After Chilong heard what Xiaonailong said, he felt helpless in his heart, but since his teammates had already said such words.

Then I have to listen, and she is still a girl, forget it, just follow what she said, let her be good.

The red dragon immediately launched an attack when the target of the two-headed giant dragon was about to put it on the little milk dragon.

Put the huge two-headed target on his body, and use himself as a bait to attract the attention of the two-headed giant dragon. This is also to buy time for the little milk dragon.

The two-headed dragon seemed to know that the two of them wanted to attack themselves on both sides.

Immediately launched a violent attack on the two of them, one fireball after another, from the air began to hit them continuously.

The coverage rate is also very wide, and now it can only shuttle continuously in this pile of fireballs, and constantly avoid these fireballs.

"Please, can you seize the time to launch wages on this two-headed dragon and destroy it quickly, otherwise we will not be able to destroy it at all!" Chilong urged.

The little milk dragon glanced at it, and now the Chilong who was constantly shuttling inside the pair of fireballs was also full of helplessness and said.

"I want to too, but the conditions are not allowed now, and there is no time to send out any 737 moves."

"Unless you come to help me fight or you help me block the moves of these two-headed dragons, I will use some time to make big moves."

Chilong listened to what Xiaonailong said, since it was all about this now.

Then just show the two-headed dragon to death by yourself, which will save time.

I saw that Chilong immediately released his move, slashing with a knife.

A sword light flashed across the body of the two-headed dragon.


I saw that the blood volume, which had already reached more than half, was instantly dropped by her move.

Finally, the 5th wave finally passed.

The little milk dragon and the red dragon stood by the city wall silently, looking at the two-headed giant dragon that they had already defeated, they also took a breath.

"Fortunately, you made a move at that time, otherwise we might have been buried in the hands of this two-headed dragon."

The little milk dragon couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Hearing the emotion of the little milk dragon, Chilong also felt warm in his heart.

But before he could speak, the little milk dragon snorted and said with his hands on his waist.

(cgbg) "Can you give me a block next time, I think if I was with her again at that time, if you give me a little more time, I can kill it in seconds

The moment Chilong was speechless for a short time, the warm feeling in his heart disappeared instantly because of what the little milk dragon said.

Alas, forget it, he really thought too much, thinking that she would really thank him.

At this time, the new rules also jumped out, and the red dragon and the little milk dragon were surprised when they saw the new rules of the city defense battle.

"Why do you have to kill a large wave of mobs within 20 minutes? If you don't kill them, the second wave will come directly."

"There is no buffering opportunity at all. Wouldn't it be easy for these mobs to rush into the city and lead to failure?"

The little milk dragon looked at Chilong and asked Chilong and nodded silently.

The explanation she said is still very correct.

It's just that the little milk dragon is not well at this moment, looking up into the void and screaming.

"My God, how can I complete such a powerful rule, and wave after wave."

"I don't even have a buffer at all. The second wave is coming. How can I fight like this?"

Chilong looked at the little milk dragon who had been tortured by this new rule and his heart was broken, and comforted him: "It's all right, these are very small things."

"I feel that this is just a dungeon and the siege battle we participated in at that time is not much different, it is just the addition of the two.

Listening to what Chilong said, the little milk dragon imagined that this was indeed the case, but this also showed that the difficulty factor would increase several times.

Originally, the siege battle had already been fought to the point of death.

Now we need to add a dungeon type, my God, then one can imagine how difficult this coefficient is.

"I think we need to formulate a battle plan, otherwise we may not be able to fight at all." Xiaonailong said.

Chilong nodded, and the two were immersed in their thoughts.

The big guys looked at the little milk dragon and the red dragon standing at this moment and also said various things.

"I didn't expect that the two of them are quite in sync. I feel that the two of them have a strong sense of CP. This time the battle of defending the city may make the two of them have a better understanding with each other.

"Please, why are you all starting to pick up CP again one by one? Don't you realize that this red dragon still dotes on the little milk dragon? Maybe the little milk dragon in the Seven Dragon Palace is their group pet."

"Please, isn't this possible? It's clear that you don't want to think about how the Seven Dragon Palace treats the little milk dragon and still let him be one of the city lords of Dragon Feather City."

"This matter may still have something to do with the strength of the little milk dragon. After all, it is not a trivial matter to become the city lord. Think about it, although the little milk dragon is indeed more of a spirit possessor, but his strength is still Very powerful."

"What the upstairs said is indeed true. The strength of the little milk dragon is beyond doubt. He can directly kill half a tube of blood of the two-headed dragon in seconds. Think about how awesome this person is.

"To be honest, the little milk dragon is really good. I think the little milk dragon should go with Meng Wang and his team. It simply adds stronger fighting power to Meng Wang."

"It's impossible that the Seven Dragon Palace is on the side of the Seven Dragon Palace, and if it goes to the King Meng's side, then the King Meng's side is simply invincible, and they are already invincible now, let alone adding more A little milk dragon."

"Actually, I really like the feeling of watching the little milk dragon and the red dragon. The two of them are really a good match."

"And the tacit understanding is very good. Although it is true that it is not as good as Meng Wang's side, it is still very good. At least this time, both of them are on the list."

Many people have started to discuss the little milk dragon and the red dragon.

When the other members of Seven Dragon Palace saw everyone's comments, they actually felt that what they said was quite right.

It is said that the audience's eyes are discerning.

The water dragons in the Palace of Seven Dragons also have a special understanding of the little milk dragon and the red dragon.

Zu Long, the captain of the Seven Dragon Palace, said that it was actually a party to see the two of them go to guard the Dragon Feather City this time.

A dragon turned towards Zulong and Shuilong very displeasedly, and asked, "Why didn't you two send me to guard this Dragon Feather City?"

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