Murong Shanshan looks at Murong Wuwu's embarrassing look at this time, and she is full of MMP in her heart!

Isn't it just that he won once, and he has two more monsters than himself.

I really don't know what kind of thoughts are in her mind, so she can be so proud.

Murong Wuwu looked at Murong Shanshan ignoring her appearance, took the initiative to hook her up again, and said with a smile.

"Oh, it's just two more monsters. It's not surprising."

"I think you are actually very powerful."

"Humans, there will always be times when you lose your strength, and it's not surprising that it's just this one time."

It's not surprising that the two times made Murong Shanshan's complexion even worse.

Murong Sisi saw that Murong Shanshan's face was very ugly now, and hurriedly said,

"Okay, okay, Wuwu, don't provoke Shanshan from "327" like this."

"Be careful of Shanshan going crazy."

Murong Shanshan rolled her eyes when she heard what Murong Sisi said.

"Don't worry, I won't get mad at her."

"Finally, I will never let you surpass me again."

Lin Feng looked at the way Murong Shanshan and Murong Wuwu were facing each other now.

It is estimated that the two of them will have a big PK later.

However, I still feel that the current Murong Wuwu is indeed different from before, no matter in terms of combat or speed.

We all know that we have controlled it, and this is indeed a great improvement.

Moreover, compared with Murong Shanshan, she was indeed inferior to Shanshan before, but now, she is indeed able to draw with Shanshan.

In fact, it can only be said that recently Shanshan has not trained herself very well.

Murong Wuwu is not weak either, she glanced at it and smiled triumphantly

"Okay, otherwise let's make a bet this time."

"If my ranking is still higher than yours this time, you have to promise me three things."

Murong Shanshan frowned, it's been so long that no one would want to challenge her, today is finally such a good opportunity, how can she miss it?

It was Murong Wuwu who wanted to make a bet with herself.

If I win the bet, hahaha! Then I have regained all my face.

"Okay, then follow what you said, if I win, you have to promise me three things."

Murong Sisi's whole body boiled up, she stood beside them and raised her hand and said: "Then take me!"

"I'll be your notary for this gambling agreement!"

There was a murderous look in the eyes of both of them.

I don't intend to give way to the other party at all.

Murong Yiyi and Murong Er Er were also very happy when they looked at each other in their hearts.

If it was as usual, Wu Wu would definitely not easily make a bet with others.

Moreover, most of the time, she seeks stability.

"Okay, then this time we will be your notaries. I hope you can get what you want." Murong Er said with a smile.

Murong Sisi came to Lin Feng's side and asked in a low voice.

"Who do you prefer this time?"

"Do you feel that Wuwu has really become much better recently?"

Lin Feng nodded, and said softly: "I am more optimistic about Wu Wu."

"It's true that Wu Wu has been very good lately, but Shan Shan has actually regressed a bit."

The boss of the fourth wave comes from inside at this time.

This giant siren wolf was covered with blue hair, and it leaped towards Murong Wuwu with a vigorous figure.

Murong Wuwu quickly dodged away, she couldn't understand why this sea monster wolf boss would pounce on her.

Next, several siren giant wolf bosses ran out from the teleportation array.


One after another howling wolves sounded around.

These Siren Giant Wolf bosses are also bigger than each other, the smallest one is three meters, and the tallest one is ten meters!

There are seven of them!

It's just that this giant siren wolf does look domineering, but for some reason, it always feels like these giant siren wolves in front of him are a bit like Xiaoha.

When Murong Shanshan saw this siren giant wolf boss, there was a strong killing intent in his eyes.

Lin Feng also knows that these sea girls died alone...

"court death!"

Suddenly, Murong Shanshan flew in the direction of one of the siren giant wolves.

Lin Feng set his target on the tallest and largest siren wolf at this time.

"Go and kill the other sea monster wolves!"

"Leave the rest to me!"

Murong Er'er and Murong Yiyi also fought against one of the Siren Giant Wolves...

At this moment, there are still many siren soldiers and siren mobs coming out of the teleportation array.

The final quantity is 200 in total.

Lin Feng immediately unleashed his own attack on the giant siren wolf that opened its mouth wide open towards him.

Guard the attack wave!


Lin Feng held a large two-meter-high shield in front of him and rushed over.

In the blink of an eye, he rushed to the ten-meter-high sea monster wolf in front of him, and the shield slammed on him fiercely.

The snow wolf of this Siren giant wolf has lost half of it.

Originally, I thought how difficult this siren giant wolf would be, but it seems that I was overthinking it.

In the barrage at this time, everyone looked at the giant siren wolf whose health was instantly killed by Lin Feng, and all began to admire it.

"Finally, I saw Meng Wang's handsome side again. I feel like the kind who can kill a cow with one move!"

"This boss is still too spicy, I don't think it's a real boss, is there any more powerful boss that will appear later?"

"It's not impossible! The boss of the third wave just now is a legendary level boss no matter what, but this boss is only a normal level boss. I guess it must be something left by the official, otherwise there must be something stronger boss."

"It doesn't matter whether these 3.9 bosses are strong or not, I finally saw the handsome side of Meng Wang. Just now, I always wanted to see Meng Wang launch a powerful attack on the opponent, but I always couldn't see it. Now I see it Everything is satisfied!"

"Oh, it's still better to watch Meng Wang's website. Other people's battles are really boring. I feel that if you meet a big guy like Meng Wang in the future, you must hold your thighs and learn!"

"Farewell, I guess they don't have to teach you if you have thighs wrapped around you. Look at the characters around them. They are either pretty girls or powerful beauties. What do ordinary people like us do?"

"Why am I not good-looking! If I look better, everything will be fine! Ahhhh! What a pity! It's a pity that I'm not a big beauty!"

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