National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 93 One Person Kills A Thousand People!

Lin Feng knew that the opponent's original purpose should be to let the fire spirits besiege him.

Because the summoned beast has 20,000 blood points, Lin Feng's three normal attacks can't kill the fire elf.

It cannot be killed at once, and it is easy to be directly trapped by hundreds of elves. If it flies into the air, it will consume a lot of fatigue points.

Although he flew twice and then glided, his continuous high-intensity movement and high-speed general attack made his exhaustion value drop rapidly. 20 points have been consumed so far.

And relying on basic attacks alone, Lin Feng was really helpless against these fire elves.

If skills are used, there are too many of them, and they are controlled by the player, so they will actively dodge quickly.

This makes Lin Feng's skill effects greatly reduced. If you use all the skills over and over again, you may not be able to kill them all.

So the method he thought of was to retreat first, escape first, avoid the siege of many fire elves, and at the same time cause the players in Hot Pot City to chase them.

When running, the players will have a difference in speed.

For example, now, the fire spirit is not necessarily the fastest, but it must be at the forefront, because other players are afraid of being killed by Lin Feng. Naturally, it will be slightly slower than the fire elves.

Behind the fire elves are mainly thieves, assassins, shooters, and rangers. They are agile and fast, and then there are elemental mages and summoners.

As for the shield fighters and swordsmen, while chasing, they had to turn around to stop Lin Feng's pets.

At the same time, they were accompanied by priests, adding blood to them at any time to ensure that they would not be killed. Even so, there were still soldiers who continued to die.

Naturally they run the slowest.

As they run, the distance between the four teams will become wider and wider.

But now, the three people including hot pot and red wine are not here, so they can't see the recent situation on the battlefield. Even if someone notifies them, there is still a difference between the news they get and what they see. Naturally, they can't make quick decisions

And some Hot Pot City players saw the problem, and some people shouted that it shouldn't be like this, but unfortunately they couldn't command everyone at all. Even if the original commander of each team, it's a pity that there were only ten people in a team, and they couldn't control everyone at all.

More people thought that Lin Feng was afraid and was running away, so he chased after him and killed his opponent.

This caused the plan to remain the same, and it was the fire elves to attack, but the implementation was very different.

For example, now, when Lin Feng directly shuttles through more than two hundred fire elves, he looks up the mountain, and the distance between the three waves of people has widened by hundreds of meters!

"Then kill you first~~!"

Just passing through, Lin Feng is the closest to the gathering point of the four types of players: shooters, rangers, assassins, and thieves. Then he cast the soul chains on three of them, and rushed to a player twenty meters away in the blink of an eye.




Three players were instantly killed.

"Swoosh..." A group of assassins hiding in the dark suddenly appeared behind Lin Feng, stabbing Lin Feng with daggers in their hands at the same time.

At this moment, Lin Feng turned around quickly.

Death strikes back!




At that time, all the assassins rushing forward flew backwards, and their life points were instantly reset to zero!

With an arc cut, ten assassins died on the spot,

Then, Lin Feng once again performed Guardian Cross Cut to a group of Assassin players who were rushing towards him!

One skill is to instantly kill more than thirty assassins.

At this time, a streamer arrow flew towards Lin Feng, and the Archangel Sword in Lin Feng's hand rubbed upwards.

Guard counter attack!


The blade struck twenty meters vertically, and another thirteen assassins were instantly killed.

Afterwards, Lin Feng quickly left the spot and rushed directly into the crowd.

"Come back!" At this moment, the servants who were being besieged, the two guardian unicorns and pets disappeared at the same time. As Lin Feng was running, the place where he was originally standing was flickering with light.

All Souls Contract!

Protect the unicorns!

Pets are calling!

At that time, 6 bosses appeared, two guardian unicorns and pets appeared.

Naturally, it wasn't Lin Feng's less summoning, but the level 45 bone earth dragon and the level 50 bone giant ax general were killed.

After all, they were too big, and they didn't have Lin Feng to command them face to face, and they didn't know how to dodge skills.

And other war servants, guardian beasts and pets also lost a lot of blood.

"Kill all!" Lin Feng walked past an archer, killed the latter in seconds, and commanded loudly.

Frozen world!

At that time, beside Xiao Hei, all players within 30 meters were frozen, instantly killed!

At this moment, Lin Feng cast Guardian Cross · Heal.

The servants, guardian beasts and pets who had lost more than half of their blood volume suddenly increased by 10%, and then quickly recovered at 3% of their blood volume every second.

Since the contract of the god of death has been alienated and has become a contract of all souls, even the original undead creatures can be healed with his light-type skills. It can be seen from this that this skill is much better than before.

The killing begins again!

But at this time, most of the summoners and elemental mages who were a hundred meters away slowed down instead.

"Why are you slowing down, our people are being killed!" An elemental mage anxiously looked at the summoner beside him.

A look of hesitation flashed across the summoner's face, and he quickly said: "My attack skills are too weak, my fire elf is still alive and can attack the cute king, but I can't be used.

Another player who also ran slower said: "Assassins and archers have high attack speed, fast attack speed, and fast movement. They were all killed by Meng Wang. Aren't we going to die by running over?"

Another person said: "If they weren't there, a group of us could just use the long-range skills to kill the cute king. But everyone is there, and we can't use the skills. If we run over, we will really die."

He also said: ""~ Let's slow down and wait for the shield fighters, swordsmen, knights and priests in the rear! Let them carry it, and we will output from the rear.

And there are quite a few Hot Pot City players who think the same as these people.

As a result, I saw Lin Feng fighting with a group of people in front, and the distance behind was 100 meters, which didn't look too far away, but a group of mages ran very slowly [and were overtaken by the soldiers.

And at this time, from Longyuan City, who was running towards the battlefield here, got a message from Hotpot and Mirinda: "President, I can't stop it! We have already died more than 1,200 people." one.

"Didn't he lose 40% of his health just now, and then he was surrounded by fire elves, did he run away? Why did so many die suddenly?" Hot pot and red wine frowned.

Hot pot partner Mirinda said: "He ran away, but I don't know what happened. I didn't see him using his skills while running. His blood volume recovers super fast. Someone observed that he recovered about 1% in a second. No It was full of blood again by a minute. Then he suddenly ran back and attacked our team of shooters and assassins"

Hot pot with red wine: What about the mage? What about the summoner? Don’t you know how to use the long-range range attack to kill him directly?”

Hot Pot with Mirinda: "Everyone dare not! We are all in the same guild, and there are more than 800 people over there. If this attack is indiscriminate, he can't kill many." We may have killed a few hundred of our own people. "

Hot pot with red wine: "Damn! Didn't it be agreed before? As long as he enters the crowd, he will bomb me. Now send me a message, bomb without discrimination. If anyone kills Mengwang, I will give him one million earth coins .

At this time, Lin Feng, who was killing in the battlefield, suddenly received a reminder from Xiao Hei.

Lin Feng doesn't know about other pets, but although Xiao Hei, a legendary baby dragon, can't speak at present, he can give back simple signals to Lin Feng, such as be careful, walk together, or die.

This time, it was Xiao Hei who suddenly reminded him to be careful, and at this moment, Lin Feng couldn't help but look at San on the hillside.

"Damn! Are these mages going to be bombed to death?"

Because, at this time, a group of sorcerers and summoners are only twenty or thirty meters away from here, and most of them have started to chant. This is five or six hundred people singing at the same time, and it is obvious that this time he and the others in Hot Pot City are going to sing together. Everyone was killed!.

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