National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 68 The Hell Three-Headed Dog

Guardian Star Shield!

At a critical moment, Lin Feng cast the shield skill on Murong Yiyi, and a gray shield health bar of 3269 appeared in front of the latter's health bar.

Murong Yiyi also reacted faster, she used a shield to block her body, and with a loud noise, the long-handled battle ax struck the shield, and Murong Yiyi flew upside down.


At the same time that the shield disappeared, Murong Yiyi's blood volume also dropped by more than 700.

Guard the Light Array!

At this time, Lin Feng rushed in front of Murong Yiyi, the big sword pierced the ground directly, and a light array appeared.

The boss and the five undead knights were blown out of the light array by the air wave uncontrollably at the same time.

"Are you okay? How much blood do you have?" Lin Feng asked.

"7500, you can still resist. I will attack and hold him back. You wait for the skill to cool down, and then attack. Save the healing skill and use it at critical times." As she said, the equipment on Murong Yiyi's body turned into silver-white leather armor, and two hands appeared. Small crossbow.

First of all, she started to attack the BOSS.





Although the attack is not too high, but Murong Yiyi's attack speed is very fast, and it still deals damage from the two-handed crossbow, causing four damage in one second, about 1,000 seven damage.

Generally, crossbows are used by rangers, but rangers can only use one crossbow. This is the first time Lin Feng has seen two crossbows. At the same time, it was also the first time he saw someone who could use a two-handed dagger.

At this time, Lin Feng didn't intend to go up to help, as he couldn't hit a few times with his attack speed and attack, so he might be killed. Just stand aside and watch Murong Yiyi's output.

"bang bang bang"

The boss and the five undead knights attacked the magic circle at the same time, but it only lasted for two seconds [the magic circle was broken directly.

Then Murong Yiyi took this opportunity to inflict a lot of damage to the five undead knights and the boss. Then, she quickly moved to other directions, while running, and turned around while attacking, causing six monsters to chase her at the same time.

Through observation, Lin Feng found that Murong Yiyi and Murong Wuwu were almost completely opposite.

Murong Wuwu plays games, can sit but not stand, can not fight monsters, absolutely does not want to move too much.

And even when fighting monsters, there is no precise plan, and as for game skills, there is no such thing.

On the other hand, Murong Yiyi is thoughtful, and has a rhythm when fighting monsters.

Every action seemed to be calculated in advance, just as the boss and the other five monsters missed her, she could continue to attack the boss smoothly.

But... the hero was no match for the crowd, and continued to evade, Murong Yiyi was hit several times, and her blood volume was directly reduced by half.

Guard the Cross!

Seizing the opportunity, Lin Feng saw the direction and directly cast his skills, completely covering the boss and the five undead knights.




Five undead knights died directly, the boss slowed down by 50%, and could no longer catch up

Guard the Cross Heal!

When the huge cross fell, Murong Yiyi's blood volume instantly rose by 10%, and then began to recover by 3% every second.

Although Murong Yiyi's single attack was not high, but with four attacks per second, even if some of them landed on other monsters, it still caused more than 40,000 damage to the boss in 30 seconds, making the boss's HP less than 50%.

When it was slowing down, Murong Yiyi rushed forward again, moving and attacking again while recovering blood within the healing range.

In another 20 seconds, the boss fell to the ground with zero blood under another attack from Murong Yiyi.

But this time, a piece of equipment unexpectedly exploded.

After Murong Yiyi picked it up, she directly shared the equipment attributes in the team column.

knight lightsaber

Grade: Gold Grade

Requirements: Level 40

Physical Attack: 500

Magic Attack: 200

Constitution +30

"Take it! I'll find another gold utensil that suits me, and the next one will be mine." Murong Yiyi directly handed the sword to Lin Feng: "It was agreed earlier that it will be distributed according to the force. You kill more than me." , I will kill the boss, we are half and half. I have a gold-level sword, and this level, I don't need it, so it belongs to you."

Lin Feng was a little surprised, now that the gold-level weapons outside are still very valuable, Murong Yiyi is not even moved.

"Okay, the next one is suitable for you and belongs to you." Lin Feng took the knight's lightsaber directly, and then replaced the giant bear sword. His physical attack was directly increased to 540, and his health also increased by more than a thousand.

"There are still some monsters up there, go up and continue killing them!"

Afterwards, Murong Yiyi took Lin Feng to fly to the city wall again.

When the two flew back, there were still more than 100 undead creatures above, and these soldiers killed quite slowly.

Later, Lin Feng and Murong Yiyi joined the battle group.

One minute later, under Murong Yiyi's hatred, Lin Feng took away 80% of the monsters with two skills, and then Murong Yiyi's two-handed crossbow attacked with high frequency, and quickly cleaned up the remaining undead creatures.

Now, Lin Feng also realized that if the basic attack is not low, the attack speed is fast enough, and the damage is also tons.

Although a bit slower than him, Murong Yiyi's speed of killing monsters is quite fast compared to others.

And she doesn't need to wait for the skill to cool down, if the total time is counted, it is no slower than Lin Feng's killing monsters.

With the death of the last monster, a game notification sounded in Lin Feng's mind: "The first wave of undead creatures siege is over, and the defense battle has been won. The second wave of undead creatures will attack in half an hour, please be prepared."

"My notification is half an hour, so is yours?" Murong Yiyi said.

"Yes, there is still half an hour, what to do?" Lin Feng asked.

"Half an hour in the game, 10 minutes in reality, I'll go offline for a while, and come back up in eight minutes." After speaking, Murong Yiyi went offline.

Lin Feng was idle and bored, sitting in a daze.

At the 24th minute of the game time, Murong Yiyi came back on time as she said.

And before, while waiting for 20 minutes, Lin Feng had already been prompted by the game

second wave

Grade: 30—40

Quantity: 500

Commander: Cerberus Three-Headed Dog

Requirements: Kill all invading undead creatures.

waited for a few minutes

"The countdown is 10 seconds, and the second wave of undead creatures is coming.






"Boom!" A black light flickered in the distance, and a group of undead creatures appeared, and then rushed to the city again. The monsters this time are the same as last time, and they are still the five types, undead archers, undead warriors, undead heavy armor, undead knights, and undead little mages. However, their life values ​​have changed.

...asking for flowers......

Undead Archer

Level: 30


undead warrior

Level: 30

HP: 4200

Undead Heavy Armor

Level: 35

HP: 7920

Death Knight

Level: 35

HP: 6000


Level: 40

HP: 6600

"Calculations and analysis show that the monster this time is 1.2 times larger than last time, and the enhancement is not too much, which is acceptable. However, the boss of the commander is a bit difficult to deal with, with a large size and a large attack range, so it is much more difficult to avoid."

At this time, among the group of undead creatures, this time the big boss is particularly conspicuous, with a body length of more than ten meters, a strong physique, black color, and three dog heads.

BOSS · Cerberus three-headed dog

Level: 45


The method of attacking the city this time was exactly the same as last time. Undead warriors, undead archers, and undead mages, 300 undead creatures flew up the city wall at the same time, and began to fight with human soldiers again.

With the experience from last time, after knowing each other's injuries, Murong Yiyi no longer took out the rapid-fire gun weapon, but directly used the black heavy armor and held the shield in hand. Rush into the undead biome and start attracting aggro.

And the Gemini guardian unicorns rampaged again, attracted by one person and one guardian beast, a large group of undead creatures flocked directly to Lin Feng.

Guard the Cross!

Guard counter attack!

The two skills swept out, and the same situation happened again. Even though the blood volume increased, these undead creatures still couldn't withstand Lin Feng's damage, and these two skills directly killed hundreds of undead creatures.

Afterwards, Lin Feng and Murong Yiyi began to fight against undead creatures. With the 40th level golden sword, Lin Feng's physical attack is not too weak, and there is also a boost of the guardian light, which makes his general attack have 8 points. More than a hundred.

The cooling time of the two skills expired, and the monsters were pulled again...... Killed the monsters, and cleaned up hundreds of undead creatures. Afterwards, the two continued to kill monsters alone. When their skills had cooled down, they flew directly down to clean up the undead heavy armor soldiers in front of the city gate.

And then...the undead knight.

It took about eight minutes like this, Lin Feng and Murong Yiyi had killed more than 400 monsters, leaving only dozens of undead creatures on the city wall fighting against the human soldiers.

And the two of them are starting to face this wave of big boss hell three-headed dogs.

"The original plan was that you wait for the skill to cool down, and I will consume blood. I didn't wait for you to use that skill last time, and I still don't know how much damage your skill does. This time I have a chance, and I want to see it."

"Take it easy this time! It's not good to always let you run away." Lin Feng smiled, then snapped his fingers, and directly summoned Xiao Hei, the Dragon King of Taiyin.

Then directly shared the pet's name and life value with Murong Yiyi.

The pet belongs to Lin Feng's information, so if he doesn't want to show it, with the guardian light star ring covering it up, no one can see Xiao Hei's attributes.

And seeing these two, Murong Yiyi was surprised.

"The legendary pet that ranks first in Huaxia District, Taiyin Dragon King Yi!".

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