Li Yuan nodded heavily, patted Lin Feng on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, then of course we all worked hard for you."

"But if you admit it directly, you just want to give it to Murong Wuwu."

"I have nothing to say."

Lin Feng glanced at it, always feeling that what he said was just trying to set his own words.

Look at him like that, hehe, everyone has been brothers for so many years, can you not know what is going on in his heart?

"What do you think? What do you think I'm going to say?"

Li Yuan found out that Lin Feng was not fooled by him at all, rolled his big eyes, and said with a displeased face: "I wanted to tease you, but I didn't think I couldn't even tease you."

"Oh, I'm sure I can't compare to Murong Wuwu, let's see what Murong Wuwu said in "213"."

"You just smile all over your face, look at me and say a few words, you don't even talk to me, and you say you are a good brother, it's too realistic."

Murong Wuwu listened to what Li Yuan and Lin Feng said, but she was actually quite happy in her heart.

At least others can see what kind of relationship he has with Lin Feng.

Lin Feng didn't want to pay attention to Li Yuan, he was too speechless.

I have nothing to say about these words, forget it.

It is really helpless to have such a brother, helpless.

When Murong Sisi heard that Lin Feng would give everyone rewards at that time, the light in his eyes radiated, and he hurriedly said to him.

"Then what reward will you give me?"

"Can I tell myself what I want? I feel that if you give it to me, if I don't need it, it might be useless. It's better to keep this opportunity."

Lin Feng looked at Murong Sisi, who still wanted to save the opportunity, and was even more speechless.

Come on, as a gift giver, when did you become so passive?

When Murong Shanshan heard Murong Sisi's words, she also felt that if he gave her a gift that would be of no use to her, it would indeed be a waste of such a good opportunity.

He quickly said to Lin Feng: "I think Sisi is right.

"If you give a gift, can you give us what we want more now, so that it will be more convenient for us all to use."

Murong Wuwu felt that it was nothing to whisper, and said in Lin Feng's ear: "If you want to give me a gift, I want a realistic gift."

"I don't want that equipment or something, how about it? Is it okay?"

Lin Feng felt helpless for a while, his eyes fell on Murong Er'er and Murong Yiyi.

Now the two of them didn't tell themselves what they wanted.

I silently felt in my heart that if I had known earlier, I would not have to carry any pot without opening it.

If you insist on talking about this matter at this time, won't this make these women worry about the gift?

At that time, it would be better to send it directly, and now, everyone is clamoring for what they want.

Especially Murong Wuwu's gift, after hearing what she said, he couldn't think of what to give her.

It's so hard, women are little devils.

Looking at Lin Feng's helpless and entangled look, Murong Yiyi couldn't help but chuckled.

"If you want me, you can give it whatever you want, and you can give it whatever you want."

If you miss my sister, you have to think about it carefully. "

Hearing what Murong Yiyi said, she hurriedly said as if she had caught a good piece of driftwood.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about this after the real battle is over. There are still 30 minutes before the end of the defense battle. Everyone can get ready."

"Now I'm going to take a look at the little milk dragon and the red dragon. I don't know how they are doing."

As soon as Murong Wuwu heard that Lin Feng was going to help Xiaonailong and Chilong, she followed and said, "I want to go with you too, in case we meet so many mobs, there won't be many people there." , what if you are under siege?"

In fact, if you think about it carefully, what Murong Wuwu said is not unreasonable, if you go alone.

If there were not many people on their side, it would actually be difficult to kill 200,000 to 300,000 mobs by themselves.

"Okay, then we all might as well go together, there is still a little time before the last wave on our side, everyone go to help a group of red dragons and little milk dragons.

Everyone watched the 7 people walking to the north of Longyu City, and they all felt that this is definitely a good guild!

The people watching them also shouted, and they were indeed surprised by Lin Feng's approach.

Few guild players would do such a thing, especially during the battle of defending the city...

The captain of every guild wants to be better than others. If it is easy to help others, they may even let others surpass themselves.

"I never thought that Meng Wang would go directly to help the Seven Dragon Palace and they suddenly felt a desperate friendship."

"It's true that I didn't expect that there would be a guild captain to help other guilds, as long as it is in some ordinary battles or competitions."

"I don't think there is anything surprising about this battle of defending the city. I think it is a particularly amazing thing."

"Sure enough, Meng Wang is definitely the best player I have ever seen. As long as he is an ordinary player, he will not help others at all? Why should he help others when he can get the first place?"

"Once again, I feel that the image of Mengwang in my heart has grown again. Don't you think that if everyone has half the character of Mengwang, many guilds will actually rise up."

"Don't think about it, this is impossible. There is only Meng Wang alone in the world. In fact, I think it must be worthwhile for Meng Wang to help clean up the store. My current strength is an existence that Lin may be surpassed.

All the members of the Seven Dragon Palace were a little surprised when they saw this.

A dragon and a water dragon glanced at each other, and they were very touched by Lin Feng's kindness in their hearts.

Zulong felt nothing, because their Palace of the First Kings had always been in a state of mutual assistance with the world's number one guild.

So it is normal for Meng Wang to help Chilong and Xiaonailong this time.

"The captain saw such a surprised scene, don't you feel particularly moved? Are you particularly shocked?"

A dragon looked at Zulong and asked.

Zulong chuckled lightly, took a look, and said to Shuilong, "Just ask Shuilong, why I am so calm about these things.

A dragon quickly looked at the water dragon.

Shuilong looked at Zulong with indifference in his eyes, in fact he probably understood what was going on in his heart.

"Didn't we help them when they were in trouble?"

"So it's humane to say that people help us, right?"

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