A hotel.

Standing at the front desk, Zhou Chen checked the check-in information on the computer.

Lu Wei, 28 years old, ID number...

He took the tablet handed to him by the special agent at the side.

The above is Lu Wei’s personal information.

Clean and innocent, with no criminal history or record.

There is also a wife who is a teacher and has many relatives.

The only thing that attracts attention.

It was Lu Wei who went abroad to settle down with his parents at the age of two and returned to China at the age of twenty.

From beginning to end, he has the nationality of the Dragon Kingdom...

"An hour ago, the other party used the ride-hailing app to book a ride, left City T and entered the expressway."

A Secret Service agent reported, "But in the highway service area... fled."

Without Zhou Chen's orders, the national security personnel had ordered a wanted arrest and dispatched police and armed police to arrest him.

At this time, the manhunt is underway...

Zhou Chen came to this hotel not to see Lu Wei's personal information.

A special agent has already retrieved the hotel surveillance video, "Head, okay."

Zhou Chen looked at the monitor.

A man with ordinary appearance and short height who would not attract attention even if he was thrown into a crowd, appeared in the video.

However, there is something strange.

Through the video angle until the video is finished playing.

They have never seen the man's face.

"There's something."

Zhou Chen smiled, "As expected of a professional."


Hu Lili looked solemn on the side, "Agent?"

"Yeah." Zhou Chen nodded.

Agent and special service actually mean the same thing.

It's just that the names are different abroad and at home.

But agents who can be 'assigned', you can think of it that way.

None of it is simple!

Because most of these agents have received some relatively special training.

For example: foreign languages, psychology, fighting, customs, tracking and counter-tracking, reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance, the establishment and management of intelligence networks, and other subjects.

Then, there is a long internship performing special tasks.

As for fighting, shooting, fighting...these are basic skills.

They usually operate in a clandestine manner to protect their own national security.

Let’s talk about a relatively simple truth.

To the people of the Dragon Kingdom, they are bad guys, spies, and agents.

But they are heroes to the country and people they serve.

Vice versa, the same is true.

"Go to the service area where he escaped."

After walking out of the hotel, Zhou Chen said with a smile: "It's been a long time since I played tracking. You should go and stretch your muscles."

The special agents around them all smiled and grinned, and responded in unison.


Chapter 42 The old wanted criminal (6 updates)

Highway, service area.

When Zhou Chen arrived with his subordinates.

A warning zone has been set up here, and many foreign vehicles cannot park.

There were many car owners in the service area cursing and cursing, but there was nothing they could do.

When it comes to national security issues, we must treat them strictly and not be careless at all.

"We work hard to defend the country and protect people's safety, but they are scolding us because we can't enter the service area."

Hu Li listened to the scoldings of some car owners outside and asked Zhou Chen with a smile, "Boss, aren't you angry?"

"Why are you angry? I don't know them."

Zhou Chen looked calm and walked into the public toilet in the service area.

"Then what if a dog bites you one day."

Hu Li was amused, "Will you bite back?"

"No, I won't."

Zhou Chen also laughed, "I know how to use a stick!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The agents around him laughed.

Men's room.

The smile disappeared from Zhou Chen's face, and his eyes stared at the exhaust window above.

30cm high, 40cm wide, windows open.

From the traces of floating dust on the top, it is suspected that someone used the exhaust window to climb out.

After a few glances, Zhou Chen walked out of the toilet, walked around to the back of the toilet, and checked the ground.

As a result, after turning on the 'Eye of Insight', no footprints were found.

Zhou Chen didn't believe in evil, so he squatted down and looked at the ground at close range.

He had even analyzed whether it was possible for the suspect to take off his shoes and jump to the ground barefoot.

But the problem is, there are no barefoot footprints either.

Moreover, most people will not appear behind the toilet, let alone walk here.

Assuming someone escapes from here, no matter what method they use, they will take away the floating dust on the ground and leave traces.

Unless...it can fly!


The "completeness" and "complete area" of the floating dust on the ground behind the public toilet are very high.

It can be seen that no one has been walking here recently.

Afterwards, Zhou Chen returned to the toilet, returned to the exhaust window, and looked at the ground below.

But the toilet floor has been mopped and swept, and no traces can be seen.

"He's quite playful. He probably deliberately set up the illusion to make us think he escaped through the exhaust window. In fact, he left through the main entrance of the toilet."

Zhou Chen curled his lips and said, "Monitor."

A Secret Service agent handed over a tablet computer with surveillance video footage of the service area.

"There's a problem."

After watching for a while, Zhou Chen, who was holding the tablet, clicked the pause button and pointed to the person above, "It's him."

Everyone looked at it, confused.

woman? !

The video shows a woman wearing a dress, high heels, and a sunhat.

From the picture, it is impossible to look at it as a man.

"Look at the way you walk."

Zhou Chen explained, "The walking postures of men and women are slightly different due to differences in body structure, and the pelvic widths of men and women are even more obviously different. Women's pelvises are wider, so when women step, their center of gravity moves to the left and right to a greater extent, resulting in one side of the leg being outstretched. The pelvis will also be slightly forward with the legs.”


The little friend looked at Zhou Chen with something wrong in his eyes.

Although the National Security Bureau is a police force, it is not an ordinary police officer who spends all day engaged in criminal investigations.

The reason why Zhou Chen understands this is because he spent a lifetime in criminal investigation in his previous life.

"What are you looking at?"

Zhou Chen laughed and scolded, "There are also professionals who are perverts."

"Haha..." Everyone laughed in a low voice.

After the director said this, a special agent took two steps to compare with the woman in the video.

Everyone also discovered that the woman in the video had problems walking.

Although he pretends to be a woman very much, the inherent differences between men and women are there.

No matter how similar they are, there are still differences in their walking styles!

Through surveillance, Zhou Chen and many special agents walked out of the toilet and came to the service area parking lot.

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