Lin Feng saw that all of them started hunting mobs frantically.

I also felt that I should not be far behind, and immediately faced the bunch of mobs in front of me, and unleashed my skills crazily.

The stars are falling apart!

Red lotus fire!

I saw a golden light on the heads of the siren octopus mobs, and directly surrounded their heads in a circle.

Many meteorites fell from the golden light.

Blossoming red lotuses are blooming beside the octopus mobs, and the flames are burning from the red lotuses to the surrounding siren octopus mobs.

Unexpectedly, in just 5 minutes, another large wave of mobs were wiped out by them. Now the number of mobs is only 10,000 left.

But it's only 10 minutes before the end of the 8th wave~.

In other words, it took them only 10 minutes to kill more than 200,000-almost 300,000 mobs.

Lin Feng is still number one on the leaderboard, having killed 200,000 mobs.

Murong Yiyi and Murong Er'er ranked first and second respectively.

The two of them are 150,000 mobs and 100,000 mobs respectively.

The third place is Murong Wuwu, its number is actually 90,000, and it is only 10,000 away from Murong Erer.

Everyone is also very surprised by the number of people on this leaderboard.

Because no one thought that Murong Wuwu would display such great strength this time.

The 4th and 5th places are the red dragon and the little milk dragon from the Seven Dragon Palace.

Murong Sisi and Murong Shanshan are ranked sixth and seventh.

Now Murong Wuwu also leaves Murong Sisi and Murong Shanshan far away.

Although the current Murong Shanshan is very unwilling to accept this fact.

But, no way, that's the way it is.

The battle of the 8th wave is finally over.

Now the rest of the team members watched happily, and started discussing happily with the large pile of sea monsters, octopus and mobs that had fallen on the ground.

"I didn't expect that this time we killed it in just 15 minutes. The real 300,000 is the octopus mob. I didn't believe that I would have such strength before."

"Don't think about it at all. If I were in the past, I wouldn't believe that I would be so good at all, and this time I participated in the battle of defending the city, and I fought really hard!"

"Now there is only a little time before the end, everyone should work hard! Don't give up when you are about to succeed! Such a good opportunity does not just happen casually."

"Yes, yes! This time, I will kill well. Although it is true that I am not on the list, I have worked very hard! To be able to fight with Meng Wang is something that many people dream of."

"It's too difficult. I've only killed 20,000 mobs now. Although I usually can't kill so many mobs, I really feel good when I encounter so many mobs!"

Lin Feng turned around, looked at everyone, and said, "Everyone, be serious, this is the last wave, try to kill all the little monsters at the last moment, and we all won."

"As long as you participate this time, all the players in our city defense battle, no matter whether you are on the list or not, we will give you rewards.

After hearing Lin Feng's reward, everyone laughed happily.

This is also a lot of players watching them offline, so they have greater expectations for Lin Feng's No. 1 guild in the world.

But it is too difficult to join their No. 1 guild in the world, the strength must be very strong.

"Oh my god, I didn't expect their guild to be so good that they could get rewards so quickly. Looking at other guilds, alas, I guess they don't even have the money for rewards now.

"To be honest, I have to say that the benefits of the No. 1 guild in the world are really good, and Meng Wang will not look down on all the players. If everyone really works hard, maybe they can make it.

"What the upstairs said is indeed not unreasonable, but this idea is just an extravagant wish for most people. Do you think that if it was really so powerful, would we still watch it here? Go to participate in this defense a long time ago. The battle of the city is over.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. When it came, I couldn't catch it."

…… Ask for flowers………

"Of course, although I didn't participate in the battle of defending the city this time, I can see how much experience I have gained in general. If there is a chance next time, I will definitely participate."

"Oh my god, I feel that you are all so thoughtful. It's like us who have no ideas at all and want to join the No. 1 guild in the world. I feel like this is just a dream. Alas, there is probably no such thing as a dream. Thoughts, forget it, "it's all rubbish."

"Actually, if you work hard to participate in the next city defense battle, there is still a good chance, and it is quite simple to join the world's number one guild."

Everyone was envious, Lin Feng said.

Lin Feng looked at everyone's joyful looks and Murong Wuwu, who was looking at him with raised brows, and smiled silently.

It is not difficult to see that Murong Wuwu must also want to reward, otherwise she would definitely not look at herself with such eyes.

Whether it is the participating players or after participating, the players who are killed by mobs can get rewards.

In fact, for many guilds, there is really no such thing as a reward.

I am nothing more than a good welfare for the players.

"Do you want a reward?"

Lin Feng asked, although he said that he asked knowingly, but he just wanted to see what she would want.

When Li Yuan heard that Lin Feng had given such a good opportunity to Murong Wuwu, he felt a little unhappy for a while, and said quickly.

"Why do you always ask people what gifts Murong Wuwu wants?"

"All of us have paid a lot for this battle of defending the city. Do you want to omit our gifts?"

"Or do you only see what Murong Wuwu has done, but not us?"

For a moment Lin Feng didn't know what to say, he was completely defeated by what Li Yuan said.

Murong Wuwu snorted at Li Yuan, put her hands on her hips and said, "What's the matter? What's wrong with people wanting to just give me rewards? I'm also a very powerful existence now, okay?"

Lin Feng saw that Li Yuan and Murong Wuwu were about to yell, so he had no choice but to say: "Forget it, I'm convincing you, and everyone who participates will be rewarded, including everyone."

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