National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 601 The Game Update Is Complete! Power List Appears!

After vomiting, Murong Sisi silently came to their side, put her hand on Murong Wuwu's body, she was numb.

"The thing I regret the most in my life is playing such a boring game with you."

"I should be sleeping at home now. Seeing that I vomited out all the food I ate tonight, isn't it the same as if I didn't eat?"

Lin Feng looked at Murong Sisi now, and couldn't help but smile.

"It's okay, it's okay, just go home and eat some more."

Murong Sisi looked sad, looking at Lin Feng's army now, there was nothing unusual about Murong Wuwu.

My heart is full of regrets!

If I had known earlier, I would have stuck to her to death...

"Okay, okay, let's go back now."

"I'm going home now! I'm going to be starved to death by you!"

Everyone drove back to their homes together, and there was some Murong Wuwu in them, and they didn't want to be separated from Lin Feng.

After Lin Feng returned home, the game has been fully upgraded.

After simply writing a 26 game, I originally wanted to enter the game warehouse.

But at this time, the phone call came through, and it was Murong Wuwu who called her when she picked up the phone.

"What's the matter? It's a big night?" Lin Feng asked.

Murong Wuwu on the other end of the phone said a little unhappy.

"No, I just want to ask what are you doing?"

"Are you going to sleep, or going into the game right away.

Lin Feng told Murong Wuwu what he thought, and the two hung up the phone.

Returned to the game cabin.

The game system shows that the game has been fully completed, liver level.

The official has also sent the rewards from this battle of defending the city!

Successfully obtained a special building [primary force detection tower. 】

What is even more surprising is that after this update, a function power list has been added.

Lin Feng was also a little surprised.

Immediately point out the power list this time.

The situation of a ranking list of the example list is also made above.

The grade and quantity of the city, plus the number of citizens of the city, and the number of members of the citizens' guild in the said city are combined with comprehensive data.

The world power list and the local power version are arranged, and each list only shows the top 1,000.

In the list of Chinese forces to which he belongs, he is also ranked first.

The official also released all the news about the sample list this time.

After this game update, players can not only attack other players' cities and territories.

You can also attack the city territory of NPC.

Moreover, there is no need to make an appointment in advance, and you can attack the competent territory of the NPC at any time. If the attacking party fails, the player of the attacking party will become the enemy of the attacked city and will be hunted down.

After the attack is successful, you can occupy the NPC's city and make it your own territory.

Suddenly Lin Feng felt that the game became more and more fun after the update.

And the most important thing is that the participation rate is getting bigger and bigger.

At this time, the five Murong sisters were also online, and they all saw the details of the entire game update, and immediately started an in-game group chat with Lin Feng.

Lin Feng also discovered that a city in the European Union that he controlled has now become the number one force in China.

The most important thing is that this city did not have a serious development process in the past.

This opportunity changed the name of the city as the next development goal.

Murong Wuwu said: "I didn't expect that we would be number one on the China power list this time."

Murong Yiyi said: "It's true that I didn't expect that our city, which has not been well developed, has now become the number one force in China. It's really strange."

Murong Er Erdao: "I feel that after this game update, the whole game seems to become more challenging. In the past, the challenge was not so strong. This time I will definitely let myself be on the list!"

In fact, in the past, Murong Er'er always wanted to be number one on this list.

But after doing it for so long, "she found that she couldn't surpass Lin Feng, who has always been No. 1 on the list.

So now she has given up on this idea too, there are some people he can't surpass.

Seeing that everyone was discussing this matter, Lin Feng also asked.

"That's right, why don't you all think about what to change the name of this city this time.

Murong Wuwu was the first to say: "Okay, okay, I just wanted to say that the name of God Chen is too ugly, why don't we change it to this ordinary No. 1 city in the world!"

However, Murong Sisi also jumped out at this time and said.

"Oh my god, can we not be so stupid? Why are we all number one? We can be called the most powerful city."

The names given by these two people are really old-fashioned, and they can't be more old-fashioned.

Murong Yiyi jumped out at this moment and said.

"I think it's weird that Wu Wu said it's okay, why don't we change it?"

"But the number one in the world can be used, let's use the word "city" in the back.

Lin Feng also felt that Murong Yiyi was right.

Suddenly, an idea flashed through my mind, and I immediately said it to them.

"Then call it the number one power in the world. After all, this city is at the level of the power list, so it can be seen by everyone at a glance."

After much deliberation, Murong Wuwu also agreed with Lin Feng's statement.

"Okay, I think it's okay, and anyone who sees it will know it's ours. 887"

Murong Sisi said with some displeasure.

"Why is it No. 1 in the world again? Why does it feel like all the names are No. 1 in the world? I'm tired of seeing it.

Murong Er'er and Murong Yiyi said.

"I think what Meng Wang said is very good, just this name, it feels good, and it must be consistent with other names, so that we can be more domineering."

"Sisi, the name you said is too old-fashioned, and it's not smooth, I really don't know what you think.

After being hit, Murong Sisi immediately quit the group chat and ignored them at all.

At this time, Lin Feng also opened up his own city and changed its name to the number one force in the world.

Soon the list of Chinese powers was refreshed for the first time.

No. 1, No. 1 power in the world, power controller: Meng.

No. 2, Tianxiahui, power controller: Grandma Xiongba.

The third place, Seven Dragon Palace, the power controller: Zulong.

No. 4, Hot Pot City, Power Controller: Hot pot with red wine.

On the list of world powers, Lin Feng's Yashan City also ranked first on the list.

At this time, the entire World Forum became popular.

They began to talk about all the people on the list set up this time.

Especially the No. 1 force in the world who was newly listed on the list. .

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