Lin Feng was taken aback by what Murong Sisi said.

But in fact, he is not a fool.

How could it be possible that she couldn't feel what Murong Wuwu thought about her.

She is so close to me, but she must like me~.

But now is not the time.

Alas, sometimes what to do is not a little silly.

"I think you can express your feelings for her at a time like this. I can tell that you actually like Murong Wuwu quite a bit, right?"

Murong Sisi looked at Lin Feng and asked.

Lin Feng didn't know what to say for a while, and finally heaved a long sigh, and said to Murong Sisi seriously.

"It's true to say so, but well, now is not the time. If I really confess my love to her, it will probably make her suffer."

"Besides, I still don't deserve her compared to her now. I don't need a little time."

Although I have achieved certain success and achievements here, it is only temporary.

"We never know what will happen tomorrow, whether we will soon meet someone who is better than me and surpass me."

"Or everyone else has surpassed me, and I'm still standing still."

"I think being in love is more sacred to me, and I need to do it only when I feel completely okay with myself."

After hearing what Lin Feng said, Murong Sisi also fell into deep thought.

I don't know what to say, but after thinking about it, I feel that what Lin Feng said is actually the same thing.

If this is too fast, it will be unsafe for my sister.

It's better to let them wait, and they only got to know each other for a little while.

"Well, that's quite true."

"Then you just look at giving her gifts, after all, the gifts you give her now are all treasures.

"You don't even know that when Er Er sees her loving the necklace you gave her so much, she will feel bad."

"Don't worry, I don't like kidnapping people as much as they do. I think it's bad for them to do so."

"On the contrary, I think it's better to make Murong Wuwu feel free, since it's something she can do as a sister, she can't be tied to her side all the time.

Lin Feng nodded, it's hard to imagine that she would have such awareness.

"That's fine, then I'll choose the game."

After seeing Murong Sisi offline from the game.

Lin Feng also opened the forum silently, and saw that everyone in the forum was discussing the battle of defending the city this time, as well as the hot pot city.

Just click on a post, and all of the following are talking about Hot Pot City.

They didn't expect that the hot pot city of the defending team would have such a big impact, and they lost a lot of members.

And this time everyone also saw clearly the true colors of hot pot with red wine.

Everything he did was just to compare himself.

Alas, I feel helpless for them even though I feel in my heart, but well, there is no way, sometimes it will be like this when you can't think about it.

In fact, the process of hot pot pairing with red wine has this kind of situation or it comes from myself.

Such a situation will occur when one's own obsession does not match one's own strength, and there is no lower limit for wanting to reach the original height.

The people from Seven Dragon Palace sent Lin Feng a message at this time.

Zulong said: "This time it's really, thank you, the little milk dragon who helped us, if they weren't for you, it is estimated that Xiaolong and the others would be useless this time."

Shuilong also quickly expressed his gratitude.

"That's right, that's right, I didn't expect you to make a move this time, and you helped us alone."

"Thank you very much, if you have any cooperation in the future, you can come to us, we will definitely do our best to help you.

The little milk dragon and the red dragon also sent messages of thanks to themselves.

"Thank you so much Mengwang, if it weren't for you this time, I think our team might lose."

"And I will definitely be scolded by our captain very badly. Alas, I am lucky to have you. If there is anything that needs help next time, please remember to trouble me."

Lin Feng replied to them: "Oh, it's all trivial matters. We were able to win the siege battle because of you. To put it bluntly, we are all good friends, so why bother?"

In Zulong's heart, he also thought the same way. In fact, he didn't expect to realize the truth of Lin Feng in this game.

"Okay, then I won't say more about those nice words."

At this time, news of Li Qianqian also popped out.

……ask for flowers……

Originally, Lin Feng planned to have a good chat with Li Qianqian.

After all, she is Li Yuan's younger sister, and as his good brother, it is definitely necessary for him to help her.

"Mengwang, what's the matter with you? Recently, I have been training hard. According to the method you said, I will scan all the dungeons."

"Now I feel that my strength has taken a qualitative leap, so I want to join your guild."

Lin Feng replied to Li Qianqian: "You can do it anytime, if you want to join us, just join us.

However, Li Qianqian was really stubborn and said immediately.

"Oh, I want to use my own strength to join your guild."

"Of course I know, if I rely on my brother's supporting relationship, I will definitely be able to enter.

"But, I just want to see if my strength is up to standard, or else I'll be recruiting gangsters for your No. 1 guild in the world."

Lin Feng was completely amused by what she said, and he didn't expect that she still had so many psychological thoughts.

Alas, I really didn't expect it, but she said so.

Then I can also see how she has practiced recently.

"Okay, since you've said that, I'm sure I'd like to see how your recent practice is going.

"Let's go, go brush another copy with me."

Lin Feng and Li Qianqian came to the original copy again.

This time Li Qianqian was not as vulnerable as before and rushed in directly.

Lin Feng was always by Li Qianqian's side, watching him unceasingly release these skills.

It is especially reasonable to use all the knowledge that he said at the beginning, and he has already completed a dungeon in less than a few minutes.

Li Qianqian asked Lin Feng proudly.

"How about it? How do you feel about what I did just now? Do you feel that I have improved a lot compared to before?"

Lin Feng nodded and said seriously.

"It is indeed like this. This time your progress has taken a qualitative leap compared to before, and your use of attacks is also particularly reasonable.

"It's incomparable compared to before, and now you do have enough fighting power and certain achievements to join our world's number one guild."

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