said in my heart, I wouldn't have lost this amount of blood just now."

Lin Feng chuckled softly, and had to say, the current Murong Wuwu is really cute, and it is right to make amends when he realizes his mistakes, while reaching out to rub his head, he smiled dotingly.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just a little bit of blood loss, just to let you remember that if I'm not here next time, if you were distracted, you must have been killed just now."

Murong Wuwu also had a gentle smile on his face, in fact, if he thought about it carefully, he did it for himself.

It is also to let myself protect myself well when he is not around. Thinking about it this way, it seems that I have a high position in his heart.

He was able to remember his own safety in many cases.

Lin Feng looked at Murong Wuwu who was a little bit shy, and suddenly wanted to tease him," whispered in his ear.

"Then this time it's a life-saving favor."

"How do you think you should repay the grace of saving your life?"

At the moment of saving her life, Murong Wuwu was stunned.

Lin Feng looked at him with dull eyes, she was really a pure and lovely little girl.

Can't help but speak slowly again.

"What's wrong? Have you forgotten what happened just now?"

"No, no, how could I forget what the other side said? How would I know how to repay it?" Murong Wuwu was also very ashamed.

Many strange scenes began to appear in my mind, I don't know why it just feels weird.

The players who were looking at them at this time were a little ashamed by the two of them.

"Why do I feel that the two of them really have a feeling of a couple? Could it be that I, 250 people, think too much? I think these two people are really a good match. I feel that Murong Wuwu and Meng Wang are very similar. novel."

"Don't put it that way, they are very similar to the male and female protagonists in novels, they are all strong alliances, and the two of them are almost strong alliances, but I still think Mengwang and Murong Yiyi are a good match."

"Yiyi's words really feel that he is a particularly cold existence, especially this kind of cold girl is said to be the boring type. If he is paired with someone like Meng Wang, it really feels like Walking CP is the same, full sense of CP.

"You have completely put a lot of girls on Meng Wang's body now, and now Meng Wang seems to have a CP feeling of walking everywhere."

"Originally, this kind of combination of handsome men and beautiful women will be very attractive, and I feel happy in my heart when I look at it. I even think that Meng Wang should accept all five of their sisters. In this way, everyone doesn't have to Then think about who will be more suitable for you.”

"That's true. There is also a post on the forum saying who is a good match for Meng Wang, but the winning percentages of all five sisters are exactly the same [It seems that everyone still agrees."

"It doesn't matter how you think, what matters is that you put it into action.


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