Zu Long, the captain of the Seven Dragon Hall, looked at the unhappy dragon and said with a smile: "If you go, you probably won't let the little milk dragon go.

"Look at how much the red dragon is letting the little milk dragon go."

"Most of the monsters are attacked by the little milk dragon. If you use a few moves to kill those little monsters, then the little milk dragon will not be able to exert its strength.

When Yilong heard what his captain Zulong said, he thought about it in his heart, and it seemed that it was indeed similar to what he said.

If I really participated in this battle of defending the city and partnered with Xiaonailong in Longyu City, I probably wouldn't give in to Xiaonailong at all.

At this time, they are at Lin Feng's side in Dragon Feather City.

Lin Feng looked at the sixth wave of defending the city that was about to start, and felt a little excited in his heart for no reason.

Murong Wuwu also felt a little nervous beside him, a little afraid that she would drag the whole team down.

"Meng Wang, do you think this sixth wave will-will it be particularly difficult?"

Lin Feng shook his head. In fact, this was his first time participating in the battle of defending the city.

So it is impossible to speculate whether the sixth wave this time is difficult or not.

But looking at her nervous appearance, if she said it was difficult, she would probably be very nervous.

This will also lead to mistakes in attack if the sixth wave of defense really starts later.

"Relax, this time the 6th wave is probably no different from the 5th wave."

"Don't be so nervous all the time, don't worry, Riki still has us.

"Don't always think that you will hold back. Now you are the backbone of the entire team, so don't be afraid that your strength will become stronger and stronger."

After hearing what Lin Feng said, Murong Wuwu finally calmed down and relieved a little.

At least now, my emotions are not getting more and more ups and downs like after hearing the new rules just now.

Murong Sisi looked at Murong Wuwu who was so nervous and laughed lightly, patted her on the shoulder and said.

"Should we play the same game as before later?"

"In this way, we can also see who is stronger now?"

"And just now we didn't decide any winners."

Murong Shanshan came immediately after hearing what Murong Sisi said, walked to her side with interest, held her head up, smiled and said: "Then why don't we go together and see who is stronger now?"

As soon as Murong Wuwu heard the two of them say this, her current strength itself has grown a lot.

If you are cowardly, wouldn't you lose your face.

"Okay, then according to what you said, we will compare later to see who is stronger."

Murong Sisi snorted.

"Don't worry, I will never let you guys down this time, I will definitely let you know whose level is the strongest.

Lin Feng smiled slightly, seeing that if the three sisters can maintain this state and end the battle of defending the city, it is estimated that the three of them will also have a great improvement.

Murong Er'er and Murong Yiyi stood beside each other, seeing how the three sisters were about to compete, they all began to discuss in low voices.

"Meng Wang, who do you think will win among the three? Based on the current strength, who do you think is stronger?"

At that time, Murong Yiyi set her sights on Murong Sisi.

"This time I think Sisi is right, and I have never seen Sisi's strength, it is very explosive.

"Looking at how he is bound to win this time, it is estimated that there will be a good battle this time."

Li Yuan looked at them and turned his target to Murong Shanshan.

"I think it should be Shanshan. She has always been very powerful, especially her melee attacks are much stronger than ordinary people."

Murong Er'er frowned instead, because this time she didn't know who it was.

"Or let's make a bet. If anyone wins, the two of us will treat him to dinner."

"How? Is the bet coming?"

Li Yuan just clapped his hands as soon as he heard it, after all how could such a good thing be missed in vain?

And how can you not rub it when you can get a meal?

"Okay, I will join your bet, but what if I lose?"

After Murong Er'er thought for a while, he said: "If we lose, we'll treat one person to dinner, and then give him a big red envelope.

……… Ask for flowers………

Murong Yeye became interested when he heard their gambling agreement.

After all, it is indeed boring to participate in this battle of defending the city. If you don't do some interesting things, it will be too boring.

"Then I'll be with you."

Seeing that they had already participated in the mutual betting agreement, Lin Feng felt good and nodded.

"Okay, let's follow what you said, this time I like Murong Wuwu."

Because I have always felt that Wuwu's current water is really rising.

From the battle just now, it can be seen that Wuwu's overall strength is now above Sisi and Shanshan.

Although it didn't make a big leap, it was still a little bit stronger than them.

Murong Er Er deliberated, and finally chose Murong Shanshan.

The three of them also heard Lin Feng's gambling agreement, and flames appeared in the eyes of the three of them.

"Don't worry, I will never admit defeat easily." Murong Wu said seriously.

Whether it will be successful this time, she didn't think too much about it.

But since King Meng chose him, he must do his best.

Players who watched their battle of defending the city also began to vote.

"When it comes to who will win, I think Shanshan, after all, Shengsan generally has more battles between the two of them."

"I don't think you need to use this method to flaunt others. I think I am pretty good, and my recent battles are indeed getting stronger and stronger. We have all seen it just now, and it is indeed obvious to all."

"It's true what the upstairs said, but I still think it's Sisi, because Sisi's long-range attack power is indeed very strong.

"Although she is a long-range attack like Wuwu, its accuracy is much higher than Wuwu."

"It is indeed not unreasonable, so I feel that I should choose according to Meng Wang. After all, the Dragon King is their captain. I think Meng Wang has a real understanding of their strength."

"If it is based on Meng Wang's choice, then there is no need to play this game. I feel that I have really made great progress, and I still choose Wuwu.


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