The current Murong Wuwu doesn't know that everyone is knocking on their CP and feels happy physically and mentally.

Murong Sisi looked at the two of them silently again like a melon-eating crowd.

Many players watched the scene of the two of them, and they also found their shadows in Murong Sisi.

"Okay, okay, you two don't talk about love here."

"After this regional war is over, you can talk about love again, alas, it's too difficult."

Hearing what Murong Sisi said, Li Yuan quickly came to their side, looked at Lin Feng and Murong Wuwu with strange eyes, as if he knew something important [asked curiously.

"What are you talking about love?"

Lin Feng looked at Li Yuan who wanted to gossip and said quickly.

"What are you talking about love? I asked Sisi, can you stop thinking about those things about talking about love?"

"Things like those talking about love are not things that we all want to be true now. Our most important task at present is to end this regional war first."

He didn't want Li Yuan to know about himself.

Judging by his gossip, it is estimated that if he finds out, then don't sleep when the battle in this area is over tonight.

It will definitely kill myself, let myself explain to him what is in it.

Forget it, imagine that you can have food and sleep for your future life, but you still can't tell him, and tell him when the time comes.

However, Li Yuan still didn't believe Lin Feng at all, and said suspiciously.

"You don't dare to look at me now. I must have a ghost in my heart. You were not like this before."

Turning her head quickly, she looked at Murong Sisi and asked curiously.

"What were you talking about just now?"

"Why do I feel that you are gossiping? I smell gossip. Tell me quickly, share with me, everyone is in the same team."

Seeing that Li Yuan was so curious, Murong Sisi raised a smug smile, seeing that Lin Feng didn't seem to want to tell him what happened just now, she said with a smile.

"Actually, there is nothing wrong. If you are curious, you can ask him. "The matter of the person involved can be explained more clearly than me, a bystander."

"But I can tell you that this news will definitely surprise you. Curiosity is a good thing."

For a while, Lin Feng felt an urge to die.

The one who likes gossip the most is Li Yuan, his gossip soul is very powerful.

It's all right now, completely aroused by what Murong Sisi said, and there is light in his eyes.

"Are we two good brothers after all? If we are good brothers, you should hurry up and tell me what you said just now.

Sure enough, it was the beginning of the same words, and I believed that no matter how I answered, he would pester me and gossip about it.

"I'll tell you after the regional battle is over."

The most important thing now is to make him forget about it slowly.

Otherwise, in this regional battle, everyone will not even think about fighting it properly.

Li Yuan has already seen through Lin Feng. After all, the two have been good brothers for so many years. Can they not know what the other is thinking?

"Sure enough, now you have a lot of things to hide from me. In the past, you would always share these things with me. Now it's all right, it seems that everything has changed."

Li Yuan said a lot of these words in Lin Feng's ear, and Lin Feng felt that his ears were getting callused.

Really helpless.

At this moment, a powerful murderous aura was exposed from the teleportation array, and there was a bang.

A giant siren octopus came out of it.

I saw the tentacles of this giant octopus.

They all grabbed many stones and threw them at them, smashing towards them like meteorites.

Finally, Li Yuan stopped asking Lin Feng about things, and quickly separated a distance from Lin Feng.

Lin Feng watched the boss finally come out, and sighed in his heart, as long as he didn't come out again, he would be annoyed to death by Li Yuan.

This boss really saved himself.

Everyone's eyes also fell on the giant octopus in front of them.

Murong Yiyi blinked dangerously, and summoned the Shenwu Sword that she hadn't used for a long time.

Now is also the time, it's time to use this boss in front of him to sharpen his martial arts sword.

In the next second, Murong Yiyi slashed down towards the giant octopus monster, and a huge divine sword directly looked down on all its tentacles.

All the octopus tentacles fell on the ground like rain, and began to move big things. In the next second, something shocking happened to everyone.

Unexpectedly, the octopus' whiskers turned into small octopus monsters, and their positions moved away when they started to slow down.

There was surprise in everyone's eyes.

Murong Wuwu was stunned, seeing these octopus whiskers turning into little octopus monsters, she just felt that her body was inexplicably uncomfortable.

""What is this? It's disgusting!"

"This octopus monster seems to be more disgusting than what we fought in the monster city at that time. It can actually turn into so many little octopus monsters. How did it do it?"

In the next second, the little octopus flew over the other players, stuck to them, and began to suck their blood frantically.

By the time they all reacted, these little octopus monsters had sucked out the player's blood.

In the barrage, there were a lot of people knocking on CP just now, but when they saw the boss appearing, they all began to seriously analyze the octopus monster Song.

"My God, this third wave of bosses is too disgusting, they can turn into so many little octopus monsters, and their fighting power is quite strong."

"It's really disgusting. I'm really speechless. Fortunately, I didn't participate in the regional battle here. Otherwise, it would be a disaster scene for people like me (Zhao Haozhao) who have these tentacles. Feeling numb all over."

"Now I feel a chill in my back, and it seems that the octopus is spreading from my body. This feeling is really true. I really can't see this kind of monster too much. It's really too scary. It's better to have those vicious monsters." , at least people won't be so cruel."

"Now I have a feeling that I can't watch it anymore, but because Mengmeng is here, I think I still need to watch Mengwang. If you really encounter this kind of octopus monster in the future, you know how to kill it."

"That's simple. Now we only have the siren family here. With these siren family, you can easily appear these octopus monsters and other monsters in the sea. Now this octopus monster is still demonized. I feel that the painting in this game is Really great.

"What an ugly monster, I feel goosebumps all over now, it's so scary."

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