The flying speed of the Taiyin Dragon King is not too fast, not as good as the guardian unicorn, but it is still faster than Lin Feng's running speed. What's more, flying overhead, no one can stop her.

And its blood volume is more than 100,000, even if it has the ability to fly to the sky or the arrows of the undead archers fly to the sky, the probability of being shot by the very small Taiyin Dragon King is low, and at the same time, the blood volume will not drop too much.

Soon, Xiao Hei flew out of the city, and now, Lin Feng understood why the game reminded not to let the people in Tianyi City die within 1 hour.

After the undead creatures broke in this time, it seemed that there was an invisible hand controlling them. They did not gather together to fight against the npc soldiers, but quickly dispersed, broke into the homes of civilians everywhere, and started killing wantonly.

Although there are less than 10,000 undead creatures, they are much stronger than civilian NPCs.

At this time, Lin Feng's game interface also displayed two lines of text and mathematics.

Civilians: 80000 (Currently: 79983)

Guards: 7000 (currently: 5897)

"It seems that if within an hour, the number behind is cleared, it will be considered dead, and our mission will fail." Looking at this, Lin Feng frowned slightly, because it was only a minute since the war started, and the number behind continued to decrease .

Two minutes later, Lin Feng received a teleportation from Xiao Hei.

Although Xiaohei can't speak, and can't say certain words clearly, but a simple response is still possible. For example, now that she saw the boss, she naturally responded to Lin Feng.

"There is one! Xiao Gong is here to fight, and Shuang'er will follow me." Lin Feng's eyes lit up, and he chose to ride directly. He rode the Gemini guardian unicorn, turned on the horsepower, and rushed out of the city.

He didn't leave the city just now because more than 2,000 undead creatures flooded in. If he forced his way out, it was uncertain whether he could get out or not, and he would come back dead. 050 Even if he failed after five deaths in this dungeon, then he didn't want to die, he might be downgraded, and dying in a group of monsters for nothing is not worth the gain.

At this time, more than two minutes later, the influx of undead army has dispersed, and only three or four hundred undead creatures are left to fight the guards at the city gate, and the others are scattered everywhere. Naturally, the city gate is not too crowded. up.

Lin Feng quickly ran out of the south city gate, and ran directly in the direction where Xiao Hei was.

Soon, he passed through the crowd and the undead monsters, came to the outside of the city, and saw the boss in front of him from a distance.

BOSS·Phantom Mage

Level: 50

HP: 170000

This BOSS is not big in size, about the same size as an undead warrior, and it is also the height of a normal person. It's just that the black magic robe is surrounded by faint blue flames, which is still a bit conspicuous in the crowd of monsters.

What's more, at this moment, Xiao Hei is 100 meters above the boss's head, which is like a dragon-shaped mark,

Lin Feng looked around again, and at the same time moved quickly, trying to avoid the monster's attack as much as possible.

Unfortunately, he didn't see another BOSS at all. Except for this big boss, there are mobs.

"Xiao Hei, Shuang'er, west of the city." Lin Feng greeted, Xiao Hei quickly landed and wrapped around his neck, the guardian unicorn ran wildly again, one person with two pets, rushed into the city again

When passing by, Lin Feng greeted Shang Xiaogong and started running together.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

At this time, the City of Sky Wings. Loud noises erupted from the other three directions at the same time, blocked by various buildings, and Lin Feng couldn't see the specific situation clearly, but seeing that the number of guards suddenly decreased by more than 100, he estimated that 90% of the gates of the three sides were broken open !

The city gate was broken open, and a large number of undead creatures poured in, which would naturally create (cefe) a situation where the city guards who resisted the dullness at that time were suddenly besieged by undead creatures, causing heavy casualties

"We have to hurry up and find the final boss. It's only been less than five minutes. The gates of the square city have been broken, and holes have been punched in the two city walls. There are still more than five thousand guards. If the guards are all killed by undead creatures, no one will Protection, civilians who won’t cooperate, even if their number exceeds that of undead creatures, they will die in large numbers. According to this progress, they may be almost dead in half an hour.”

"At that time, if Murong Yiyi and I are under siege, we will have to die. Once we die, even if there are five resurrections, the mission will still fail after the npc dies. It is too difficult to keep all the humans in this city alive within an hour."

"It's better to directly find the final boss, the Undead Wizard, and kill him to complete the task naturally. Since this boss is powerful, it shouldn't be hidden."

Thinking in his heart, Lin Feng quickly passed by a part of the city wall with a big hole in it.

At this time, there was already a scuffle here, and there were few soldiers. The main reason was that the three Murong Yiyi were constantly moving and fighting among more than two hundred undead creatures.

I saw a Murong Yiyi holding a long sword in each hand and wearing silver-gray light armor, constantly wandering among the monsters, constantly causing damage.

Its speed is not the fastest, defense is not the strongest, but the damage is not low. Every basic attack can deal six or seven hundred points of damage, but it is ten times higher than his previous crossbow damage.

At the same time, the second Murong Yiyi was dressed in black armor, holding a black heavyweight shield, constantly emitting black light, attracting people. Hatred, constantly carrying injuries, constantly retreating, and constantly drinking potions to restore blood.

The third Murong Yiyi was wearing leather armor, moving very fast, holding a double bow and crossbow, and was attacking these monsters attracted hatred.

But looking around, the monsters are fighting fiercely here, but there is no BOSS figure.

Guard the Cross Heal!

Lin Feng ran close, and directly placed a cross next to Murong Yiyi, who was in heavy armor. The latter's blood volume surged by 10%, and then began to recover every 3%.

"Which.....Which is your real body?" Lin Feng looked at the three Murong Yiyi, a little uncertain.

"It's all me, I will tell you the reason later. Why did you come here?" Murong Yiyi in heavy armor asked.

"Uh... your skills are weird. In the second world, from a perspective similar to the real world, you can control five people to fight, and you can still move in different ways and cooperate quickly. Your brain, super brain! "Lin Feng said: "The undead creatures in the south of the city dispersed quickly after they broke in. I can't stop them at all. Now I'm going to find a 200-level legendary boss to see if I can kill them."

"Kill?" Murong Yiyi in the leather armor showed surprise, then quickly calmed down and said, "Although you are very strong, I don't think the possibility of killing a level 200 boss is very high. Instead of thinking about that, why don't you now?" Find an npc child and hide it in some cellar, or you take him and keep avoiding. If we can persist for 1 hour, it will be considered a victory."

"This is difficult to implement, because I saw it on the road. These undead creatures are like dogs with noses, chasing humans automatically. They may not rely on their eyes, but... certain game settings, they can quickly find them. To humans. Alright, I’ll go first [to find the BOSS to kill. Be careful.”【

After speaking, Lin Feng rode the guardian unicorn and left here quickly.

"To kill a legendary boss at level 200, his idea is too crazy, can he really kill it?" Looking at Lin Feng who was going away, a thought flashed in Murong Yiyi's mind: "What if I kill it? Maybe I'm thinking too much , the probability of being killed is almost zero, but the probability of being killed is 100%"

The speed of guarding the unicorn is much faster than Murong Yiyi, even though the city is in chaos at this time, there are civilians running everywhere on the street, avoiding the pursuit of the undead creatures behind them, blocking the way ahead.

But still, in about 3 minutes, the guardian unicorn rushed to the west of the city. At this time, there were more than 4,000 guards left, and 70,000 civilians!

That is to say, in the past seven or eight minutes, more than 9,000 civilians have died. This death rate makes Lin Fengjing.

Running to the west of the city, Lin Feng didn't even run out of the city, but he saw the boss

Carrion Fallen

Level: 50

HP: 170000

This boss is much more conspicuous than the previous boss. It is a monster with a height of five meters and its body is about to rot. It smells a disgusting stench from a long distance away.

It's just... Lin Feng greeted the three pets without hesitation, and ran to the north of the city.

The situation in the north of the city is similar to that in the south and west of the city, and monsters have already broken into the city. The guards and the spirit creatures fought in melee, most of the civilians were fleeing, and a few were in the melee, it was a tragic scene.

But here, he didn't meet the boss, and walked around the west of the city for an extra minute, but he didn't find any shadow of the boss.

The guardian unicorn continued to run towards the south of the city.

This time, Lin Feng passed by another crack in the city wall. Murong Yiyi, who was carrying a machine gun and two daggers, was fighting. But at this time, Murong Yiyi of the machine gun fired very seldom.

"Why are you running here again?" Murong Yiyi's originally calm face showed a strange look: "You don't really think you can kill a 200-level legendary boss, do you?"

"You won't know until you fight, you have to trust me, I'm better than you imagined." Lin Feng placed a guardian cross, healing, jokingly, and ordered a deal at the same time.

"Player Meng Wang applied to trade with you."

"En?" Murong Yiyi was puzzled, but still clicked to agree.

100 gold coins went directly into Murong Yiyi's backpack.

"Eh! What did you give me the money for?" Murong Yiyi was puzzled.

Lin Feng pointed to Gatling's extremely powerful weapon: "I didn't give it to you. Don't you say that this thing costs money? One bullet costs one copper coin, and one gold coin can fire ten thousand bullets. I'll lend you 100 first." Gold coins, the wind has completed the task, remember to return it to me. However, if you don’t return it, your sister and I will go.”

"!" Murong Yiyi said seriously: "Don't worry about this. The market price is 700 gold coins. If you help me at a critical time, I will increase the price. I owe you 80,000. If there are no gold coins to exchange, I will transfer your money. However, you are really rich. I've spent all my money selling equipment."

As he said that, Murong Yiyi, who was holding the "Gatling" in his hand, opened up all his firepower, and the tongues of flames flew in an instant, and the health of the monsters dropped rapidly.

At this time, Lin Feng had already left here, heading straight for the final destination, east of the city...  

While running, Lin Feng suddenly thought of a sentence that some people love to say in reality.

So anxious, go to die?

"It seems that he is really in a hurry to die!"

The problem he wants to die, but the target hasn't appeared yet!.

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