The video shows that the woman stayed here for about 20 minutes before a car came to pick her up.

"I found it, online ride-hailing."

One of the agents put down the phone.

Later, the special agent used the authority to enter the online car-hailing platform and retrieve the driving records.

Ten minutes later, the special agent's expression changed and he looked up at Zhou Chen, "Head, the driving record shows that the other party returned to T city again."



Zhou Chen sneered, "You want to play in the dark with me, right?"

As the saying goes: A big hermit hides in the city, a small hermit hides in the wild.

But the most powerful hiding method is darkness under the light.

I'm standing in front of you, but you can't see that I'm not the same as before!

Lu Wei is now playing a dark game with the national security personnel.

When Zhou Chen came to arrest him, he ran back to T City.

In the restroom, he laid out his old tricks, and when he came out, he was still in disguise, and he even had the courage to run back to T City.

He has intelligence, means, and courage.

Not only is it awesome, but most people don’t dare to play like this.

The old wanted criminal... Zhou Chen sneered.

A battle of wits and courage, right?

I just don’t know if you’ve heard of it.

In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy and conspiracy...

It’s all so flashy! .

Chapter 43: Extreme Hunting (7 updates)

Online ride-hailing companies have driving records, which is a hard rule.

As long as it is an online ride-hailing service, any itinerary will be monitored by the platform and uploaded to the database.

If something happens, you can call it at any time!

T city, a certain district.

Zhou Chen got out of the business car and stood where someone got off the car from the online car-hailing service. He raised his head and glanced around.

In modern criminal investigation, unlike in the past, surveillance has become a necessary criminal investigation method.


"Another surveillance blind spot?"

Zhou Chen was convinced, "When this espionage case is solved, check the surveillance center in T city and find out who leaked the location of the surveillance blind spot."


A special agent responded, his eyes flashing with a biting cold light.

The reason is very simple. Ordinary people don’t even know where Skynet surveillance is set up. How can they possibly know some of the blind spots of Skynet surveillance?

If no one leaked it, then tell me why the suspect in this case knew the location of Skynet’s surveillance blind spot over and over again?

Without Zhou Chen's order, someone began to retrieve the Skynet surveillance video in the area.

The blind spot is so big, you have to get out, right?

As long as you go out, you will definitely be captured by surveillance.

But this time, Zhou Chen said: "There is no need to call for monitoring."

Because everyone was standing on an overpass at this time.

Most buildings like overpasses facilitate vehicles and pedestrians to pass back and forth across the bridge.

But there are several types of overpasses, including cement construction and steel frame deconstruction.

The overpass in front of everyone is a steel bridge.

Zhou Chen walked back and forth by the handrails on both sides, stopped at a place, suddenly put his palm on the handrail, and jumped off the bridge.


Following closely behind, a group of Secret Service agents nearly went crazy with fear.

Do you know what a big deal it would be if something happened to the dignified director of the National Security Bureau?

As a result, when they leaned over and took a look, they discovered that Zhou Chen had not really jumped off the bridge.

Instead, they jump into the steel frame of the viaduct and quickly walk and climb on the steel frame of the bridge.

Because Zhou Chen discovered that someone was using the viaduct from here to avoid being monitored by Skynet everywhere.

If it weren't for Zhou Chen and if he didn't have the ability of the Eye of Insight, ordinary people wouldn't be able to discover this kind of place in a short time.

It’s no use waiting for you to discover it after a long time, the person will have disappeared long ago!

Zhou Chen walked through the entire bridge, stood at the end, observed a few times, jumped off the bridge, and stood on a road.

Many special agents came quickly.


weeks Stopped here.”

Soon, surveillance video was retrieved.

As Zhou Chen thought, there was indeed a car parked here.

Because of the different angles, you can only see the rear of a car stopping, but you can't see whether anyone is getting on or off.

Five minutes later, all vehicle information and owner information were retrieved.

"Huang Ting, 25 years old, from T city, staff of a fitness center..."

Teqin read out the other party's information.

"Private car, woman... seems to have an unusual relationship with Lu Wei."

Zhou Chen narrowed his eyes, "Let's find someone to interrogate first. With Lu Wei's intelligence, he should have used Huang Ting's car to leave. There is probably no result. The main thing is to find out how Lu Wei left her. Do you understand?"

"Understood!" The two agents left.

"Let's get something to eat."

Zhou Chen said to his subordinates: "I haven't eaten for fifteen or six hours. Let's take a rest."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

People are like iron rice and steel, so it doesn't matter if they don't rest, but it's really unbearable if they don't eat.

Someone ordered takeout.

After the delivery boy delivered the food, I saw a group of people squatting on the street eating, and I was dumbfounded.

In five minutes, or even less than five minutes, everyone had finished eating.

It doesn't matter whether you are full or not, whether you eat well or not.

About ten minutes later.

Zhou Chen was smoking when his cell phone rang.


"Boss, we found Huang Ting. She did run away, but the address she left has been confirmed."

"Well, send me the location."

After ending the call, Zhou Chen's mobile phone received the positioning message from his subordinate.

Everyone got on the bus again, and it took another ten minutes to locate the location.

After getting off the bus, two special agents were waiting for them, as well as a woman with a pale face.

"Huang Ting?"

Zhou Chen stood in front of the woman, "I only give you one chance. Tell the truth, what is your relationship with Lu Wei?"


Huang Ting shuddered and lowered her head, "I am...his lover!"

Zhou Chen smiled, "You put him here and he left?"

"Yes." Huang Ting nodded.

"I said I would only give you one chance, not to tell you to lie to me..."

Zhou Chen pointed to the commercial car and said, "Ask."

A special agent grabbed Huang Ting by the neck and carried her into a commercial vehicle without caring whether she was a woman or not.

Even if the sound insulation of the commercial vehicle is very good, the next second.

The screams still sounded from inside the business car...

Chapter 44: Catching a turtle in a urn (8 updates)


It got dark unconsciously.

When the car door opened, Huang Ting passed out in the car.

Even though she was unconscious, her body still twitched from time to time, her body had many joints twisted and deformed, and she was covered in blood.


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