National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 69 Undead Creatures Attack From All Directions!

"No wonder I watched the video just now. Your pet's attack is very high. It turned out to be at the legendary level. Murong Yiyi covered up the surprise in her eyes, and frowned: "Why didn't you summon it at the beginning?"

"This is not learning from you!" Lin Feng shrugged.

"What?" Murong Yiyi was puzzled.

"Try your strength, is it worth me to form a team with you?" Lin Feng grinned: "Xiao Hei, go!"

At this time, the boss-the three-headed dog of hell had already rushed up, and Xiao Hei rushed forward to face the boss, directly giving the boss a "blow from the sun".


A huge amount of damage was caused. At that time, Xiao Hei filled the boss's hatred to the full, and one of the heads of the boss, the three-headed dog of hell, directly sprayed out a ball of flames.


"The damage is so high!" Murong Yiyi was surprised, a light flashed in her originally indifferent eyes: "Are you selling this pet?"

Lin Feng has black lines all over his face, miss, can you not be so direct?

"I sell, can you afford it?" Lin Feng smiled.

"Kill the monsters first, let me calculate."

After finishing speaking, Murong Yiyi was wearing silver-white leather armor, with bows and crossbows in both hands, and directly joined the battle group between Xiao Hei and the boss.

There is Xiao Hei who is resistant to damage, and Xiao Hei, who is already level 23, can deal more than 1,000 damage with each basic attack, and the hatred has been pulling

Murong Yiyi didn't need to dodge at all, "Seven Seven Three" only needed to output non-stop. In the end, half a minute later, after Lin Feng hit the guardian cross cut, the boss hell three-headed dog was directly beaten to death by two people and a pet .

Fortunately, the BOSS hell three-headed dog broke out a gold-level weapon.

knight light shield

Requirements: Level 40

Physical Attack: 200

Physical Defense: 350

Magic Defense: 300

Constitution +20

Ninety percent of weapons increase attack, and only a few categories increase others, such as shields, which do not increase attack much, but focus more on defense.

"I have a golden shield, but I don't need it. You caused more damage this time, so it belongs to you. If there is another golden shield in the next wave, you don't need it, and it's mine." Murong Yiyi said directly.

"Okay." Lin Feng didn't put on an air, he really wanted a shield. Because his original broken shield was useless long ago.

Afterwards, Murong Yiyi took Lin Feng, and Xiao Hei flew directly to the top of the city wall, the one-minute cooldown was reached, and the half-minute Guardian Cross Cut cooldown was reached again.

Lin Feng once again used two skills to wipe out a large number of undead creatures, and the rest were directly wiped out by Xiao Hei and Murong Yiyi.

"The second wave of monsters is completely wiped out, the second wave of defense battles is completed, and 30 minutes later, the third wave of undead creatures strikes."

"Phew! Finally finished another wave. This mission is really troublesome. Fighting so many monsters is even more strenuous than the fight with Murong Wuwu last time." Lin Feng sat on the ground directly, paralyzed.

Naturally, it's not that he has insufficient fatigue points in the game, but that he needs to be careful not to be beaten and instantly killed when fighting hundreds of monsters, which is more energy-intensive.

As the player's physical fitness increases, the consumption of exhaustion and hunger points will also slow down, and the recovery speed will increase.

For example, Lin Feng is the main plus physique, these two rounds, each battle consumes almost 30 points of stamina, and it only takes a few minutes to recover.

At this time, Murong Yiyi hugged her knees beside Lin Feng, looked at him, and said seriously: "I heard that the auction price of the third rare pet in China, the Nether Bone Dragon, is 22 million. The European Union is currently The number one pet is rare, and some people ask for 20 million to buy it."

"The rare level is roughly in the early 20 million. The legendary level is at least twice as strong as the rare level. It may be more, and it will be more than 40 million. I have calculated the income of my company, and at least one month's profit will be spent. Although the cost is a bit higher, but I have seen your pet, it is very powerful, and it is worth the investment. 50 million, are you selling it?"

"Eh!" Lin Feng had long forgotten about this matter, but he never thought that Murong Yiyi was really calculating when he was fighting. At the same time, he was also surprised that the other party's monthly income was so high!

"Didn't you go to college? You still run a company?" Lin Feng asked in surprise.

Murong Yiyi said: "The puzzle mobile game company originally planned to experience the second world and create a similar game, but after playing it, I found that... I can't do it at present. Of course, it's also for the future, in a few years I need to take over some of my family’s business, and practice it in advance. If I don’t earn much, I’m not qualified to take over. Don’t change the topic, will you sell it or not?”

"Not to mention that hatched pets can no longer be traded. Even if they can be traded, I won't sell them. I don't want to part with Xiao Hei." Lin Feng shook his head.

"Okay!" Murong Yiyi said to herself: "Just now I went to the Huaxia game area to watch the video of your battle, and asked you with Sisi. I heard that you finally fought against 100 rare bosses alone, and successfully brought Wu Wu broke through the level successfully, and his strength is beyond my imagination.

"The rewards you get after going through such a difficult dungeon are definitely the best in the legendary level. It's a pity that you don't sell it. As long as you sell your pet, I have a way to make him return to an egg. But...don't sell it This pet is also fine. If you have one in the future, you can sell it to me. I will tell you if I have something good. I like to do business with outstanding people.

"Um... are you so direct?" Lin Feng said helplessly, "Okay, if there is, I will find you, as long as the price is good."

Murong Yiyi calmly said: "I will return to Jinghua City in four days, and I will live in the country for a month and a half during the summer vacation. If I have free time, I can get together and talk about strategies that only our high-level players understand.

"Yes." Lin Feng nodded and said, "You have mainly lived abroad these years, right?"

"Not counting. I came to the European Union in middle school. My family has negotiations with some companies here, and I need a speaker. I originally agreed to listen to her, but she is too kind to people and is not suitable for dealing with Westerners, so I came here. It's gone." Murong Yiyi said.

"No wonder!" Lin Feng said to himself. Lin Feng always listens to the strength of the people in the west. As long as they are strong enough, they will be recognized by others, and what Murong Yiyi is currently showing is quite similar to that side.

However, unlike some snobs, she never looked down on Lin Feng from the beginning, but was instinctively wary of flirting with her. Afterwards, even though Lin Feng was strong, he didn't rely on him too much because of this. He still had his own plans. He was young, but very mature and independent.

On the contrary, Lin Feng did not feel too much pressure.

His goal today is to clear the level, and Murong Yiyi's strength and high efficiency are the most suitable for completing the level.

Afterwards, Murong Yiyi just sat there without speaking, her eyes flickering, she didn't know what she was thinking about.

And Lin Feng was sitting on the side teasing the Taiyin Dragon King.

He didn't know why, after the upgrade of Shuang'er and Xiaogong, the size kept getting bigger, while Xiao Hei, the dragon king of Taiyin, was already at level 23, and his size didn't change at all, still half a meter long, very small

In the past 20 minutes, the game prompt should sound: "The third wave of undead creatures will attack in 10 minutes, please be prepared.

third wave

Grade: 30—40

Quantity: 500

Commander: Undead Crazy Blade Warrior

Requirements: Kill all invading undead creatures.

time flies......

"The third wave of undead creatures is coming in 10 seconds."


"Boom!" The black light flickered again in the distance, as undead creatures appeared...

This time it was still the same as the previous two times, it was still the five undead creatures, but this time, through the blood volume of these monsters, Lin Feng quickly saw that these were 1.5 times stronger than the original monsters.

Undead Archer

Level: 30

HP: 5250

undead warrior

Level: 30

HP: 5250

Undead Heavy Armor

Level: 35

HP: 8250

Death Knight

Level: 35

HP: 7500


Level: 40

HP: 8250

At the end of these undead creatures is a humanoid creature in armor riding a white bone warhorse, with black smoke all over its body.

BOSS-Undead Crazy Sword Warrior

Level: 45

HP: 12750

"It has been strengthened to 1.5 times the first wave, and it is still within the acceptable range." Murong Yiyi said: "The damage of your two skills should be more than 10,000. It should be easy to kill these monsters in seconds. The original plan?"

"The original plan was to let me know when I was flying next time. The flight was so sudden that I felt like I was about to fall to my death at any moment." Lin Feng said awkwardly.

"Well, I'll pay attention next time."

While the two were chatting, the same scene appeared again. The undead warrior, undead archer, and undead little mage flew over the sky again and landed on the city wall.

The two waves of monsters did not cause pressure to Lin Feng and Murong Yiyi, but they caused a lot of trauma to these human soldiers NPCs, many of them died, and blood was everywhere on the city walls

This time, Lin Feng cast the guardian unicorn again, and the Sagittarius guardian unicorn "Little Bow" appeared.

"Little ones, let's go! Pull monsters!" Lin Feng waved his hand, and the three little guys rushed out babbling.

Murong Yiyi, who was going to rush out to pull monsters, suddenly stopped, frowned slightly and said, "I understand why Sisi said that every time Wuwu doesn't fight monsters, she just waits to level up. With powerful pets like you, she doesn't bother move."

Lin Feng thought of a group of servants spawning monsters, Murong Wuwu was indeed dozing off while idling, and thought: "Your sister, you are really accurate.

1.1 The passage of time...

In the same way, in the end, Lin Feng, Murong Yiyi and Sun Dragon King Xiao Hei joined forces to kill the third wave of monsters again.

And the BOSS Undead Crazy Sword Fighter will be beaten to death by their group.

This time, a pair of gold-ranked wind leather boots exploded and belonged to Murong Yiyi.

"The third wave of monsters is completely wiped out, the third wave of defense battles is completed, and 30 minutes later, the fourth wave of undead creatures strikes."

When the time elapses to 20 minutes, the game prompt should sound: "The fourth wave of undead creatures will attack in 10 minutes [players please prepare.

fourth wave

Grade: 30—40

Quantity: 800

Commander: Skeletal Eight-legged Beast

Requirements: Kill all invading undead creatures.

time flies……….

With the countdown from 10 to 1, Lin Feng saw a black light flashing ahead, and there were fewer monsters than the previous two dials!

"The number is low, it's not good, maybe monsters are coming from all directions." Lin Feng suddenly thought of it, what they thought about when they walked around the city before.

At this moment, Murong Yiyi had already spoken: "200 undead creatures, 800 in total, may be coming from all directions of the city gate."

Just as Murong Yiyi said, suddenly an NPC soldier ran over and shouted: "Report sir! The south of the city, the east and the west of the city are attacked by undead creatures at the same time!"

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