National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 554: North Of Dragon Feather City

Longyu City, in the north.

Everyone is waiting for the boss of the fourth wave to appear.

This time, Murong Wuwu was no longer as excited as before, wanting to go out and fight on her own first, this boss, but obediently stayed by Lin Feng's side, this time she decided to do whatever Lin Feng asked her to do.

"Meng Wang, this time I will do whatever you ask me to do, I will not attack the other party impulsively like before.~"

Lin Feng chuckled, looking at the now well-behaved Murong Wuwu, it's really unexpected.

It seems that she has no confidence in herself at all now, probably because she was frightened when she beat the two-body general just now.

But it's also good, so that she can prevent him from doing some more dangerous behaviors by following her, and in this way, she can develop stably.

"Okay, stay by my side later, don't go around doing things you shouldn't do like just now.

Murong Wuwu, well-behaved, stayed by Lin Feng's side, looking at Lin Feng beside her, she couldn't help asking.

"Would it make you dislike the way I like to rush out just now? Do you think I'm particularly strong?"

Lin Feng looked at her eager little eyes, especially wanting to know what was in his heart, so he stretched out his head and said with a smile.

"Guess, guess I like you just now, do you think I like you just now?"

I don't know why Murong Wuwu always feels weird when listening to what he said, but she can't say it out.

This time, Murong Wuwu was completely plunged into a state of fear.

She really couldn't figure out what Lin Feng was thinking just now, and she couldn't figure out whether he liked himself just now, it was really too difficult.

"I...I don't know, can you tell me directly, I don't know your thoughts, if I knew, I wouldn't ask you.

Lin Feng was completely amused by Murong Wuwu, and reached out to rub her head.

"I like you no matter what you look like, in my eyes you have always been a very cute girl.

Murong Sisi and Murong Er'er were listening with expressions of disgust on their faces.

But there are different emotions mixed in the disgusted expressions of the two people.

Especially Murong Erer's eyes are mixed with hatred towards Lin Feng, he hates that Murong Wuwu will only show such a delicate look when she is in front of her, and he will never show it in front of her, alas, It's so pathetic.

As for Murong Sisi, she looked resentful in her clothes, remembering that when Wu Wu was with her in the past, she never seemed to show it.

Do everything in a well-behaved manner, and now seeing his delicate appearance, it seems that people can really change a person.

However, compared to the previous Wuwu and the current Wuwu, he actually still prefers the current Wuwu, because the previous Wuwu was really cute.

Even if she knew, she was not as well-behaved as she imagined, but in fact she was still trying to maintain a long-lasting appearance.

But when I think about crying, now only occasionally is the most uncomfortable thing in my heart, because Er Er likes Wu Wu the most among everyone, and he always protects me.

Don't let her touch anything that can hurt him, now Wuwu is starting to break free from his control.

Moreover, what Wu Wu said has never been said to him, so she will naturally feel jealous in her heart.

"Oh, you two are really, can you not write down those words in the public, can you look at us bystanders, we are also very jealous, okay?"

For a while, Murong Wuwu also felt a little embarrassed. Originally, she wasn't shy just now.

On the contrary, I feel sweet in my heart, but after being said so, I feel really a little embarrassed.

But inexplicably, the scene of him and Lin Feng being together in the future emerged in his mind, and he felt very ashamed.

Lin Feng saw all this clearly, so he didn't say much, but told Wu Wu with a smile.

"Okay, everyone, get ready now, this is the fourth wave of bosses.

Murong Yiyi watched from the side, the expressions on their faces did not change, but there were some indescribable changes in their eyes, which soon disappeared.

It seems that for Yiyi, it's normal for all this to happen, but he doesn't know why.

…… Ask for flowers………

Since I attended the class reunion with Lin Feng last time, I feel weird in my heart, and I also feel a little uncomfortable in my heart many times.

It's just that if you don't observe her changes carefully in normal times, you won't be able to see her changes.

What is she thinking in her heart? He has always been used to hiding his true thoughts in front of everyone.

Murong Shanshan's eyes did see Murong Yiyi who was silent at this time.

Although the two seem to have similar personalities on the surface, their aura is completely different.

On the current official map, Lin Feng is the one with the highest experience. He has killed a total of 500 monsters.

The second place is Murong Yiyi, who killed 450 monsters in total.

The third place was Murong Wuwu, who killed 400 monsters in total.

The fourth place is Murong Shanshan, who killed a total of 498 monsters.

The fifth place was Murong Sisi, who killed 400 monsters in total.

Unexpectedly, Murong Sisi is now at the bottom.

Murong Sisi was not feeling well, she roared towards the void, and said seriously.

"Why is my life so difficult?"

"I didn't expect that I would be at the bottom right now. What happened to me in the past is still the most difficult thing for her to become taller than me now before Wuwu."

Murong Shanshan's eyes also revealed the desire for this ranking.

She also didn't expect that she would be ranked below Wu Wu this time, she was always above Wu Wu in the past.

Moreover, the mobs I killed this time only intervened with him twice, which turned out to be ranked below her oh my god.

If there is a gap in the middle, it is acceptable, but there are only two, and I have surpassed it.

A smug smile filled Murong Wuwu's face, she looked at Murong Sisi and Murong Shanshan, and said with a smile.

"Didn't think of it, I completely surpassed you this time, do you think I'm great?"

"Do you feel that you are not as good as me now, that life is really worse than death, then you should try your best to surpass me."

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