National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 543 Powerful Giant Octopus

Murong Wuwu's eyes were full of disgust for the giant octopus in front of her.

"I... I really have no way to do it."

When Murong Sisi saw this, he immediately took out his own sharp blade, and stabbed straight at the little octopus flying over him.

In an instant, the little octopus spewed out, and an inexplicable liquid splashed into the surrounding white bugs, and some small bugs were wriggling.

The tentacles of the not yet completely dead little octopus monster were still grinding, and at that moment Murong Wuwu looked at it and silently covered his eyes.

"I really can't stand Meng Wang. "I really can't stand the third wave of bosses."

Lin Feng also knows that Murong Wuwu hates this little octopus monster the most, but this time the little octopus monster is very powerful and will sneak attack on players, so there is no way.

I saw a little octopus flying towards Murong Wuwu's body, quickly trying to use its tentacles to stick to Murong Wuwu's body and suck her blood.

Murong Wuwu was stunned, completely unresponsive, and watched the little octopus land on her body.

Lin Feng saw the timing right, and shot an arrow directly with the Expressive Dome, which pierced the octopus monster.

"Now is not the time to be distracted, it can only go on like this."

Murong Wuwu looked unwilling, but saw so many little octopus monsters swaying around her.

820 If you don't do it yourself, these octopus monsters will suck up your blood sooner or later.

"Then you go and kill this boss, and leave these little octopus monsters to me."

Murong Yiyi was also a little shocked when she heard what Murong Wuwu said, because she knew that it was no wonder that this kind of wriggling animal was what she was most afraid of when she was a child.

"Can you really? Are you sure you can look at these little octopus monsters without being scared?"

Murong Wuwu looked deathly at home, nodded heavily towards Murong Yiyi, and patted her chest.

"Don't worry, leave everything to me, you guys fight this boss, these little octopus monsters are nothing to me."

After finishing speaking, Murong Wuwu made a move in the air with both hands, and a magic formation immediately appeared on her body, and it began to circulate.

I saw him slowly flying towards the void, and suddenly she pointed to the sky, making a gesture of supporting the sky.

Lots of water droplets condensed into swords in the air, and the moment he let go of the rain, all of them stabbed at the little octopus monsters flying towards him.

Swish Swish Swish!

I saw that the little octopus was constantly being bombarded by the rain of arrows summoned by Murong Wuwu.

A lot of white liquid was splashed everywhere, which was very disgusting and nauseating.

Murong Yiyi let out a long breath when she saw Murong Wuwu's appearance. The eyes of the street also looked at the giant octopus that was stretching out its tentacles.

Lin Feng also understood all of Murong Wuwu's thoughts, and now the most important thing is to kill the giant octopus monster.

Murong Wuwu watched Lin Feng and Murong Yiyi staring at her, with a gentle smile on her face.

"Don't worry, leave it to me, I've grown up now, no matter how disgusting I think they are, I can beat myself."

Murong Sisi looked at Murong Wuwu, feeling a burst of emotion in her heart.

It seems that she has really grown up.

Everyone turned their attention to the giant octopus monster at this time, and they all flew towards the unreachable position, forming a circle around it.

Lin Feng stopped the time, raised the purple electric coagulation long sword in his hand, and sent out a move towards the head of the giant octopus monster in front of him, the guardian angel cross slashed.

The attack of the two crosses fell on the giant octopus monster.

However, the blood volume of the giant octopus monster didn't drop much, and many tentacles whipped towards Lin Feng's face, and there was a bang bang bang sound in the air at this time.

Looking at their current situation (cgba), Murong Yiyi quickly raised her head in her hands, and slashed fiercely at the giant octopus monster in front of her again.

This time, he didn't chop its tentacles like before.

But the blood volume still only dropped a little.

Murong Er'er and Murong Shanshan cooperated very quickly, and Murong Er summoned a huge magic circle, using flames to continuously burn the octopus monster in front of him, but it still didn't have much effect.

Murong Yiyi said to Lin Feng.

"It's not an option to go on like this now. The blood volume of this octopus monster is more than what we fought at the beginning."

"And our attack was useless on his head at all, but only dropped a little bit."

Lin Feng was also caught in his own thoughts.

What should I do now...

Lin Feng thought about it carefully, and found that there seemed to be no other way but to hit hard.

"Then let's launch an attack together, let's see how much damage our joint attack can do to him.

"Now this giant octopus doesn't have the same weakness as the giant octopus we've encountered.

Everyone looked at each other and nodded. This was the only way. They saw the giant octopus in front of them together and radiated their own moves.

Lin Feng also blasted out his own unique move at this moment, the guardian angel counterattacked and slashed across its body.

In an instant, the monster in front of him lost more than half of its HP, but its tentacles fell to the ground because of their attack, turning into many small octopus monsters.

Looking at the little octopus monsters all over the place slowly crawling towards Murong Wuwu's position, it seems that this is indeed a good way.

"Wuwu, hold on a little longer.

Lin Feng said to Murong Wuwu.

In the bullet screen at this time, everyone looked at the little octopus that fell from the giant octopus, and the screen was full of complaints.

"Oh my god, what a brave Murong Wuwu. I've heard of Murong Wuwu before, and I seem to be very afraid of this kind of octopus monster, but Murong Wuwu actually blocked so many by herself. It seems that Murong Wuwu It really has changed a lot.”

"In the world's No. 1 guild, Murong Wuwu would chat with us from time to time, and he would also tell us about the creature he hates the most in real life, which is also an octopus monster. It may be fate to meet him now. "

"This octopus monster is really disgusting. Oh my god, I can't stand it alone. Alas, as a big man, I feel that I am not as strong as a girl. My heart is in pain."

"Don't think so upstairs, there are still a lot of elders watching here, this sentence also made us wake up, our hearts are also very painful."

"What will happen if you don't tell the truth? Don't just say whether we big men are good or not. Our lives are already like this."

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