National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 553 Red Dragon And Little Milk Dragon

Finally, Chilong couldn't bear it any longer and came to the little milk dragon.

With these moves towards these little octopus monsters, the phantom palm directly chopped these little octopus monsters into two pieces.

"Is it okay? Are you okay with looking at these little octopus monsters?"

The little milk dragon watched the little octopus monster killed by the red dragon finally burst into a slack smile.

"Well, well, it's really good! I've never seen such a nice person as you!"

Chilong felt a little embarrassed to hear the little milk dragon boasting about himself, facing the big octopus monster in front of him, and said to the little milk dragon behind him.

"Okay, okay, leave the rest to me."

"You can go to another safe place to squat by yourself now, otherwise we will definitely die."

Seeing that the Chilong had already said so much, the little milk dragon silently ran to the side and looked at the Chilong who was fighting alone.

For the first time, she deeply felt Chilong's kindness.

If Chilong could always be so kind to himself, it would be fine

But she also knew that it was just a dream that she had such thoughts.

Because next time, he will definitely let himself deal with these mobs by himself.

I saw Chilong launching his own attack 770 at the octopus monster in front of him.

In an instant, with one move, the good guy cut off all the tentacles of the octopus monster.

But the real weakness of the octopus has not been found yet, causing all the tentacles to turn into small octopuses on the ground.

Seeing that the whole person is not good, Xiaonailong said with a look of hatred.

"I've never seen such a fool."

"The situation that was relatively easy to clean up in the first place can't be cleaned up at all now."

"Alas...that's it!"

The little milk dragon was helpless in his heart.

But there is no way to make myself tell the truth.

After all, I have something to ask of others now, if only King Meng could do it now...

If I had known that I would choose, I would have guarded the north with Meng Wang and the others.

I don't know what happened to them, but it is estimated that Meng Wang is so powerful and wiped out the octopus monster in a few strokes.

"Can you work harder! I feel like my fear is coming out now."

The little milk dragon couldn't help but yelled at the red dragon again.

Seeing so many little octopuses start to gather around him again, the whole person is about to collapse again.

Chilong was also very depressed.

It would be great if Meng Wang and the others were here now.

But she also said just now that Murong Wuwu next to Mengwang is also afraid of the little octopus monster like him, so it is estimated that Mengzhu is just like herself when she is by her side.

However, this is not the most realistic idea. He never imagined that Murong Wuwu, who was in a rage, would be much more powerful than her usual.

Although he didn't have any thoughts now, he saw the scared look of the little milk dragon.

As a teammate, he was also very helpless in his heart. After all, if she really dropped level 5 this time, he might never let him go in this life.

Immediately I saw Chilong thinking like this, and felt a little scared, and thinking about her usual style, think about it and forget it, don't be fooled by this kind of person.

In an instant, Chilong released his move towards the octopus monster in front of him, slashing with his sword.

A long sword with golden light spread out in front of the little milk dragon again.

In an instant, it fell towards the body of the octopus monster in front of it, splitting the octopus monster in half.

The little milk dragon was watching the little octopus slowly approaching him, and immediately ran towards the red dragon.

Chilong couldn't stand it anymore, he took the sword in his hand, swung it over, and a sword energy directly split these little octopus monsters in half, killing them all instantly.

The little milk dragon looked at his octopus monster, and finally he was killed and there was nothing left, so he let out a long sigh.

"Omg, finally killed, these little octopus monsters are really scary (cgbe)."

"I think this fourth wave should not encounter those little octopus monsters that scared me just now, as long as he is not this kind of tentacle monster, I can accept it.

Chilong also prayed silently in his heart, hoping that the 4th wave this time will never come out again, and there will be no octopus monsters like the 3rd wave.

It's really annoying. It's not that I can't beat it, but I was stunned by the translation of my teammates.

It could have been resolved sooner and ended sooner, but the third wave was all made by the little milk dragon, and it took so long to solve it.

The little milk dragon came in front of Chilong, looked at him very unhappy, and made a face at him.

"Oh, these are small things."

"Why do you act like I owe you money, besides, don't you just want you to talk about these mobs?"

Chilong couldn't help but rolled his eyes at the little milk dragon, he was really speechless to her.

"I didn't think about anything at the time, I just hoped that you would show half of your energy in the next wave of battles, and don't let me face so many monsters alone again.

The little milk dragon looked at Chilong with an aggrieved look.

"I don't think about it anymore, who made those monsters just now really terrible."

"But you are a big man, why are you always entangled with me about this matter, really, isn't it that we all passed this third wave together?"

The red dragon really has nothing to say to the little milk dragon.

The audience laughed at their current appearance, feeling that they are so funny.

"I really think the two of them are so interesting, if they can fight with Meng Wang and the others, then I think it will be very interesting.

"It is estimated that he really thinks that Wu Wu will really be like him. He is afraid that the little octopus is so scared that he just shrinks in the corner and dare not fight."

"I feel like if the two of us are together with Murong Wuwu, they will definitely have fun, and I really can't see it at all. The little milk dragon is afraid of little monsters like the little octopus monster. If it were me, I would have killed it Just kill it."

"No matter what the little milk dragon is, she is still a girl. Although it is true that the teacher is the best in the world, and during the Martial Arts Conference, she will commit a nympho to her, but these are trivial matters. In fact, the Meng Wang is still with him. Pretty funny."

"It's true that Meng Wang is funny with everyone, especially with this kind of mentality, it is estimated that Meng Wang will be like Chilong, but I think the little milk dragon is still very cute, okay?"

"Of course the little milk dragon is cute, but you haven't seen him in real battle. He is so heroic, and he is completely different from his delicate and weak appearance."

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