The special agent with blood dripping from his palm got out of the car, "In the fitness center where she works!"

Zhou Chen patted his subordinate on the shoulder.

Everyone got in the car and headed straight for a fitness center...

At the same time.

Lu Wei, who was hiding in the warehouse of the fitness center, ate takeout in big mouthfuls.

When the takeout was finished, he didn't even take a break.

Left the warehouse and walked into the elevator of the building.

The building is high-rise, and the fitness center is on the third floor.

Lu Wei pressed the elevator button for the top floor, the 14th floor.

The elevator door closed, and there was no one in the elevator.

Suddenly, he jumped and pushed open the skylight on the ceiling of the elevator.

The high-rise elevators and civilian elevators in some commercial buildings are different from ordinary elevators.

In order to prevent accidents in elevators, the upper skylight and lower bay window design are designed.


In order to prevent people from being trapped in the elevator and the elevator door cannot be opened, two escape windows are prepared.

As a result, they were used by Lu Wei.

After the skylight was pushed open, Lu Wei jumped again, grabbed the window and climbed onto the elevator roof, and then restored the skylight to its original state.

But he knew that all his actions would be seen by the surveillance in the elevator.

However, no one in the monitoring room would keep watching the elevator.

However, there would be surveillance video.

What would Lu Wei do?

Create a false impression.

When the Longguo security personnel came, they would also think that he escaped from the elevator.

The moment he climbed onto the elevator, he jumped towards the escalator on the wall of the elevator shaft, grabbed the escalator, and then climbed down.

Going down to the underground floor, he used both hands to pry open the elevator door and enter the parking lot.

When he came, Lu Wei had already surveyed the terrain.

There were only surveillance cameras at the parking spaces and exits in the underground parking lot.

So he would not be caught by the surveillance when he came out of the elevator.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Wei looked at a place not far away... a sewage manhole cover!

Many underground parking spaces are designed for drainage.

This is easy to understand.

If there is a lot of water on rainy days, wouldn’t the underground parking lot be flooded in minutes?

Lu Wei came to the sewage well, opened the manhole cover, jumped down, and then restored the manhole cover.

That's right, his ultimate goal is to escape from the underground drainage network!

This is the way a spy, agent, and intelligence officer escapes, which is almost out of the ordinary people's thinking.

It is difficult for non-professionals to catch them!

However, Lu Wei had just entered the sewage well not long ago, maybe less than five minutes.

Suddenly, the elevator door was opened by a pair of hands, and Zhou Chen walked out of the elevator slowly, opened his eyes of insight and scanned the circle.

His eyes instantly fell on the sewage well cover, and the corners of his lips curled up.

Damn, is my luck so good... Zhou Chen almost laughed.

No, I have been trained, and I won't laugh no matter how funny it is!

System ability: double sense of smell!

This ability is what Zhou Chen completed the "Burning Corpses and Destroying the Family" task not long ago.

The eighteenth ability obtained from the system!

In an instant.

Zhou Chen's sense of smell is rapidly increasing.

Various smells that ordinary people cannot smell rushed into his nasal cavity.

Walking slowly to the sewage manhole cover, he could clearly smell a person's body odor and remember the characteristics of this smell.

A special agent used some authority to retrieve the design drawings of the entire building, together with the drawings of the underground drainage network.

What to do next?

"Let's go, I'll go to greet this guest and play a game of catching turtles in a jar..."

Zhou Chen still laughed out loud, leaving two special agents and leading the crowd out of the parking lot.


Lu Wei endured the stench and nausea and walked step by step in the underground drainage pipe.

He didn't know how long he had walked until he finally reached an end.

And at the end, there was a larger drainage channel.

However, Lu Wei was not going to move forward and looked at a sewage manhole cover above his head.

He felt that the distance was enough.

Climbing up the wellhead, he observed the movements outside.

It seemed that God was helping him. Above the manhole cover was the bottom of a car.

Lu Wei smiled silently, carefully pushed open the manhole cover, bent his body and crawled under the car.

He looked around.

There were almost no pedestrians on the dark street.

A smile appeared on Lu Wei's face again.

He crawled out from under the car, turned his back to the car behind him, and was about to exhale a long breath.


"The Ninja Turtles in the sewer finally came out?"

A joking voice came, "On behalf of Long Guoguo An, I sincerely invite you to come to our place to chat and drink tea. I hope you don't refuse my kindness!"

A chill rushed from the soles of Lu Wei's feet to his forehead.

A heart almost jumped out of his throat.

Lu Wei forgot to breathe and stood there stupidly without moving.

At this time, he had only one thought in his mind.

How can you find me? ! .

Chapter 45 You are still not fancy enough (1 more)

Lu Wei was completely frozen.

He was gripped by an inexplicable fear, his forehead was cold, and beads of sweat dripped down.

He suppressed his inner panic, slowly turned his stiff body, and looked behind him.

A handsome young man was sitting in a business car with sliding doors.

The young man was smoking leisurely and looking at him with a smile.

At the same time.

On both sides of the street, a group of black-clad special agents were walking slowly.

Like a pack of wolves foraging for food, they formed an encirclement.

A dragnet?

No, it was a turtle in a jar!

The young man's words just now were very clear.

The Ninja Turtle in the sewer... that's him!

This means that people have long known that he hid in the city's drainage network.

They didn't even go down to catch him, but waited for him to fall into the trap.

Facing this scene, Lu Wei's legs began to tremble uncontrollably like sieves.

He knew very well what would happen next.

His body, mind, and even life would enter a painful and dark hell.

Is that right?

A feeling of being swallowed by darkness attached to Lu Wei's heart.

However, his face still showed a strong sense of incomprehension.

So he asked his question, otherwise, he would die with his eyes open!

"How can you find me?"

Lu Wei stared at the young man in the car.

"That's a good question."

Getting off the business car, Zhou Chen walked to Lu Wei step by step, "Have you ever thought about this question? How many times has the Dragon Kingdom been invaded by foreign powers in the past? How many hardships have the Dragon Kingdom's people suffered? Why has the Dragon Kingdom not only not been wiped out in the long river of history, but has grown from weak to strong, step by step, until it became a towering dragon and a superpower that can compete with any country today?"

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