National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 94: One Million Dollars To Buy The Life Of The Cute King!

"One million! Kill Meng Wang quickly!"

"Kill him, I will save myself from fighting for several years!"

"That's not people, that's money!"

"The president is mighty! Kill the cute king!"

Not only the elemental mages and summoners in the distance were excited, but the fighters running in front of them were also extremely excited. They rushed towards Lin Feng regardless of whether the skills behind them hit him or not.

At the same time, knowing that he might die under the skills of a group of mages, a group of shooters, rangers, thieves and assassins had no intention of leaving quickly, but all rushed towards Lin Feng

"One million? Buy my life?" Lin Feng had a strange expression on his face, and thought, "I want to kill myself, so I'll get a million first."

At this time, he directly displayed the guardian light array.

"Boom boom boom..." The melee attack fell on the protective light array, and at the same time, the long-range bow and arrow also attacked it.

Almost instantly, the attack is to directly shatter the light array.

Then a group of people rushed to Lin Feng like hungry wolves.

Blood mist filled the air!

The blood-colored thick fog suddenly dispersed, covering a range of 20 meters in an instant, covering the sight of everyone in the magic circle. And the hot pot city players who entered the mist were all instantly killed at this moment!






One million is worth anyone's death once. After all, even if the upgrade is slow at the current level, it's just a loss of one level in the game. 1 million is hard to earn. It's a good deal to get money for killing one person.

In order to kill Lin Feng, all the Hot Pot City players who came this time have gone crazy.

Naturally, the crowd rushed forward, and in just this second, all the more than forty players who had piled up within 20 meters were instantly killed!

Afterwards, Lin Feng began to chant.

The dense fog filled the outside players, so they couldn't see clearly inside. They could be sure that Lin Feng was inside, so everyone's only thought was to rush to the front, maybe they would be the one who killed Lin Feng with the last knife.

A group of people died, and when the corpses fell to the ground, other people rushed in.

Naturally, in the blink of an eye, someone rushed in again, almost as soon as they rushed in, they were instantly killed!

"Don't rush! He used his skills and can kill us instantly!"

The dead players quickly reminded their teammates in the team group, but some people rushed in when they heard it, and some had no teammates died inside at all, did not get the reminder, and rushed desperately.

Some even heard it, but they also knew that Lin Feng could kill them instantly. In order to kill Lin Feng, they wanted to gamble this time.

There are also players who got a prompt and shouted: "Don't go in! That skill can kill everyone in seconds, and if you go in, you will die!"

While shouting, these players backed away quickly.

It's a pity that 1 million earth coins are too tempting, and everyone just wants to exchange their lives for this money, even if the possibility is very low.

Naturally, a small number of players retreated or stopped in time, while most players ran towards the mist and were instantly killed.

Some players even died in the mist and directly chose to resurrect on the spot, wanting to take advantage of the resurrection and quickly rush to kill Lin Feng.

It's a pity that I just chose to resurrect, and then the next second, I was killed in seconds again!

At this time, after three seconds passed, some elemental skills had already been chanted.

"Boom boom boom..." After that, more than two hundred fireballs with a size of three meters all flew into the mist!

"Shuang'er!" At this time, Lin Feng shouted quickly, and the guardian unicorn of Gemini, which was not far from him, quickly rushed into the mist, and Lin Feng directly chose to ride it.

Shuang'er's speed soared, directly rushed out of the fog range, and sprinted forward.

"Boom boom boom!" A bunch of fireballs smashed into the mist, and one fireball created a sea of ​​flames in a range of ten meters. Hundreds of fireballs collided with each other and hit the same place. There was a sea of ​​flames in a wide area of ​​five or six meters.

Some of the players who rushed into the hot pot city were directly bombarded by more than 30 fireballs, and they were instantly killed.

fourth second

Lin Feng, who was sprinting, saw a magic circle appearing in the sky more than 20 meters above his head, and all of them fell five-meter-high boulders!

Because some magic circles were occupied, they appeared on top of another magic circle, and some appeared on top of it.

Almost at the same time, more than 200 boulders appeared, densely filling the range of 100 meters above Lin Feng's head, and then bombed down.

"Grass, the meteorite with the highest attack of an elemental mage has fallen! Enough!" Lin Feng was also a little nervous in his heart, and then quickly said: "Shuang'er, take off! Dodge."

"Huh!" The running Gemini guardian unicorn spread its wings, soared into the air with a whoosh, the original sprint momentum stopped suddenly, and then flew directly to the side of Lin Feng's right hand.

In today's second world, even if a pet is in a combat state, the exhaustion value will be consumed very quickly when flying, but it will still not make both children fall down in a few seconds.

At this time, even if he was tired, he still had to run. If he ran too slowly, Lin Feng didn't doubt that he would be stoned to death!


Boom boom boom......

The boulder fell, but a white shadow flickered past and left this area directly.

As a result, many boulders either fell to the ground or fell on the players of Hot Pot Chen. Some players were not killed at once, but two or three boulders fell one after another. The elemental mages attacked one after another, and they were still crushed to death.

Just this time, hundreds of Hot Pot City players were smashed to death.

But none of the boulders hit Lin Feng!

"Damn, this one made him avoid it!"

"What the hell, that pet can fly, and it's really fast."

"Continue to make big moves and kill him!"

A group of elemental mages began to chant again, and at this time Lin Feng directed Shuang'er to dive directly towards those mages.

There are so many elemental mages, he can still resist more than a dozen skills, and hundreds of skills are superimposed, which is really terrible.

After all, the mage's skill attack can cause damage to him. The most powerful skill can even hit five or six hundred blood. If it is hit by a hundred people's skills, it will be an instant kill.

And just when Lin Feng approached a group of mages more than 30 meters away, two mages suddenly raised their staffs high.

The ground exploded suddenly, and more than twenty vines shot up into the sky, directly trapping the Gemini Guardian Unicorn.

But at this time, Lin Feng quickly disengaged his mount, spread his wings, and swooped towards the two players.

"Hidden occupation is a must."

Although he doesn't PK, he went to the forum to learn about all the current skills and damage bonuses of ten popular occupations up to level 30. Elemental mages (cefg) are currently only proficient in the three attribute attacks of water, fire, and earth, and priests are proficient in light. Attributes.

If other attributes are used during this period, and they are not learned from the skill book by accident, then it is a hidden profession.

When the vines flew up, the staffs of the two players pointed at Lin Feng again, and the two vines flew out from their staffs again, pointing at Lin Feng who was rushing to the sky.

Two consecutive attacks by wood-type vines is a hidden job!

"Whoosh!" Lin Feng in mid-air directly used his wings, moved his body quickly, dodged the attack, and then performed a death charge.

"Boom!" The two players were directly killed by Lin Feng, and then the three elemental mages standing closer behind them were also killed by Lin Feng.

But at this time, the elemental mages standing not far from Lin Feng were different from before. They didn't retreat, some continued to chant, and some mages directly cast the most basic fireball and ice arrows at him .

At that time, Lin Feng had acquired more than thirty simple skills.




Although each of them didn't do much damage, they lost more than 1,600 blood in just one blow. Fortunately, the guardian star shield was offset. After all, with more than 40,000 HP, his Guardian Star Shield has 30% HP, which can resist more than 12,000 points of damage.

Guard the Cross!

At this time, the cross cut skill that only had 30 seconds had cooled down again, and was used by Lin Feng again, directly killing a Yuanyuan mage.

At the same time, Lin Feng left the spot and rushed directly into the crowd, the Archangel sword in his hand continuously slashed across the player's body.

All the balls died and some died, but they were directly resurrected on the spot!

At this time, the players in Hot Pot City no longer talked about the principle that teammates cannot be killed. For the sake of 1 million, many people have gone crazy, and they don't even care that Lin Feng is in front of them, and they just stand where they are and directly use their skills.

Some are singing, waiting for powerful skills.

This also caused Lin Feng to sometimes just want to attack a player in a certain direction, but then ran halfway and quickly retreated. Because wherever he appeared, a bunch of skills flew over. As for whether there was anyone beside him, no one paid attention at all, and just hit him with skills to death.

"Money touches people's hearts! It's crazy, and they don't let their own people go." Lin Feng was speechless.

"Boom boom boom......"

For a moment, Lin Feng ran wildly in the crowd, flames danced everywhere in the crowd, water springs flew in the crowd, ice kept appearing in the crowd, and some even called meteorites to land in the crowd.

Since Lin Feng was not in the blood mist, most players stopped rushing in and instead rushed over here.

Seeing that the elemental mages and summoners were red-eyed, players of other professions were also red-eyed, and they didn't care about it at all, and ran into the crowd [that is, they also chased and killed Lin Feng.

In just 1 minute, Lin Feng roughly calculated that he killed no more than 50 people at most, but the people in Hot Pot City may have died more than 400 people!

While running, Lin Feng found a problem. Although a bunch of people surrounded and killed him, he was still not killed, and even the skills that fell on him were not many at all.

Because, whenever he ran to a place, a bunch of skills flew in. He had high agility, so he left quickly, but the players over there were all dead. And some are resurrected in situ, and some directly choose to return to the city to resurrect.

This will create a blank area in this area, because there are blank areas constantly appearing, and everyone scuffles, which naturally makes Lin Feng continue to run in places with gaps.

At the same time, he didn't go around in circles, but kept moving up the mountain, going up the mountain, which naturally caused some players to slow down and depreciate their skills.

However, if these people really don't attack, and they all come to surround him, and don't give him a gap, he will fly away directly into the sky.

After fighting like this for another minute, Lin Feng cast Guardian Cross · Healing, which increased the blood volume by 10% again, and recovered half of the blood volume that had dropped to half.

Afterwards, he cast a protective light array, blocked a lot of damage, resisted for a second, and recovered 3% of his health, Lin Feng quickly left the place...

At this time, the face of the hot pot paired with red wine who was still running on the road was already livid. Because he got the news that 2,000 players in Hot Pot City had already died! But at this time, there were still more than 2,000 people on the battlefield.

It's not that they have more than 4,000 people, but because of his promise of 1 million, a lot of people who died later were resurrected in place, and some people have died four times!

"Grass, King Meng, I'm sorry for my brothers if I don't kill you today." The hot pot with red wine said coldly to himself.

But at this time, a gust of wind blew by, and the hot pot with red wine suddenly hurt the back of the neck!


"Someone sneak attack!?".

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