National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 595 Progressive Li Qianqian

Li Qianqian was intoxicated when she heard Lin Feng's praise to her, and laughed confidently.

"I've said it all, I'm sure I'll make great progress."

"You must not lie to me, I still want to rely on my own strength to enter your world's number one guild."

Seeing how confident she is now, I feel very happy in my heart.

After all, she can be regarded as a little apprentice handed over by herself.

Although he said that he didn't teach him anything, but after all, he watched her step by step to the level she is today.

Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Then congratulations."

"You should apply to join the No. 1 guild in the world first, and I'll give you the application form."

Soon Li Qianqian's name appeared on the trade union application form, and she immediately agreed.

This can be regarded as a fulfilled dream for Li Qian's "120" Qian.

"You don't even know that when I participated in the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Competition, all our classmates thought I was very powerful.

"And many people can worship me one by one after knowing that I was taught by you."

"There are still many people who want your contact information from me, but I haven't given them."

Lin Feng was slightly taken aback when he heard what he said, but he didn't expect how popular he was in their class.

But think about it, this game has already lived to the extent of the whole country.

I am still No. 1 on the list, and of course many people will remember me.

"That's good, but you have to keep this thing I taught you a secret."

"Besides, you have joined the No. 1 guild in the world now, remember to do the guild's tasks well, this will also help you improve your level."

After all, he was so stupid, if he didn't remind her, maybe she would forget it soon.

"OK, OK, this time to thank you, let me treat you to dinner, do you have time tonight?"

Li Qianqian stared at Lin Feng with a pitiful expression.

Lin Feng froze for a moment, remembering that he still had an appointment tonight, but he felt a little soft in his heart, so he could only say it.

"I have something to do tonight, let's do it tomorrow. When I'm free tomorrow, I'll be looking for you and I'm also looking for your brother. Let's go out for dinner together."

Li Yuan said every day that he didn't see her, if it wasn't for what she said this time, he really planned to not see him for a week.

Li Qianqian nodded quickly, but she seemed to smell the gossip soon, and looked at the wind with a melon-eating watch.

"What are you going to do tonight?"

"Just now I saw my brother's excited look and I still don't know who to call for various opinions.

"Buy all kinds of bracelets, tell me, are you going on a date tonight?"

At this moment, Li Qianqian was very disappointed in her heart.

She thought that it was possible that Meng Wang already had a girlfriend, alas.

After all, I was still a few steps behind him, I thought I had my own brother.

Now that I can be more divorced, I didn't expect that I was thinking too much.

Excellent people will be gone if they don't start early, alas, there will always be so many accidents in life.

Seeing her gossip, Lin Feng felt helpless in his heart, even though he didn't see the disappointment in his eyes at the moment.

But considering that there are so many people tonight, it shouldn't be a date. Buying the bracelet is just a reward for Murong Wuwu.

"Forget it, tonight is just a celebration banquet, and the bracelet is just a reward from a bet I made with a friend.

Seeing Li Qianqian crying with curiosity, she felt that she had a girlfriend, so she wanted to date her.

But I really don't want to fall in love now, and falling in love will cost me a lot of time.

And even though his own guild has always been at the top of the guild list.

But now, if you take a closer look at the number of guilds and the overall situation of the 2nd and 3rd place, they are about to surpass their own guilds.

After hearing what Lin Feng said, Li Qianqian nodded her head in understanding, and her lost mood was instantly wiped away by his words.

"I thought you were going on a date."

"I also want to ask when did you get your girlfriend? It seems that you are still single."

These words are to test what Lin Feng thinks about his girlfriend, and also to test whether he has a chance.

Lin Feng silently nodded, waved his hand and said.

"I don't have the idea of ​​talking about a girlfriend for the time being. It's normal to be single."

"The most urgent thing now is to raise the trade union a little bit higher, and now you can see it."

"Although we are still ranked first in the union list, other unions have begun to catch up with us.

After hearing what Lin Feng said, Li Qianqian's eyes shone with admiration.

Wow, this man is really discerning "so selective.

"That's what you said. It's not like my brother. He knows to play with my sister-in-law there all day long, and he doesn't care about the guild's affairs."

Although there are complaints in my mouth, but overall I am very happy.

Lin Feng nodded, remembering that in normal times, what Li Yuan was doing had nothing to do with the guild at all.

Knowing about falling in love all day long, I have to say that his sister really understands him quite well.

Fortunately, Li Qianqian is not in a relationship, otherwise, if my guild would accept it, the two of them would really be helpless in love.

"Now go and do the task of the trade union yourself, I will go offline first, I have something to do.

Li Qianqian nodded, remembering what she still wanted to ask, she hurriedly asked.

"That's right, wait a minute, can I ask you another question?"

Lin Feng froze for a moment, then nodded as she looked like I was asking for advice.

I didn't expect this little girl to be a person who likes to ask questions.

Ru 5.8 can be taught, after all, people who can ask questions can always find their own shortcomings.

"Just ask."

"What kind of girl do you like?"

"You can't beat this bachelor every day, I don't believe you will be single all your life."

When hearing the question he asked, Lin Feng was speechless in his heart.

I thought what he was going to ask was about some problems encountered during combat or when launching skills, but I didn't expect it to be just this kind of...

Seeing that Lin Feng was silent, Li Qianqian thought that Lin Feng was thinking carefully, but she didn't expect that he was complaining in his heart at this moment.

Lin Feng also thought for a while, and after thinking about it carefully, he didn't come up with a thorough idea, so he could only prevaricate it.

"For the time being, I haven't thought about this question, and I haven't thought much about the question of liking."

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