"Oh my god, it can't be Mengwang's city again? This is too powerful, why is everything on Mengwang's side.

"It must belong to the King of Meng. Look at the man who controls the eyesight. The word cute already represents a lot, okay."

"That's right, isn't Meng Wang always so powerful?"

"You guys think too much about this, you don't always think that the devil king is powerful, but now that you're better, you think he is very powerful.

"I thought that with the new and updated list this time, other people would still have a chance to be on the list. I didn't expect that the No. 1 would be another cute king."

"Don't think about it, don't think about it, you still want to be on the list, and you don't want to think about your own strength."

"Look at the gap between the second place and the first place. Although it doesn't look like a lot of difference, who knows how much difference is behind the scenes."

"That's right, that's right, I also think it's too difficult to get on the list, I'd better fight wild monsters with peace of mind."

"Am I the only one surprised?"

"Hot Pot City will be like this list, my God, it's still No. 4!"

In the current forum, everyone is speculating.

Lin Feng also opened the current World Forum at this time.

Looking at all the news above, I found that everyone is discussing this power list.

Li Yuan also sent a message to himself.

"I really didn't expect that the first place this time is ours again."

"Oh my god, this number one sits for a long time and doesn't even need to look at it. I feel like I'm number one."

Lin Feng sent an emoji back to Li Yuan.

But this is indeed the case, what Li Yuan said did indeed refer to his own psychological thoughts.

Sometimes you don't even need to see what's going on.

In fact, I already knew in my heart what was going on as a whole.

After closing the forum, I returned to the game and arrived at the teleportation front.

It was teleported to the city of the world's number one force that I was planning to develop this time.

It just so happens that the primary power detection tower that I got as a reward can be placed here.

And if the guess is right, it should be able to detect many NPC cities here.

Lin Feng placed the primary power detection tower in the middle of the city.

[Primary power detection tower]

Health: invincible.

Function: Take the city as the center, spread outward, and can detect within a range of 1000 kilometers, major NPCs and player forces draw a map of the distribution of cases.

I saw the primary force detection tower emitting a golden light, rushing towards the sky, and then an icon similar to a map appeared in midair.

Golden flashes appeared elsewhere.

I didn't expect that where I was, there were 5 NPC cities around me.

A giant city and two great cities The city of mankind.

The three big cities are the cities of the Kraken clan, and at the same time, there are two small cities at the player level.

If he can take down these cities, wouldn't his power develop rapidly in other directions?

Thinking of this, Lin Feng immediately followed the map scanned by the detection tower, and flew out to find the Siren Clan city.

Quietly stood on the Siren City, to see what the situation was like in the 4th week.

I found that almost none of the sea monsters here are level 100...

Even more importantly, there are only two or three of them exceeding level 100.

From what I have seen, the highest level is only 120.

I have to say that this sea monster clan is really quite weak.

But, this time the Sea Monster Clan city is different from the previous ones.

The number this time is obviously much higher than before.

If this is a small city, then according to your own strength.

Surely the whole city can be overturned in one fell swoop, but this time it's different.

Long-term thinking is required.

Lin Feng flew back, at this time, Murong Yiyi and Li Yuan also came to the city of the world's number one force.

Let's start to see the changes in a city, what is the specific situation?

As soon as they landed, Lin Feng told Murong Yiyi and Li Yuan the location he saw and the overall situation of the Siren Clan.

After hearing what Lin Feng said, Murong Yiyi and Li Yuan were also very surprised.

Li Yuan asked in disbelief.

"Really? Are you sure the highest level is only 120".?"

"And most of them are no more than level 100?"

"You can't read it wrong, right? If it's like this, we'll be done with just a few of us."

After all, everyone has seen the world.

And I have experienced so many big battles, so this kind of trivial matter is still a kiss.

Murong Yiyi didn't believe it either, and asked Lin Feng with her arms folded.

"Yeah, are you sure you can see clearly?"

"A big city like this is easy to hide. If we lose a particularly powerful big boss, we will be targeted."

"...The No. 1 power list this time looks like we are No. 1."

"But everything below here wants to pass us."

"So it's very unstable, and we need to talk about many things again."

Lin Feng looked at the two of them who couldn't believe their eyes, nodded silently and said.

"Of course, I will still lie to you."

"But this time it's really different, because this time it's the big city of the Sea-Monster Clan."

"So there must be more monsters inside than we have encountered before.

Murong Yiyi nodded, she also had her own thoughts in her heart.

"If you say so, I think we can fight."

Li Yuan also agreed with Murong Yiyi's statement.

Seeing that they both agreed, Lin Feng said.

"Then everyone quickly upgrades, strives for level 100, and then awakens to get powerful skills, and there is still a city before the attack."

"It will also prevent us from making other mistakes."

(Zhao Lihao) "Yiyi, you have to tell this matter to the team members of our No. 1 union in the world who are going to join us in this battle.

"Try to raise your level as much as possible, so that you can avoid any mistakes or failures."

Murong Yiyi snapped her fingers.

"OK, just leave this matter to me, if you have anything to do, you can solve it yourself [I'll go to my business first.

Lin Feng nodded, and was about to talk to Li Yuan.

Li Yuan looked at the current time and said silently.

"Okay, I'm going offline, I haven't had a good rest these days."

"Play well by yourself, go to level up, I'll level up words tomorrow."

"By the way, don't forget what you promised me!"

Lin Feng silently gave Li Yuan a supercilious look...

After seeing that Li Yuan went offline, he also returned to Yashan City, went to the forest, and prepared to spawn monsters and upgrade!.

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