National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 92 Killing The President Of Hot Pot City

"Tick tock!" As the blood dripped to the ground, the player Yali Shanda raised his hand in mid-air, and he took out a large parchment scroll in his left hand, which floated and unfolded naturally in mid-air.

He quickly wrote down the word "Meng Wang".

Afterwards, he looked at the hot pot with red wine and said solemnly: "Brother Red Wine, don't let me die! Death in this state is too great a loss."

"Hurry up!" Hot pot with red wine frowned: "The agreed price is a lot, if you can kill Mengwang, three times the price. If you can cause more than half of the damage, even if you die, I will give you the price." Twice the price."

"Refreshing!" Player Xue Linlin slapped her heart with her right hand.

Then, he murmured and began to chant.

After 10 seconds, a bloody skull appeared on top of the player Yali Shanda.

"Come on!" Then, he spread his arms.

"Okay." With hot pot and red wine, he raised his battle ax and struck Yali Shanda. At that time, the latter lost 50% of his health.

At this moment, Lin Feng, who was killing players in the crowd hundreds of meters away, suddenly lost 25% of his HP!

The game prompt sounded: "The bloody contract is bound."

"Bloody contract! What's going on?" Lin Feng in angel form, with three times the HP, now has more than 40,000 HP, and lost more than 10,000 HP in an instant.

At this time, he was not hit at all.

"There are weird hidden occupations in the crowd."

Lin Feng rose directly into the sky regardless of the exhaustion value.

The opponent has many people and is not afraid of death at all, but he only has one life. Once he dies, his servants, pets, etc. will disappear. And standing on the ground at 24 can't see the surroundings clearly.

Straight up to more than 30 meters, Lin Feng quickly rotated and scanned, and soon saw a player surrounded by a group of people with hot pot and red wine on the side farthest from him, 100 meters away. There is a bloody skull on the opponent's head.

At this time, several priests directly used their healing skills to quickly recover blood for that player.

At this time, Hot Pot with Coke attacked the player again.

Lin Feng's blood volume dropped by 15% again!

"Fuck, consume it like this, you will die."

At that time, Lin Feng dived towards the latter.

The distance between the two sides was only more than 100 meters, Lin Feng dived very fast, and no one in the sky could stop him, and soon he was within 100 meters, and was approaching rapidly.

"Step up the treatment!" Yalishan said anxiously: "He can kill me in seconds! Stop him!"

But at this moment, a black laser light suddenly streaked across the night sky and directly hit Yali Shanda.


Originally recovered a bit, there are still about 30% of the health, and because of the priest's skills, the blood volume of Yali Mountain, which quickly recovers the blood volume, is instantly cleared to zero!

"Ah! What the hell! The loss is huge!" Yali Shanda directly turned into white light.

At this time, the third attack of the battle ax in the hands of Hot Pot and Red Wine has already fallen, but it is a pity that it only hit the white light of Yali Shanda's death!

"Good job!" Lin Feng, who was diving, gave a thumbs up to the air not far away. Because this blow was sent by his baby dragon, Taiyin Dragon King Xiaohei.

And this time, it wasn't him who commanded it, it was Xiao Hei's free attack that sent out a Taiyin blow.

"He's coming!" At this moment, Hot Pot with Coke quickly began to chant.

"Knights!" The hot pot was paired with red wine, and they stepped back quickly. The five knights directly raised their large shields and pointed to the sky.

At this time, Lin Feng was already flying close, and the two sides were only twenty

Death Rush!

At this time, more than two minutes have passed, and the level 2 death charge cooldown is 80 seconds, which has already been cooled down.

"Boom!" The black shock wave directly hit the five knights, knocking them to the sides in an instant, killing them instantly.

Afterwards, Lin Feng's charge continued unabated, and he hit Hot Pot with Sprite and Hot Pot with Coke who were still singing again, as well as three priests, killing Wu together.

In the end, hitting the hot pot with red wine, which was only four or five meters back, was also an instant kill!

The three high-level executives of Longyuan City and Hot Pot City killed them all in seconds!

"The president was killed!"

"Kill that grandson! Avenge the president!"

"Kill him!"

The other Hot Pot City players around were all angry and cursed in various ways.

Some people showed fearful expressions and fell into hesitation. With so many people besieging, the other party still killed their president. Moreover, their president is the only one at level 30 among all of them, and they are also the most powerful.

Such a master, in front of the opponent's eyes, is a skill, instant kill!

At this time, Lin Feng stood at the same place, looked at the corpse with hot pot and red wine, and said flatly: "I will give you a chance to resurrect on the spot, and I will not kill you within a minute. It's going on, if you leave the battlefield, you will be killed." Isn't it interesting to play PK?"

After waiting for one second, two seconds, the hot pot with red wine body did not respond, but the white light did not disappear either.

After the player dies, he has five seconds to choose whether to return to the city or revive in situ. If not selected, there will be no white light temporarily, and the corpse will remain for a while.

Obviously, hot pot with red wine is hesitating.

At this time, dozens of players around rushed towards Lin Feng.

Guard the Light Array!

"Boom boom boom..." rushed to Lin Feng, and the knights and warriors who were about to hit Lin Feng were blasted out of the magic circle at the same time. The attacks of some priests, archers, and mages in the distance landed on the magic circle, and did not break the magic circle for a while.

Lin Feng continued: "There are two seconds left, are you sure you want to go back? Or are you too timid to resurrect?"

At this time, white light flickered, and the hot pot and red wine body reunited and revived on the spot!

"Let me direct on the spot, don't regret it." The hot pot paired with red wine sneered, and at the same time a red shield appeared on his body: "If you don't use it for a minute, I will let you die miserably.

"That's it!" Lin Feng looked embarrassed, and suddenly his figure appeared in front of the hot pot with red wine, and said with an evil smile: "Then I regret it."

When he rushed forward, the sword in his hand had already slashed on the latter's shoulder, and by virtue of his high attack speed, he slashed twice in a row.



The blood volume of hot pot with red wine is reset to zero again.


Originally dropped from level 30 to level 29, he dropped to level 28 again.

"You!" Hot pot with red wine fell to the ground.

"Let you talk nonsense with me. I wanted you to live, but I still pretended to be in front of me." Lin Feng said: "However, I really won't kill you this time, after all, you want to save face!"

White light flickers..... Hot pot with red wine The corpse turns into white light and disappears. Back to the city and revived...070206124 Feilu 114333311]

Main City, Longyuan City

Hot pot with red wine had just been revived, when he swung his tomahawk and slammed it on the ground: "Bastard!"

At this time, Hot Pot and Sprite said in surprise: "Brother, we died one level, why did you drop two levels?"

"I just want to come back to life and scold Shabi. I will remember this cute king. From today on, there will be me without him, and him without me. If I don't get him out of the second world, I don't deserve to be a hot pot." President." The face of hot pot with red wine was extremely cold.

It is impossible for him to say that he was brushed by Meng Wang just now, and the sound of the other party fooling him, killing him one more time, and the hot pot with red wine is extremely angry.

At this time, Yali Shanda said with a bitter face: "Brother Red Wine, you guys are too weak! If my skill is used well, it will be easy to kill a boss of level 70 or 80. In the end, your two attacks This time, you actually let me die so quickly. Your hot pot city is not very good! In this state, I died, but I lost five levels, and the agreed double, 200 gold coins, transfer to me!"

At this time, Yali Shanda, who was level 27, had dropped to level 22.

"Get out! You didn't make any shit, and you still want 200 gold coins from me, do you have the guts to ask for it?" At this time, the hot pot paired with red wine drank coldly.

Yalishan's face was indifferent for a moment, and he suppressed his anger: "Hot pot with red wine, as agreed earlier, I will help you kill the cute king. Whether you kill it or not, you will get 100 gold coins. If you use that skill, you will get 200 gold coins. If you kill me, you just said to give me 300 gold coins. Now that I am dead, what I said earlier doesn't count?"

Hot pot with cold red wine: "You're such a ball, get out! If you dare to talk nonsense, I won't let you get along in this Longyuan City. What a hidden profession, it's rubbish, Meng Wang is a hidden profession. And You are a piece of rubbish, and you still have the face to ask for money? I won't give you a single gold coin."

Yali Shanda pointed to the hot pot paired with red wine: "You are fine, fine, let's wait and see."

After speaking, he turned and left...

On the battlefield, the protective light array had been shattered, and Lin Feng moved quickly again.

Although hot pot with red wine is not in the battle 367 games, he can still contact other players. The Hot Pot City players combined again and surrounded Lin Feng again.

"Plan C."

At this time, all the surviving summoners summoned the fire elves at the same time, and more than 400 fire elves appeared, floating in mid-air, and flew towards Lin Feng at the same time.

"Xiao Hei, kill those summoners." Lin Feng pointed to the place where the summoners gathered together: "All members, kill whatever you see."

Commanding quickly, Lin Feng turned around and ran, moreover running down the mountain.

Afterwards, many fire elves questioned him directly.

The fighters directly blocked 8 bosses and Lin Feng's pets and two guardian beasts. Mage and Archer, Summoner chase Lin Feng after Fire Spirit.

This time, Lin Feng deliberately slowed down his pace, so that the fire elves, who were hundreds of meters away, kept getting closer to him. At the same time, those fire elves gathered more and more closely.

In just two minutes, Lin Feng had already reached the bottom of the mountain. At this time, all the players at the bottom of the mountain quickly ran to a further distance and quickly avoided.

At this moment, Lin Feng turned around and looked at the fire elves: "1, 2, 3, 4, that's fine."

Thinking silently in his heart, he began to chant directly.

In 1 second, a group of fire elves approached him thirty meters away. In 2 seconds, more than ten meters, in the third second, he was already in front of him!






The fire elves with more than 20,000 HP were submerged by the faint blue flames, killing them instantly. It was just a face-to-face meeting. Due to too many fire spirits, more than 30 fire elves died, and the latter group rushed in directly and continued to die.

And the fire spirit who received the death order was like a monster, rushing into the flames too quickly.

In just three seconds, more than a hundred fire elves died directly. But at this moment, the summoners reacted, quickly beckoned to their fire elves not to chase, and retreated quickly.

At this moment, Lin Feng rushed directly into the group of fire elves, and then dashed past, heading straight for the players behind!

"The opportunity is here!".

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