National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 73 The Mysterious Death Of The Final Boss!

After about three minutes, Lin Feng ran to the east of the city.

After more than ten minutes, the gate of the city east of the city is no longer tragic, but... people are almost dead, and some NPC soldiers are still struggling against the undead creatures.

Quickly scanning around, apart from hundreds of creatures and dozens of soldiers, Lin Feng didn't see any BOSS either.

"Xiao Hei, fly high and search for a new boss." Lin Feng said.

"Yeah!" Xiao Hei yelled and flew straight into the sky.

While lifting into the air, she looked down and scanned the bottom, and soon Xiao Hei flew to the east.

"Over there!" Lin Feng said quickly, and the guardian unicorn ran away.

After running for less than half a minute, Lin Feng saw Lin Feng BOSS, but then he was a little disappointed.

BOSS Lich Knight

Level: 50

HP: 170000

Obviously not the Lich Archmage.

"This should be the commander of the last three waves of bosses. The question is where is the final boss? Can't we search for it in the city little by little?" Lin Feng was speechless, it's so difficult to give away a human head, life is good Disaster!

"Xiao Hei, you are looking for other bosses than these three bosses in the city, and I will go out of the city to look for them." After finishing speaking, Lin Feng rode the guardian unicorn of Gemini and brought the guardian unicorn of Sagittarius, directly from the east gate. straight out.

And Xiao Hei rose to the sky and began to search.

At this time, there was nothing outside the city except some broken bones and human corpses, and the undead creatures had poured into the city.

The human soldiers are all fighting in the city. As for many civilians who want to escape from the city gate, it is a pity that there are many undead creatures at the gate, and those who come here die faster.

Looking around, Lin Feng didn't see a single creature, let alone a necromancer.

As for the saying that the great necromancer is not in this city, but in the woods far away, Lin Feng absolutely does not believe it, because he and Murong Yiyi have tried it before.

This City of Sky Wings is a dungeon, with a very small space, there is an invisible barrier a hundred meters away from this city, preventing them from moving forward, and the sights such as the woods behind may be illusions.

Then, Lin Feng ran around the city wall and started to run. While running, he looked around. From the east of the city to the north of the city, he did not meet the boss, the west of the city did not meet the boss, the south of the city did not meet the boss, and returned to the east of the city again. The shadow of the BOSS was not seen either.

At this time, Xiao Hei did not find the final boss.

Almost 30 minutes have passed by now, and the civilian population has dropped sharply to just over 30,000.

There are only more than 600 guards left, and they are about to be wiped out.

At this time, Lin Feng and Murong Yiyi's message appeared in the team chat box of Lin Feng: "Hide, the boss finally appeared."

"Damn! I have been looking for him for so long and I have not found him. Instead, I met someone who didn't look for him. It's unreasonable!" Lin Feng's eyes lit up [Quickly contact Murong Yiyi: "Where is it? I'm Doctor Ma Shan."

Murong Yiyi: "Don't come here, four of my bodies have been killed by him, and only the fifth body is left, but it was fixed in place. I don't know what skills can hold me for 1 minute. Me!"

"Teammate Murong Yiyi died."

Just as he was talking, Lin Feng found that Murong Yiyi's name suddenly became black on the team formation page.

"I was killed! The BOSS can still talk, and asked me where you are, maybe I went to find you." At this time, Murong Yiyi's name lit up, and she sent a message to Lin Feng again: "Find a commoner child to take you with me." , run away as much as possible, delay time, now 28 minutes, if we delay for another 32 minutes, we will win. Don't be impulsive, you are not his opponent at all. This Lich Archmage not only has high attack, but also has many control skills, skills It's weird and you can't avoid it."

"I understand." Lin Feng replied without further explanation.

Normal people would think that he is only level 40, and he is not a 200 legendary boss opponent at all, what Murong Yiyi said is no problem.

Can't explain, can't explain.

At this time, Lin Feng received a signal from Xiao Hei and found a different boss.

"I really found it! Since this is the case, I will stop moving and run around. Maybe the boss can't find me, and I can't find him either."

Knowing this, Lin Feng got off the back of the guardian unicorn, leaned against the outer wall of the east city, and began to wait.

Within a minute, a gray shadow flickered from the gate of the city, and then appeared in front of Lin Feng in an instant.

"Quack quack... I found it." A sharp laugh sounded, and at the same time, a gloomy aura spread out, making Lin Feng feel as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

At this time, one meter away from him is an ugly person, who is not considered a human being.

He was more than two meters tall, dressed in a gray robe, and his ugly face was only skin and bones, as if the skin would collapse into the bones at any time.

At the same time, dozens of small skulls were attached to the staff, and blood kept dripping from the staff.

It can be seen that this great necromancer killed a lot of people just now, and he just killed them.

Legendary Boss - Necromancer



Except for the name, he couldn't see anything, the level, and the life value.

At that time, Lin Feng displayed the innate ability to die together.

"Pure breath of light! It is also the most annoying breath, the breath of abhorrence, the breath of damnation." The great necromancer appeared. Looking down at Lin Feng, the eyes that were about to fall out of the hollow eye sockets showed a fierce look.

"I'm finally waiting for you." At this time, Lin Feng smiled and said, "I'm not afraid of you coming, but I'm afraid you won't come. I've been looking for you for a long time. How about a bet?"

Originally, Lin Feng wanted to say "I am your uncle" directly, and then he could die.

But since he met the old dragon king last time, he realized one thing, in different scenarios, for monsters with high IQ, cursing does not necessarily make them kill you.

And this BOSS can talk, it seems that the IQ is not low, Lin Feng is also afraid that the other party will not kill him. Just like how I dealt with Murong Yiyi just now, give him a hold, keep standing like this until half an hour later, by then he will really cry.

"What bet?" The necromancer sneered and said, "You bastards of the Holy Cult of Light, don't try to lie to me, a bunch of hypocritical bastards."

"I'm not lying to you, I'm very sincere." Lin Feng smiled and said, "How about you attack me first, and if you can't kill me, let me kill you?"

"Hmph, good idea. I won't fall for you, what if you have the ability to resist an attack?" The great necromancer said indifferently: "It seems that you are still a cunning bastard.

"This IQ is a bit high!" Lin Feng was surprised in his heart, but he didn't show it on the surface. He continued: "Because I know that you will die today. My strength is far superior to yours, and the appearance may not be true. In this way, How about you attacking me three times and I attacking you once? I will let you attack first."

The great necromancer hesitated.

"The cunning Guangming Blast, I don't know what tricks to play. Since it is covered, I will attack him three times first. If I kill him, forget it. I will not give him a chance to return the phone."

……ask for flowers……

After making up his mind, the great necromancer said: "Okay, this is what you said, you can't resist, you can only bear, my three attacks."

"Okay, don't resist." Lin Feng nodded.

"Okay!" The staff in the hands of the great necromancer suddenly glowed with green light, and then a green blade of light flew away from the staff, as fast as lightning. Very thin streaks of blood.

And at this time...

Lin Feng was directly split in half, and his blood volume instantly cleared to zero.


The great necromancer imagined that the opponent might have some means to resist, and then he made quick shots, making continuous shots, without giving the opponent a chance to resist.

Then... when he wanted to perform the second move, he found that the human being in front of him was split in half by himself!

Conspiracy? Means? Nothing, just dead as simple as that!

"What?" In the next second, the life value of the great necromancer instantly cleared, and then fell to the ground with a plop.

"Player Meng Wang died, and there are still four chances to die in this dungeon."

player dies

1. Resurrection in situ

2. Resurrection in the city

"Resurrection in place." Lin Feng chose, and then the white light flashed, and he came back to life again, but his level dropped to level 39.

At this time, Lin Feng got the game prompt again

"Player Meng Wang killed the legendary BOSS-Necromancer and successfully completed the test of the guardian battle of Tianyi City. The reward is being settled...Leaving the dungeon world in 1 minute. The countdown is 60,59... "

At the same time, Murong Yiyi, who had just been resurrected and was besieged by undead creatures, also received the same game prompt.

"Player Moe King successfully killed the legendary BOSS-Necromancer, successfully..."

"This...he really killed that 200-level legendary boss? How did he do it?" Murong Yiyi was startled.

Since meeting Lin Feng, she has been surprised a lot, but they are all understandable.

But this time, she didn't even think about it. The difference is 160 levels. She couldn't imagine how Lin Feng, who only had two attack skills, could kill such a powerful legendary boss.

And just less than a minute after I was resurrected, the BOSS died! It is simply impossible to analyze or think of.

Afterwards, Murong Yiyi sent a message in the team chat box: "How did you kill it?"

outside the city.

"Damn! I'm leaving so soon!" Lin Feng quickly ran over and put away the equipment that exploded from the death of the boss.

Seeing the message, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, and he replied: "Secret."

Murong Yiyi: "Okay! The other 3 bosses are not dead, and nothing has been revealed. This legendary boss was killed by you alone, and whatever it is, it belongs to you. Of course, I don't need to read it, I'm afraid of it." Afterwards, I was jealous."

Lin Feng: " are direct enough. There is only half a minute left, and there is no time to find you. I will go out in a while. If there is a chance, see you in Paradise City!"

Murong Yiyi: "Okay. Give me your WeChat ID, and the 80,000 yuan will be paid back to you later. I thought this mission would fail, but with you, we succeeded, thank you. At the same time, as a thank you, I will return to Jinghua City After that, I invite you to dinner."

"No problem. Wechat ID is..." Lin Feng entered his own Wechat ID at the same time.

At this time, Lin Feng received the prompt again: "The dungeon is complete, the settlement".

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